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1   /*
2    * ModeShape (
3    * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
4    * regarding copyright ownership.  Some portions may be licensed
5    * to Red Hat, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements.
6    * See the AUTHORS.txt file in the distribution for a full listing of 
7    * individual contributors. 
8    *
9    * ModeShape is free software. Unless otherwise indicated, all code in ModeShape
10   * is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
11   * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
12   * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13   *
14   * ModeShape is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17   * Lesser General Public License for more details.
18   *
19   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20   * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
21   * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
22   * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:
23   */
24  package;
26  import;
27  import java.util.Locale;
28  import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
29  import net.jcip.annotations.Immutable;
31  /**
32   * An immutable date-time class that represents an instance in time. This class is designed to hide the horrible implementations
33   * of the JDK date and calendar classes, which are being overhauled (and replaced) under <a
34   * href="">JSR-310</a>, which will be based upon <a
35   * href="">Joda-Time</a>. This class serves as a stable migration path toward the new JSR 310
36   * classes.
37   */
38  @Immutable
39  public interface DateTime extends Comparable<DateTime>, Serializable {
41      /**
42       * Get the ISO-8601 representation of this instance in time. The month-based ISO-8601 representation is the most common format
43       * of ISO8601, and is the format used in the XML standards for passing dates and times:
44       * 
45       * <pre>
46       * yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ
47       * </pre>
48       * 
49       * The fields are separated by dashes and consist of:
50       * <ul>
51       * <li>four digit year;</li>
52       * <li>two digit month, where 01 is Janurary and 12 is December;</li>
53       * <li>two digit day of month, from 01 to 31;</li>
54       * <li>two digit hour, from 00 to 23;</li>
55       * <li>two digit minute, from 00 to 59;</li>
56       * <li>two digit second, from 00 to 59;</li>
57       * <li>three decimal places for milliseconds, if required;</li>
58       * <li>time zone offset of the form <code>�HH:mm</code> (or '0' if UTC)</li>
59       * </ul>
60       * 
61       * @return the string representation; never null
62       */
63      String getString();
65      /**
66       * Get the number of milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00Z. This value is consistent with the JDK {@link java.util.Date Date}
67       * and {@link java.util.Calendar Calendar} classes.
68       * 
69       * @return the number of milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00Z
70       */
71      long getMilliseconds();
73      /**
74       * Get the number of milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00Z with this time converted to UTC. This value is consistent with the
75       * JDK {@link java.util.Date Date} and {@link java.util.Calendar Calendar} classes.
76       * 
77       * @return the number of milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00Z in the UTC time zone
78       */
79      long getMillisecondsInUtc();
81      /**
82       * Get this instance represented as a standard JDK {@link java.util.Date} instance. Note that this conversion loses the time
83       * zone information, as the standard JDK {@link java.util.Date} does not represent time zones.
84       * 
85       * @return this instance in time as a JDK Date; never null
86       */
87      java.util.Date toDate();
89      /**
90       * Get this instance represented as a standard JDK {@link java.util.Calendar} instance, in the {@link Locale#getDefault()
91       * default locale}.
92       * 
93       * @return this instance in time as a JDK Calendar; never null
94       */
95      java.util.Calendar toCalendar();
97      /**
98       * Get this instance represented as a standard JDK {@link java.util.Calendar} instance, in the specified {@link Locale locale}
99       * .
100      * 
101      * @param locale the locale in which the Calendar instance is desired; may be null if the {@link Locale#getDefault() default
102      *        locale} is to be used.
103      * @return this instance in time as a JDK Calendar; never null
104      */
105     java.util.Calendar toCalendar( Locale locale );
107     /**
108      * Get this instance represented as a standard JDK {@link java.util.GregorianCalendar} instance.
109      * 
110      * @return this instance in time as a JDK GregorianCalendar; never null
111      */
112     java.util.GregorianCalendar toGregorianCalendar();
114     /**
115      * Get the era of this instance in time.
116      * 
117      * @return the era
118      */
119     int getEra();
121     /**
122      * Get the era of this instance in time.
123      * 
124      * @return the era
125      */
126     int getYear();
128     /**
129      * Get the era of this instance in time.
