JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 11. The ModeShape RESTful Web Service

11.1. Supported Resources and Methods
11.1.1. Binary properties
11.2. Configuring the ModeShape REST Server
11.3. Deploying the ModeShape REST Server
11.4. Repository Providers
11.5. ModeShape REST Client API

ModeShape now provides a RESTful interface to its JCR implementation that allows HTTP-based access and updating of content. Although the initial version of this REST server only supports the ModeShape JCR implementation, it has been designed to make integration with other JCR implementors easy. This chapter describes how to configure and deploy the REST server.

The REST Server currently supports the URIs and HTTP methods described below. The URI patterns assume that the REST server is deployed at its conventional location of "/resources". These URI patterns would change if the REST server were deployed under a different web context and URI patterns below would change accordingly. Currently, only JSON-encoded responses are provided.

Note that this approach supports dynamic discovery of the available repositories on the server. A typical conversation might start with a request to the server to check the available repositories.

GET http://www.example.com/resources

This request would generate a response that mapped the names of the available repositories to metadata information about the repositories like so:

	"modeshape%3arepository" : { 
		"repository" : {
			"name" : "modeshape%3arepository",
			"resources" : { "workspaces":"/resources/modeshape%3arepository" }

The actual response wouldn't be pretty-printed like the example, but the format would be the same. The name of the repository ("mode:repository" URL-encoded) is mapped to a repository object that contains a name (the redundant "mode:repository") and a list of available resources within the repository and their respective URIs. Note that ModeShape supports deploying multiple JCR repositories side-by-side on the same server, so this response could easily contain multiple repositories in a real deployment.

The only thing that you can do with a repository through the REST interface at this time is to get a list of its workspaces. A request to do so can be built up from the previous response like this:

GET http://www.example.com/resources/modeshape%3arepository

This request (and all of the following requests) actually create a JCR Session to service the request and require that security be configured. This process is described in more detail in a later section. Assuming that security has been properly configured, the response would look something like this:

	"default" : {
		"workspace" : {
			"name" : "default",
			"resources" : { "items":"/resources/modeshape%3arepository/default/items" }

Like the first response, this response consists of a list of workspace names mapped to metadata about the workspaces. The example above only lists one workspace for simplicity, but there could be many different workspaces returned in a real deployment. Note that the "items" resource builds the full URI to the root of the items hierarchy, including the encoding of the repository name and the workspace name.

Now a request can be built to retrieve the root item of the repository.

GET http://www.example.com/resources/modeshape%3arepository/default/items

Any other item in the repository could be accessed by appending its path to the URI above. In a default repository with no content, this would return the following response:

	"properties": {
		"jcr:primaryType": "mode:root",
		"jcr:uuid": "97d7e2ef-996e-4d99-8ec2-dc623e6c2239"
	"children": ["jcr:system"]

The response contains a mapping of property names to their values and an array of child names. Had one of the properties been multi-valued, the values for that property would have been provided as an array as well, as will shortly be shown.

The items resource also contains an option query parameter: mode:depth. This parameter, which defaults to 1, controls how deep the hierarchy of returned nodes should be. Had the request had the parameter:

GET http://www.example.com/resources/modeshape%3arepository/default/items?mode:depth=2

Then the response would have contained details for the children of the root node as well.

	"properties": {
		"jcr:primaryType": "mode:root",
		"jcr:uuid": "163bc5e5-3b57-4e63-b2ae-ededf43d3445"
	"children": {
		"jcr:system": {
			"properties": {"jcr:primaryType": "mode:system"},
    		"children": ["mode:namespaces"]

It is also possible to use the RESTful API to add, modify and remove repository content. Removes are simple - a DELETE request with no body returns a response with no body.

DELETE http://www.example.com/resources/modeshape%3arepository/default/items/path/to/deletedNode

Adding content simply requires a POST to the name of the relative root node of the content that you wish to add and a request body in the same format as the response from a GET. Adding multiple nodes at once is supported, as shown below.

POST http://www.example.com/resources/modeshape%3arepository/default/items/newNode

	"properties": {
		"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
		"jcr:mixinTypes": "mix:referenceable",
		"someProperty": "foo"
	"children": {
		"newChildNode": {
			"properties": {"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured"}

Note that protected properties like jcr:uuid are not provided but that the primary type and mixin types are provided as properties. The REST server will translate these into the appropriate calls behind the scenes. The response from the request will be empty by convention.

The PUT method allows for updates of nodes and properties. If the URI points to a property, the body of the request should be the new JSON-encoded value for the property, which includes the property name (allowing proper determination of whether the values are binary; see the next section"").

PUT http://www.example.com/resources/modeshape%3arepository/default/items/newNode/someProperty

	"someProperty" : "bar"

Setting multiple properties at once can be performed by providing a URI to a node instead of a property. The body of the request should then be a JSON object that maps property names to their new values.

PUT http://www.example.com/resources/modeshape%3arepository/default/items/newNode

	"someProperty": "foobar",
	"someOtherProperty": "newValue"


The PUT method doesn't currently support adding or removing mixin types. This will be corrected in the future. A JIRA issue has been created to help track this issue.

