Uses of Interface

Packages that use DateTime The classes that define the common JPA entities used in multiple storage models. 
org.modeshape.graph The ModeShape Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph. 
org.modeshape.graph.cache Caching of graph content is controlled with cache policies, and these are used in connectors and in requests (among other places). 
org.modeshape.graph.observe The Observation API provides several mechanisms for asynchronously observing changes to content. Nodes in a graph contain properties, and this package defines the interfaces, classes and exceptions for representing and working with properties and their values. 
org.modeshape.graph.query The Query API provides a mechanism for building and executing queries. 
org.modeshape.graph.request Sometimes its useful to work with a graph using objects that represent individual commands on the graph. 
org.modeshape.graph.request.processor This portion of the ModeShape Graph API defines the processor for requests A small framework for a search engine component. 
org.modeshape.graph.session A graph session provides a stateful environment in which graph operations can be enqueued and the state and structure of the graph are cached. 

Uses of DateTime in

Constructors in with parameters of type DateTime
ChangeLogEntity(String username, DateTime timestamp, int numChanges, byte[] changes)

Uses of DateTime in org.modeshape.graph

Methods in org.modeshape.graph that return DateTime
protected static DateTime Graph.computeExpirationTime(CacheableRequest request)
 DateTime Node.getExpirationTime()
          Get the time at which this node representation should no longer be used.
 DateTime Graph.GraphNode.getExpirationTime()

Methods in org.modeshape.graph with parameters of type DateTime
 Next value)
          Set the property value to the given date-time instant.

Uses of DateTime in org.modeshape.graph.cache

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.cache that return DateTime
 DateTime Cacheable.getTimeLoaded()
          Get the time that this node data was originally loaded.

Uses of DateTime in org.modeshape.graph.observe

Fields in org.modeshape.graph.observe declared as DateTime
protected  DateTime Changes.timestamp

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.observe that return DateTime
 DateTime Changes.getTimestamp()
          Get the timestamp that the changes were made.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.observe with parameters of type DateTime
Changes(String processId, String contextId, String userName, String sourceName, DateTime timestamp, List<ChangeRequest> requests)

Uses of DateTime in

Fields in with type parameters of type DateTime
static Comparator<DateTime> ValueComparators.DATE_TIME_COMPARATOR
          A comparator of date-time instances.

Methods in that return DateTime
 DateTime DateTimeFactory.create()
          Create a date-time instance for the current time in the local time zone.
 DateTime DateTimeFactory.create(DateTime original, long offsetInMillis)
          Create a date-time instance that is offset from the original by the specified amount.
 DateTime DateTimeFactory.create(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, int secondOfMinute, int millisecondsOfSecond)
          Create a date-time instance given the individual values for the fields
 DateTime DateTimeFactory.create(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, int secondOfMinute, int millisecondsOfSecond, int timeZoneOffsetHours)
          Create a date-time instance given the individual values for the fields
 DateTime DateTimeFactory.create(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour, int secondOfMinute, int millisecondsOfSecond, String timeZoneId)
          Create a date-time instance given the individual values for the fields
 DateTime DateTimeFactory.createUtc()
          Create a date-time instance for the current time in UTC.
 DateTime DateTime.minus(long timeAmount, TimeUnit unit)
          Subtract the specified about of time in the supplied units.
 DateTime DateTime.minusDays(int days)
          Subtract the specified number of days from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.minusHours(int hours)
          Subtract the specified number of hours from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.minusMillis(int milliseconds)
          Subtract the specified number of milliseconds from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.minusMinutes(int minutes)
          Subtract the specified number of minutes from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.minusMonths(int months)
          Subtract the specified number of months from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.minusSeconds(int seconds)
          Subtract the specified number of seconds from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.minusWeeks(int weeks)
          Subtract the specified number of weeks from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.minusYears(int years)
          Subtract the specified number of years from this time instant.
 DateTime timeAmount, TimeUnit unit)
          Add the specified about of time in the supplied units.
 DateTime DateTime.plusDays(int days)
          Add the specified number of days from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.plusHours(int hours)
          Add the specified number of hours from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.plusMillis(int milliseconds)
          Add the specified number of milliseconds from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.plusMinutes(int minutes)
          Add the specified number of minutes from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.plusMonths(int months)
          Add the specified number of months from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.plusSeconds(int seconds)
          Add the specified number of seconds from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.plusWeeks(int weeks)
          Add the specified number of weeks from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.plusYears(int years)
          Add the specified number of years from this time instant.
 DateTime DateTime.toTimeZone(String timeZoneId)
          Convert this time to the time zone given by the supplied identifier.
 DateTime DateTime.toUtcTimeZone()
          Convert this time to the same instant in the UTC time zone.

Methods in with parameters of type DateTime
 T ValueFactory.create(DateTime value)
          Create a value from a date-time instant.
 T[] ValueFactory.create(DateTime[] values)
          Create an array of values from an array of DateTime instants.
 DateTime DateTimeFactory.create(DateTime original, long offsetInMillis)
          Create a date-time instance that is offset from the original by the specified amount.
 boolean DateTime.isAfter(DateTime other)
          Return whether this date-time is later than the supplied date-time.
 boolean DateTime.isBefore(DateTime other)
          Return whether this date-time is earlier than the supplied date-time.
 boolean DateTime.isSameAs(DateTime other)
          Return whether this date-time is exactly the the same as the supplied date-time.

Uses of DateTime in org.modeshape.graph.query

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.query with parameters of type DateTime
 QueryBuilder.CastAs<QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder> QueryBuilder.RightHandSide.cast(DateTime literal)
          Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
 QueryBuilder.CastAs<QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder> QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary.cast(DateTime literal)
          Define the upper boundary value of a range.
 QueryBuilder.CastAs<QueryBuilder.AndBuilder<QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary>> QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary.cast(DateTime literal)
          Define the lower boundary value of a range.
 QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder QueryBuilder.RightHandSide.literal(DateTime literal)
          Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
 QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary.literal(DateTime literal)
          Define the upper boundary value of a range.
 QueryBuilder.AndBuilder<QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary> QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary.literal(DateTime literal)
          Define the lower boundary value of a range.

Uses of DateTime in org.modeshape.graph.request

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request that return DateTime
 DateTime CacheableRequest.getTimeLoaded()
          Get the time that this node data was originally loaded.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request with parameters of type DateTime
 void CacheableRequest.setTimeLoaded(DateTime timeLoaded)

Uses of DateTime in org.modeshape.graph.request.processor

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request.processor that return DateTime
 DateTime RequestProcessor.getNowInUtc()
          Get the 'current time' for this processor, which is usually a constant during its lifetime.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.request.processor with parameters of type DateTime
RequestProcessor(String sourceName, ExecutionContext context, Observer observer, DateTime now)
RequestProcessor(String sourceName, ExecutionContext context, Observer observer, DateTime now, CachePolicy defaultCachePolicy)

Uses of DateTime in

Constructors in with parameters of type DateTime
SearchEngineProcessor(String sourceName, ExecutionContext context, Observer observer, DateTime now)

Uses of DateTime in org.modeshape.graph.session

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.session with parameters of type DateTime
 void GraphSession.Node.loadedWith(List<Location> children, Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties, DateTime expirationTime)
          Define the persistent child information that this node is to be populated with.

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