Interface Schemata

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Schemata

The interface used to access the structure being queried and validate a query.

Nested Class Summary
static interface Schemata.Column
          Information about a queryable column.
static interface Schemata.Key
          Information about a key for a table.
static interface Schemata.Table
          Information about a queryable table.
static interface Schemata.View
          Information about a view that is defined in terms of other views/tables.
Method Summary
 Schemata.Table getTable(SelectorName name)
          Get the information for the table or view with the supplied name within this schema.

Method Detail


Schemata.Table getTable(SelectorName name)
Get the information for the table or view with the supplied name within this schema.

The resulting definition is immutable.

name - the table or view name; may not be null
the table or view information, or null if there is no such table

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