Uses of Interface

Packages that use Path.Segment
org.modeshape.connector.infinispan The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a deployed instance of Infinispan. 
org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a JBoss Cache instance. 
org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc The classes that make up the connector that accesses the database schema metadata exposed by JDBC drivers for existing relational databases. The classes that define the "basic" storage model for the JPA connector. The classes that define the "simple" storage model for the JPA connector. The classes that define the utility JPA entities that are not part of any storage model. 
org.modeshape.connector.svn The classes that make up the connector that accesses content from an SVN repository. 
org.modeshape.graph The ModeShape Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.base This package defines a series of classes that can serve as base classes for a connector implementation. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory The In-Memory Connector represents a connector that maintains a graph in transient in-process memory. The MapRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default implementation of the connector classes for connectors that support the transient or persistent mapping of a UUID to a standard representation of a node
org.modeshape.graph.connector.path The PathRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default read-only implementation of the connector classes for connectors that only support path-based access to a standard representation of a node Nodes in a graph contain properties, and this package defines the interfaces, classes and exceptions for representing and working with properties and their values. 
org.modeshape.graph.request Sometimes its useful to work with a graph using objects that represent individual commands on the graph. 
org.modeshape.graph.session A graph session provides a stateful environment in which graph operations can be enqueued and the state and structure of the graph are cached. 

Uses of Path.Segment in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan with parameters of type Path.Segment
protected  InfinispanNode InfinispanTransaction.createNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parentUuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied UUID.

Constructors in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan with parameters of type Path.Segment
InfinispanNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Iterable<Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.
InfinispanNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.

Uses of Path.Segment in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache with parameters of type Path.Segment
protected  JBossCacheNode JBossCacheTransaction.createNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parentUuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied UUID.

Constructors in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache with parameters of type Path.Segment
JBossCacheNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Iterable<Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.
JBossCacheNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.

Uses of Path.Segment in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc with parameters of type Path.Segment
protected  PathNode JdbcMetadataRepository.JdbcMetadataTransaction.createNode(Path.Segment name, Path parentPath, Iterable<Property> properties)

Uses of Path.Segment in

Methods in with parameters of type Path.Segment
protected  ChildEntity BasicRequestProcessor.findByPathSegment(Long workspaceId, String parentUuid, Path.Segment pathSegment)
          Find the node with the supplied path segment that is a child of the supplied parent.

Uses of Path.Segment in

Methods in that return Path.Segment
 Path.Segment SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode.getName()

Methods in with parameters of type Path.Segment
 void SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode.setName(Path.Segment name)

Uses of Path.Segment in

Methods in with parameters of type Path.Segment
protected  String RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache.pathSegmentString(Path.Segment segment, NamespaceRegistry registry)

Uses of Path.Segment in org.modeshape.connector.svn

Method parameters in org.modeshape.connector.svn with type arguments of type Path.Segment
protected  boolean SvnWorkspace.readNode(ExecutionContext context, String workspaceName, Path requestedPath, List<Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> children)

Uses of Path.Segment in org.modeshape.graph

Methods in org.modeshape.graph that return types with arguments of type Path.Segment
 List<Path.Segment> Node.getChildrenSegments()
          Get the list of child segments.
 List<Path.Segment> Graph.GraphNode.getChildrenSegments()
protected  List<Path.Segment> Graph.getSegments(List<Location> locations)

Methods in org.modeshape.graph with parameters of type Path.Segment
 Next newSegment)
          Finish the request by specifying the exact segment for the new child node.
protected abstract  T Graph.CloneAction.submit(String fromWorkspaceName, Location from, String intoWorkspaceName, Location into, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting)

Uses of Path.Segment in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base that return Path.Segment
 Path.Segment PathNode.getName()
          Returns the name of this node along with its SNS index within its parent's children
 Path.Segment PathNode.Changes.getName()
 Path.Segment Node.getName()
          Returns the name of this node along with its SNS index within its parent's children
 Path.Segment MapNode.getName()
          Returns the name of this node along with its SNS index within its parent's children
 Path.Segment MapNode.Changes.getName()