130      * 
131      * @return the era
132      */
133     int getWeekyear();
135     /**
136      * Get the era of this instance in time.
137      * 
138      * @return the era
139      */
140     int getCenturyOfEra();
142     /**
143      * Get the year of the era of this instance in time.
144      * 
145      * @return the year of the era
146      */
147     int getYearOfEra();
149     /**
150      * Get the year of this century of this instance in time.
151      * 
152      * @return the year of the century
153      */
154     int getYearOfCentury();
156     /**
157      * Get the month of the year of this instance in time.
158      * 
159      * @return the month number
160      */
161     int getMonthOfYear();
163     /**
164      * Get the week of the weekyear of this instance in time.
165      * 
166      * @return the week of the weekyear
167      */
168     int getWeekOfWeekyear();
170     /**
171      * Get the day of the year of this instance in time.
172      * 
173      * @return the day of the year
174      */
175     int getDayOfYear();
177     /**
178      * Get the day of the month value of this instance in time.
179      * 
180      * @return the day of the month
181      */
182     int getDayOfMonth();
184     /**
185      * Get the day of the week value of this instance in time.
186      * 
187      * @return the day of the week
188      */
189     int getDayOfWeek();
191     /**
192      * Get the hour of the day of this instance in time.
193      * 
194      * @return the hour of the day
195      */
196     int getHourOfDay();
198     /**
199      * Get the minute of this instance in time.
200      * 
201      * @return the minute of the hour
202      */
203     int getMinuteOfHour();
205     /**
206      * Get the seconds of the minute value of this instance in time.
207      * 
208      * @return the seconds of the minute
209      */
210     int getSecondOfMinute();
212     /**
213      * Get the milliseconds of the second value of this instance in time.
214      * 
215      * @return the milliseconds
216      */
217     int getMillisOfSecond();
219     /**
220      * Get the number of hours that this time zone is offset from UTC.
221      * 
222      * @return the number of hours
223      */
224     int getTimeZoneOffsetHours();
226     /**
227      * Get the identifier of the time zone in which this instant is defined
228      * 
229      * @return the time zone identifier; never null
230      */
231     String getTimeZoneId();
233     /**
234      * Convert this time to the same instant in the UTC time zone.
235      * 
236      * @return this instant in time in the specified time zone
237      */
238     DateTime toUtcTimeZone();
240     /**
241      * Convert this time to the time zone given by the supplied identifier.
242      * 
243      * @param timeZoneId the time zone identifier
244      * @return the instant in the specified time zone
245      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the time zone identifier is null or is invalid
246      */
247     DateTime toTimeZone( String timeZoneId );
249     /**
250      * Return whether this date-time is earlier than the supplied date-time.
251      * 
252      * @param other the date-time to compare with
253      * @return true if this date-time is earliar than the other, or false otherwise
254      * @see #compareTo(DateTime)
255      * @see #isSameAs(DateTime)
256      * @see #isAfter(DateTime)
257      */
258     boolean isBefore( DateTime other );
260     /**
261      * Return whether this date-time is later than the supplied date-time.
262      * 
263      * @param other the date-time to compare with
264      * @return true if this date-time is later than the other, or false otherwise
265      * @see #compareTo(DateTime)
266      * @see #isBefore(DateTime)
267      * @see #isSameAs(DateTime)
268      */
269     boolean isAfter( DateTime other );
271     /**
272      * Return whether this date-time is exactly the the same as the supplied date-time. This differs from {@link #equals(Object)
273      * the equals method} in that it can be arbitrarily more strict, checking, for example, not only the logical equivalence of
274      * the other date time, but also arbitrary additional fields such as the time zone.
275      * 
276      * @param other the date-time to compare with
277      * @return true if this date-time is later than the other, or false otherwise
278      * @see #compareTo(DateTime)
279      * @see #isBefore(DateTime)
280      * @see #isAfter(DateTime)
281      */
282     boolean isSameAs( DateTime other );
284     /**
285      * Subtract the specified about of time in the supplied units.
