Class Visitors

  extended by org.modeshape.graph.query.model.Visitors

public class Visitors
extends Object

A set of common visitors that can be reused or extended, and methods that provide easy construction and calling of visitors.

Nested Class Summary
static class Visitors.AbstractVisitor
          A common base class for all visitors, which provides no-op implementations for all visit(...) methods.
static class Visitors.NavigationVisitor
          An abstract visitor implementation that performs navigation of the query object.
static class Visitors.ReadableVisitor
static class Visitors.WalkAllVisitor
          A visitor implementation that walks the entire query object tree and delegates to another supplied visitor to do the actual work.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static Map<SelectorName,SelectorName> getSelectorAliasesByName(Visitable visitable)
          Get a map of the selector aliases keyed by their names.
static Map<SelectorName,SelectorName> getSelectorNamesByAlias(Visitable visitable)
          Get a map of the selector names keyed by their aliases.
static Set<SelectorName> getSelectorsReferencedBy(Visitable visitable)
          Get the names of the selectors referenced by the visitable object.
static String readable(Visitable visitable)
          Using a visitor, obtain the readable string representation of the supplied object
<GeneralVisitor extends Visitor>
visit(Visitable visitable, GeneralVisitor visitor)
          Visit the supplied object using the supplied Visitors.AbstractVisitor, which must be responsible for navigation as well as any business logic.
<StrategyVisitor extends Visitor>
visitAll(Visitable visitable, StrategyVisitor strategyVisitor)
          Visit all objects in the supplied object using a Visitors.NavigationVisitor (specifically a Visitors.WalkAllVisitor), and with each of these visited objects calling the appropriate visit(...) method on the supplied Visitors.AbstractVisitor.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Visitors()
Method Detail


public static <StrategyVisitor extends Visitor> StrategyVisitor visitAll(Visitable visitable,
                                                                         StrategyVisitor strategyVisitor)
Visit all objects in the supplied object using a Visitors.NavigationVisitor (specifically a Visitors.WalkAllVisitor), and with each of these visited objects calling the appropriate visit(...) method on the supplied Visitors.AbstractVisitor.

Type Parameters:
StrategyVisitor - the type of strategy visitor
visitable - the top-level object to be visited
strategyVisitor - the visitor that is to be called for each visited objects, but that does not call Visitable.accept(Visitor)
the strategy visitor, allowing the caller to easily invoke operations on the visitor after visitation has completed


public static <GeneralVisitor extends Visitor> GeneralVisitor visit(Visitable visitable,
                                                                    GeneralVisitor visitor)
Visit the supplied object using the supplied Visitors.AbstractVisitor, which must be responsible for navigation as well as any business logic.

Type Parameters:
GeneralVisitor - the type of visitor
visitable - the top-level object to be visited
visitor - the visitor that is to be used
the visitor, allowing the caller to easily invoke operations on the visitor after visitation has completed


public static String readable(Visitable visitable)
Using a visitor, obtain the readable string representation of the supplied object

visitable - the visitable
the string representation


public static Map<SelectorName,SelectorName> getSelectorNamesByAlias(Visitable visitable)
Get a map of the selector names keyed by their aliases.

visitable - the object to be visited
the map from the aliases to the aliased selector name; never null but possibly empty


public static Map<SelectorName,SelectorName> getSelectorAliasesByName(Visitable visitable)
Get a map of the selector aliases keyed by their names.

visitable - the object to be visited
the map from the selector names to their alias (or name if there is no alias); never null but possibly empty


public static Set<SelectorName> getSelectorsReferencedBy(Visitable visitable)
Get the names of the selectors referenced by the visitable object.

visitable - the object to be visited
the set of selector names referenced in some way by the visitable; never null

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