Uses of Class

Packages that use ArtifactType
org.modeshape.maven The classes that make up the Maven classloader system. 
org.modeshape.maven.spi The classes that define the SPI for the Maven classloader system. 

Uses of ArtifactType in org.modeshape.maven

Methods in org.modeshape.maven that return ArtifactType
static ArtifactType ArtifactType.valueBySuffix(String suffix)
static ArtifactType ArtifactType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ArtifactType[] ArtifactType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.modeshape.maven with parameters of type ArtifactType
 URL MavenRepository.getUrl(MavenId mavenId, ArtifactType artifactType, SignatureType signatureType)
          Get the URL for the artifact with the specified type in the given Maven project.
 URL MavenRepository.getUrl(MavenId mavenId, ArtifactType artifactType, SignatureType signatureType, boolean createIfRequired)
          Get the URL for the artifact with the specified type in the given Maven project.

Uses of ArtifactType in org.modeshape.maven.spi

Methods in org.modeshape.maven.spi with parameters of type ArtifactType
 URL MavenUrlProvider.getUrl(MavenId mavenId, ArtifactType artifactType, SignatureType signatureType, boolean createIfRequired)
          Get the URL for the artifact with the specified type in the given Maven project.
 URL JcrMavenUrlProvider.getUrl(MavenId mavenId, ArtifactType artifactType, SignatureType signatureType, boolean createIfRequired)
          Get the URL for the artifact with the specified type in the given Maven project.
protected  String JcrMavenUrlProvider.getUrlPath(MavenId mavenId, ArtifactType artifactType, SignatureType signatureType)
          Get the JRC path to the node in this repository and it's workspace that represents the artifact with the given type in the supplied Maven project.

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