Uses of Class

Packages that use CompareNameQuery A set of Lucene Query specializations that allow the LuceneSearchEngine to create Lucene queries with additional kinds of constraints. 

Uses of CompareNameQuery in

Methods in that return CompareNameQuery
static CompareNameQuery CompareNameQuery.createQueryForNodesWithNameGreaterThan(Path.Segment constraintValue, String localNameField, String snsIndexFieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive, boolean includeSns)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a name that is greater than the supplied constraint name.
static CompareNameQuery CompareNameQuery.createQueryForNodesWithNameGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Path.Segment constraintValue, String localNameField, String snsIndexFieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive, boolean includeSns)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a name that is greater than or equal to the supplied constraint name.
static CompareNameQuery CompareNameQuery.createQueryForNodesWithNameLessThan(Path.Segment constraintValue, String localNameField, String snsIndexFieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive, boolean includeSns)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a name that is less than the supplied constraint name.
static CompareNameQuery CompareNameQuery.createQueryForNodesWithNameLessThanOrEqualTo(Path.Segment constraintValue, String localNameField, String snsIndexFieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive, boolean includeSns)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a name that is less than or equal to the supplied constraint name.

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