JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 7. Wrapping Up

7.1. Future directions
7.2. Getting involved

This document provides a very high-level overview of ModeShape, introducing you to some basic concepts and showing what would be required to use ModeShape in your own application. We saw two simple examples that showed two different aspects of ModeShape: the sequencing system and the connector system. Each of these examples showed how to create a ModeShape configuration, how to start up the ModeShape engine, and how to then access a javax.jcr.Repository instance, and after that your application just uses the standard JCR API.

For a more in-depth description of ModeShape and the internal workings, see our Reference Guide. This also describes how to write your own custom sequencers or connectors. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact ModeShape's user mailing list, use our discussion forums, or chat with the developers in the IRC chat room. If you find a bug or have a suggestion, please let us know or (better yet) create a new issue in the project's JIRA issue management system . If there's something in particular you're interested in, talk with the community - there may be others interested in the same thing.

At this point, ModeShape passes all of the JCR Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) tests for Level 1, Level 2, and the optional locking and versioning features (plus almost all of the tests for the optional observation feature). We'll soon begin the process of attaining JCR certification for ModeShape.

We also plan to add support for clustering multiple ModeShape engines spread across multiple JVM processes. And each expect to introduce more connectors and sequencers to our library. Other items on our long-term roadmap include a web user interface, Seam integration, and integration with even more kinds of information systems and repositories.

If you're interested in getting involved with the ModeShape project, take a look at our community pages, and consider picking up one of the sequencers or connectors on our roadmap. Or, check out JIRA for the list of features we've thought of. If you think of one that's not there, please add it to JIRA!