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base that return types with arguments of type Path.Segment
 List<Path.Segment> PathNode.getChildren()
 List<Path.Segment> PathNode.Changes.getChildren(boolean createIfMissing)
 List<Path.Segment> PathNode.Changes.getUnmodifiableChildren()

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base with parameters of type Path.Segment
 NodeType Transaction.cloneNode(WorkspaceType originalWorkspace, NodeType original, WorkspaceType newWorkspace, NodeType newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
 NodeType PathTransaction.cloneNode(WorkspaceType originalWorkspace, NodeType original, WorkspaceType newWorkspace, NodeType newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
 NodeType MapTransaction.cloneNode(WorkspaceType originalWorkspace, NodeType original, WorkspaceType newWorkspace, NodeType newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
protected abstract  NodeType PathTransaction.createNode(Path.Segment name, Path parentPath, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied name and parent path.
protected  NodeType MapTransaction.createNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parentUuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied UUID.
 NodeType Transaction.getChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, Path.Segment childSegment)
          Find in the supplied parent node the child with the supplied name and same-name-sibling index.
 NodeType PathTransaction.getChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, Path.Segment childSegment)
          Find in the supplied parent node the child with the supplied name and same-name-sibling index.
 NodeType MapTransaction.getChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, Path.Segment childSegment)
          Find in the supplied parent node the child with the supplied name and same-name-sibling index.
 void PathNode.Changes.setName(Path.Segment name)
 void MapNode.Changes.setName(Path.Segment name)
 PathNode PathNode.withChild(int index, Path.Segment child)
          Create a copy of this node except adding the supplied node into the existing children at the specified index.
 PathNode PathNode.withChild(Path.Segment child)
          Create a copy of this node except adding the supplied node at the end of the existing children.
 PathNode PathNode.withName(Path.Segment name)
          Create a copy of this node except using the supplied name.
 MapNode MapNode.withName(Path.Segment name)
          Create a copy of this node except using the supplied name.
 PathNode PathNode.withoutChild(Path.Segment child)
          Create a copy of this node except without the supplied child node.

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base with type arguments of type Path.Segment
 void PathNode.Changes.setChildren(List<Path.Segment> children)

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base with parameters of type Path.Segment
MapNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Iterable<Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node instance.
MapNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node instance.
MapNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children, int version)
          Create a new node instance.
PathNode(UUID uuid, Path parent, Path.Segment name, Iterable<Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> children)
          Create a new node instance.
PathNode(UUID uuid, Path parent, Path.Segment name, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> children)
          Create a new node instance.
PathNode(UUID uuid, Path parent, Path.Segment name, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> children, int version)
          Create a new node instance.

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base with type arguments of type Path.Segment
PathNode(UUID uuid, Path parent, Path.Segment name, Iterable<Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> children)
          Create a new node instance.
PathNode(UUID uuid, Path parent, Path.Segment name, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> children)
          Create a new node instance.
PathNode(UUID uuid, Path parent, Path.Segment name, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> children, int version)
          Create a new node instance.

Uses of Path.Segment in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory with parameters of type Path.Segment
protected  InMemoryNode InMemoryTransaction.createNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parentUuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied UUID.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory with parameters of type Path.Segment
InMemoryNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Iterable<Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new in-memory node.
InMemoryNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new in-memory node.

Uses of Path.Segment in

Methods in that return Path.Segment
 Path.Segment MapNode.getName()
          Returns the name of this node along with its SNS index within its parent's children
 Path.Segment DefaultMapNode.getName()

Methods in with parameters of type Path.Segment
 MapNode MapWorkspace.cloneNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
 MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.cloneNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
 void MapNode.setName(Path.Segment name)
 void DefaultMapNode.setName(Path.Segment name)

Uses of Path.Segment in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path that return types with arguments of type Path.Segment
 List<Path.Segment> PathNode.getChildSegments()
 List<Path.Segment> DefaultPathNode.getChildSegments()

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path with type arguments of type Path.Segment
DefaultPathNode(Path path, UUID uuid, Iterable<Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> childSegments)
DefaultPathNode(Path path, UUID uuid, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> childSegments)

Uses of Path.Segment in

Fields in declared as Path.Segment
static Path.Segment Path.PARENT_SEGMENT
          Singleton instance of the path segment referencing a parent, provided as a convenience.
static Path.Segment Path.SELF_SEGMENT
          Singleton instance of the path segment referencing a parent, provided as a convenience.