Binary property values are included in any of the the responses or requests, but are represented string values containing the Base 64 encoding of the binary content. Any such property is explicitly annotated such that "/base64/" is appended to the property name. First of all, this makes it very clear to the client and service which properties are encoded, allowing them to properly decode the values before use. Secondly, the "/base64/" suffix was carefully chosen because it cannot be used in a real property name (without escaping). Here's an example of a node containing a "jcr:primaryType" property with a single string value, a "jcr:uuid" property with another single UUID value, another "options" property that has two integer values, and a fourth "content" property that has a single binary value:

	"properties": {
		"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
		"jcr:uuid": "163bc5e5-3b57-4e63-b2ae-ededf43d3445"
		"options": [ "1", "2" ]

All values of a property will always be Base 64 encoded if at least one of the values is binary. If there are multiple values, then they will be separated by commas and will appear within '[' and ']' characters (just like other properties).

The ModeShape REST server is deployed as a WAR and configured mostly through its web configuration file (web.xml). Here is an example web configuration that is used for integration testing of the ModeShape REST server along with an explanation of its parts.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
  <display-name>ModeShape JCR RESTful Interface</display-name>

This first section is largely boilerplate and should look familiar to anyone who has deployed a servlet-based application before. The display-name can be customized, of course.

The next stanza configures the repository provider.

    This parameter provides the fully-qualified name of a class that implements
    the o.m.web.jcr.rest.spi.RepositoryProvider interface.  It is required
    by the ModeShapeJcrDeployer that controls the lifecycle for the ModeShape REST server.

As noted above, this parameter informs the ModeShapeJcrDeployer of the specific repository provider in use. Unless you are using the ModeShape REST server to connect to a different JCR implementation, this should never change.

Next we configure the ModeShape JcrEngine itself.

    This parameter, specific to the ModeShapeJcrRepositoryProvider implementation, specifies
    the name of the configuration file to initialize the repository or repositories.
    This configuration file must be on the classpath and is given as a classpath-relative

If you are not familiar with the file format for a JcrEngine configuration file, you can build one programatically with the JcrConfiguration class and call save(...) instead of build() to output the configuration file that equates to the configuration.

This is followed by a bit of RESTEasy and JAX-RS boilerplate.

    This parameter defines the JAX-RS application class, which is really just a metadata class
    that lets the JAX-RS engine (RESTEasy in this case) know which classes implement pieces
    of the JAX-RS specification like exception handling and resource serving.
    This should not be modified. 

  <!-- Required parameter for RESTEasy - should not be modified -->

  <!-- Required parameter for ModeShape REST - should not be modified -->

  <!-- Required parameter for RESTEasy - should not be modified -->

  <!-- Required parameter for ModeShape REST - should not be modified -->

In general, this part of the web configuration file should not be modified.

Finally, security must be configured for the REST server.

    The ModeShape REST implementation leverages the HTTP credentials to for authentication and 
    authorization within the JCR repository.  It makes no sense to try to log into the JCR 
    repository without credentials, so this constraint helps lock down the repository.
    This should generally not be modified. 
    <display-name>ModeShape REST</display-name>
        A user must be assigned this role to connect to any JCR repository, in addition to needing the 
        READONLY or READWRITE roles to actually read or modify the data.  This is not used internally, 
        so another role could be substituted here.

    Any auth-method will work for ModeShape.  BASIC is used this example for simplicity.

    This must match the role-name in the auth-constraint above. 

As noted above, the REST server will not function properly unless security is configured. All authorization methods supported by the Servlet specification are supported by ModeShape and can be used interchangeable, as long as authenticated users have the connect role listed above.

Deploying the ModeShape REST server only requires three steps: preparing the web configuration, configuring the users and their roles in your web container (outside the scope of this document), and assembling the WAR. This section describes the requirements for assembling the WAR.

If you are using Maven to build your projects, the WAR can be built from a POM. Here is a portion of the POM used to build the ModeShape REST Server integration subproject.

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" 
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
    <name>ModeShape JCR REST Servlet</name>
    <description>ModeShape servlet that provides RESTful access to JCR items</description>


If you use this approach, make sure that web configuration file is in the /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF directory.

The JBoss REST Server WAR is still easy enough to build if you are not using Maven. Simply construct a WAR with the following contents:

	+ /classes
	|	+ configRepository.xml
	|	+ log4j.properties (Optional)
	+ /lib
	|	+ activation-1.1.jar
	|	+ commons-codec-1.2.jar
	|	+ commons-httpclient-3.1.jar
	|	+ commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
	|	+ google-collections-1.0.0.Final.jar
	|	+ hamcrest-core-1.1.jar
	|	+ httpclient-4.0.jar
	|	+ httpcore-4.0.1.jar
	|	+ jakarta-regexp-1.4.jar
	|	+ javassist-3.6.0.GA.jar
	|	+ jaxb-api-2.1.jar
	|	+ jaxb-impl-2.1.12.jar
	|	+ jaxrs-api-1.2.1-GA.jar
	|	+ jcip-annotations-1.0.jar
	|	+ jcl-over-slf4j-1.5.8.jar
	|	+ jcr-1.0.1.jar
	|	+ jettison-1.1.jar
	|	+ joda-time-1.6.jar
	|	+ jsr250-api-1.0.jar
	|	+ junit-dep-4.4.jar
	|	+ lucene-analyzers-3.0.0.jar
	|	+ lucene-core-3.0.0.jar
	|	+ lucene-regex-3.0.0.jar
	|	+ lucene-snowball-3.0.0.jar
	|	+ modeshape-cnd-1.0.0.Final.jar
	|	+ modeshape-common-1.0.0.Final.jar
	|	+ modeshape-graph-1.0.0.Final.jar
	|	+ modeshape-jcr-1.0.0.Final.jar
	|	+ modeshape-repository-1.0.0.Final.jar
	|	+ modeshape-search-lucene-1.0.0.Final.jar
	|	+ modeshape-web-jcr-rest-1.0.0.Final.jar
	|	+ resteasy-jaxb-provider-1.2.1-GA.jar
	|	+ resteasy-jettison-provider-1.2.1-GA.jar
	|	+ scannotation-1.0.2.jar
	|	+ servlet-api-2.5.jar
	|	+ sjsxp-1.0.1.jar
	|	+ slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar
	|	+ slf4j-log4j12-1.5.8.jar
	|	+ slf4j-simple-1.5.8.jar
	|	+ stax-api-1.0-2.jar
	+ web.xml

If you are using sequencers or any connectors other than the in-memory or federated connector, you will also have to add the JARs for those dependencies into the WEB-INF/lib directory as well. You will also have to change the version numbers on the JARs to reflect the current version of ModeShape.

This WAR can be deployed into your servlet container.

The ModeShape REST server can also be used as an interface to to other JCR repositories by creating an implementation of the RepositoryProvider interface that connects to the other repository.

The RepositoryProvider only has a few methods that must be implemented. When the ModeShapeJcrDeployer starts up, it will dynamically load the RepositoryProvider implementation (as noted above) and call the startup(ServletContext) method on the provider. The provider can use this method to load any required configuration parameters from the web configuration (web.xml) and initialize the repository.

As an example, here's the ModeShape JCR provider implementation of this method with exception handling omitted for brevity.

public void startup( ServletContext context ) {
    String configFile = context.getInitParameter(CONFIG_FILE);

     InputStream configFileInputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(configFile);
     jcrEngine = new JcrConfiguration().loadFrom(configFileInputStream).build();

As you can see, the name of configuration file for the JcrEngine is read from the servlet context and used to initialize the engine. Once the repository has been started, it is now ready to accept the main methods that provide the interface to the repository.

The first method returns the set of repository names supported by this REST server.

public Set<String> getJcrRepositoryNames() {
    return new HashSet<String>(jcrEngine.getRepositoryNames());

The ModeShape JCR repository does support multiple repositories on the same server. Other JCR implementations that don't support multiple repositories are free to return a singleton set containing any string from this method.

The other required method returns an open JCR Session for the user from the current request in a given repository and workspace. The provider can use the HttpServletRequest to get the authentication credentials for the HTTP user.

public Session getSession( HttpServletRequest request,
                           String repositoryName,
                           String workspaceName ) throws RepositoryException {
    Repository repository = getRepository(repositoryName);

	SecurityContext context = new ServletSecurityContext(request);
	Credentials credentials = new SecurityContextCredentials(context);
    return repository.login(credentials, workspaceName);

The getSession(...) method is used by most of the REST server methods to access the JCR repository and return results as needed.

Finally, the shutdown() method signals that the web context is being undeployed and the JCR repository should shutdown and clean up any resources that are in use.

The ModeShape REST Client API provides a POJO way of using the ModeShape REST web service to publish (upload) and unpublish (delete) files from ModeShape repositories. Java objects open the HTTP connection, create the HTTP request URLs, attach the payload associated with PUT and POST requests, parse the HTTP JSON response back into Java objects, and close the HTTP connection.

Here are the Java business objects you will need (all found in the org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.domain package):

Along with the POJOs above, an org.modeshape.web.jcr.rest.client.IRestClient is needed. The IRestClient is responsible for executing the publishing and unpublishing operations. You can also use the IRestClient to find out what repositories and workspaces are available on a ModeShape server.

Here's a code snippet that publishes (uploads) a file:

// Setup POJOs
Server server = new Server("http://localhost:8080", "username", "password");
Repository repository = new Repository("repositoryName", server);
Workspace workspace = new Workspace("workspaceName", repository);

// Publish
File file = new File("/path/to/file");
IRestClient restClient = new JsonRestClient();
Status status = restClient.publish(workspace, "/workspace/path/", file);

if (status.isError() {
    // Handle error here

Successfully executing the above code results in the creation a JCR folder node (nt:folder) for each segment of the workspace path (if the folder didn't already exist). Also, a JCR file node (a node with primary type nt:file) is created or updated under the last folder node and the file contents are encoded and uploaded into a child node of that file node.