286      * 
287      * @param timeAmount the amount of time to subtract
288      * @param unit the units of the amount of time; may not be null
289      * @return the instance in time the specified number of time before this instant
290      */
291     DateTime minus( long timeAmount,
292                     TimeUnit unit );
294     /**
295      * Subtract the specified number of days from this time instant.
296      * 
297      * @param days the number of days to subtract
298      * @return the instance in time the specified number of days before this instant
299      */
300     DateTime minusDays( int days );
302     /**
303      * Subtract the specified number of hours from this time instant.
304      * 
305      * @param hours the number of hours to subtract
306      * @return the instance in time the specified number of hours before this instant
307      */
308     DateTime minusHours( int hours );
310     /**
311      * Subtract the specified number of milliseconds from this time instant.
312      * 
313      * @param milliseconds the number of milliseconds to subtract
314      * @return the instance in time the specified number of milliseconds before this instant
315      */
316     DateTime minusMillis( int milliseconds );
318     /**
319      * Subtract the specified number of minutes from this time instant.
320      * 
321      * @param minutes the number of minutes to subtract
322      * @return the instance in time the specified number of minutes before this instant
323      */
324     DateTime minusMinutes( int minutes );
326     /**
327      * Subtract the specified number of months from this time instant.
328      * 
329      * @param months the number of months to subtract
330      * @return the instance in time the specified number of months before this instant
331      */
332     DateTime minusMonths( int months );
334     /**
335      * Subtract the specified number of seconds from this time instant.
336      * 
337      * @param seconds the number of seconds to subtract
338      * @return the instance in time the specified number of seconds before this instant
339      */
340     DateTime minusSeconds( int seconds );
342     /**
343      * Subtract the specified number of weeks from this time instant.
344      * 
345      * @param weeks the number of weeks to subtract
346      * @return the instance in time the specified number of weeks before this instant
347      */
348     DateTime minusWeeks( int weeks );
350     /**
351      * Subtract the specified number of years from this time instant.
352      * 
353      * @param years the number of years to subtract
354      * @return the instance in time the specified number of years before this instant
355      */
356     DateTime minusYears( int years );
358     /**
359      * Add the specified about of time in the supplied units.
360      * 
361      * @param timeAmount the amount of time to add
362      * @param unit the units of the amount of time; may not be null
363      * @return the instance in time the specified number of time after this instant
364      */
365     DateTime plus( long timeAmount,
366                    TimeUnit unit );
368     /**
369      * Add the specified number of days from this time instant.
370      * 
371      * @param days the number of days to add
372      * @return the instance in time the specified number of days after this instant
373      */
374     DateTime plusDays( int days );
376     /**
377      * Add the specified number of hours from this time instant.
378      * 
379      * @param hours the number of hours to add
380      * @return the instance in time the specified number of hours after this instant
381      */
382     DateTime plusHours( int hours );
384     /**
385      * Add the specified number of milliseconds from this time instant.
386      * 
387      * @param milliseconds the number of milliseconds to add
388      * @return the instance in time the specified number of milliseconds after this instant
389      */
390     DateTime plusMillis( int milliseconds );
392     /**
393      * Add the specified number of minutes from this time instant.
394      * 
395      * @param minutes the number of minutes to add
396      * @return the instance in time the specified number of minutes after this instant
397      */
398     DateTime plusMinutes( int minutes );
400     /**
401      * Add the specified number of months from this time instant.
402      * 
403      * @param months the number of months to add
404      * @return the instance in time the specified number of months after this instant
405      */
406     DateTime plusMonths( int months );
408     /**
409      * Add the specified number of seconds from this time instant.
410      * 
411      * @param seconds the number of seconds to add
412      * @return the instance in time the specified number of seconds after this instant
413      */
414     DateTime plusSeconds( int seconds );
416     /**
417      * Add the specified number of weeks from this time instant.
418      * 
419      * @param weeks the number of weeks to add
420      * @return the instance in time the specified number of weeks after this instant
421      */
422     DateTime plusWeeks( int weeks );
424     /**
425      * Add the specified number of years from this time instant.
426      * 
427      * @param years the number of years to add
428      * @return the instance in time the specified number of years after this instant
429      */
430     DateTime plusYears( int years );
432 }