Fields in with type parameters of type Path.Segment
static Comparator<Path.Segment> ValueComparators.PATH_SEGMENT_COMPARATOR
          A comparator of path segment values.
static Comparator<Path.Segment> ValueComparators.PATH_SEGMENT_NAME_COMPARATOR
          A comparator of path segment names, excluding same-name-sibling indexes.

Methods in that return Path.Segment
 Path.Segment PathFactory.createSegment(Name segmentName)
          Create a path segment given the supplied segment name.
 Path.Segment PathFactory.createSegment(Name segmentName, int index)
          Create a path segment given the supplied segment name and index.
 Path.Segment PathFactory.createSegment(String segmentName)
          Create a path segment given the supplied segment name.
 Path.Segment PathFactory.createSegment(String segmentName, int index)
          Create a path segment given the supplied segment name and index.
 Path.Segment PathFactory.createSegment(String segmentName, TextDecoder decoder)
          Create a path segment given the supplied segment name.
 Path.Segment Path.getLastSegment()
          Get the last segment in this path.
 Path.Segment Path.getSegment(int index)
          Get the segment at the supplied index.
 Path.Segment[] Path.getSegmentsArray()
          Obtain a copy of the segments in this path.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Path.Segment
 List<Path.Segment> Path.getSegmentsList()
          Get an unmodifiable list of the path segments.
 Iterator<Path.Segment> Path.iterator()

Methods in with parameters of type Path.Segment
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Path.Segment... segments)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.createAbsolutePath(Path.Segment... segments)
          Create an absolute path with the supplied segments, in order.
 Path PathFactory.createRelativePath(Path.Segment... segments)
          Create a relative path with the supplied segments, in order.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Path.Segment
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Iterable<Path.Segment> segments)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.createAbsolutePath(Iterable<Path.Segment> segments)
          Create an absolute path with the supplied segments, in order.
 Path PathFactory.createRelativePath(Iterable<Path.Segment> segments)
          Create a relative path with the supplied segments, in order.

Uses of Path.Segment in org.modeshape.graph.request

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request that return Path.Segment
 Path.Segment CloneBranchRequest.desiredSegment()
          Get the exact segment at which the clone should be rooted

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request with parameters of type Path.Segment
 CloneBranchRequest RequestBuilder.cloneBranch(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForClone, Path.Segment exactSegmentForClone, boolean removeExisting)
          Add a request to clone a branch to another.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.cloneBranch(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForClone, Path.Segment exactSegmentForClone, boolean removeExisting)
          Add a request to clone a branch to another.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.request with parameters of type Path.Segment
CloneBranchRequest(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForClone, Path.Segment exactSegmentForClone, boolean removeExisting)
          Create a request to clone a branch to another.

Uses of Path.Segment in org.modeshape.graph.session

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.session that return Path.Segment
 Path.Segment GraphSession.Node.getSegment()
          Get the path segment for this node.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.session with parameters of type Path.Segment
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.getChild(Path.Segment segment)
          Get the child with the supplied segment.
 boolean GraphSession.Node.hasChild(Path.Segment segment)
          Determine whether this node has a child with the supplied name and SNS index.
 void GraphSession.Node.orderChildBefore(Path.Segment childToBeMoved, Path.Segment before)
          Move the specified child to be located immediately before the other supplied node.
 void GraphSession.Operations.preCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> parentNode, Path.Segment newChild, Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties)
          Notify that a new child with the supplied path segment is about to be created.
 void GraphSession.NodeOperations.preCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> parent, Path.Segment newChild, Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties)
          Notify that a new child with the supplied path segment is about to be created.
protected  void GraphSession.Node.updateLocation(Path.Segment segment)
          Reconstruct the location object for this node, given the information at the parent.

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