JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation


Getting Started Guide

There are a lot of ways for applications to store information persistently so that it can be accessed at a later time and by other processes. The challenge developers face is how to use an approach that most closely matches the needs of their application. This choice becomes more important as developers choose to focus their efforts on application-specific logic, delegating much of the responsibilities for persistence to libraries and frameworks.

Perhaps one of the easiest techniques is to simply store information in files . The Java language makes working with files relatively easy, but Java really doesn't provide many bells and whistles. So using files is an easy choice when the information is either not complicated (for example property files), or when users may need to read or change the information outside of the application (for example log files or configuration files). But using files to persist information becomes more difficult as the information becomes more complex, as the volume of it increases, or if it needs to be accessed by multiple processes. For these situations, other techniques often have more benefits.

Another technique built into the Java language is Java serialization , which is capable of persisting the state of an object graph so that it can be read back in at a later time. However, Java serialization can quickly become tricky if the classes are changed, and so it's beneficial usually when the information is persisted for a very short period of time. For example, serialization is sometimes used to send an object graph from one process to another. Using serialization for longer-term storage of information is more risky.

One of the more popular and widely-used persistence technologies is the relational database. Relational database management systems have been around for decades and are very capable. The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API provides a standard interface for connecting to and interacting with relational databases. However, it is a low-level API that requires a lot of code to use correctly, and it still doesn't abstract away the DBMS-specific SQL grammar. Also, working with relational data in an object-oriented language can feel somewhat unnatural, so many developers map this data to classes that fit much more cleanly into their application. The problem is that manually creating this mapping layer requires a lot of repetitive and non-trivial JDBC code.

Object-relational mapping libraries automate the creation of this mapping layer and result in far less code that is much more maintainable with performance that is often as good as (if not better than) handwritten JDBC code. The new Java Persistence API (JPA) provide a standard mechanism for defining the mappings (through annotations) and working with these entity objects. Several commercial and open-source libraries implement JPA, and some even offer additional capabilities and features that go beyond JPA. For example, Hibernate is one of the most feature-rich JPA implementations and offers object caching, statement caching, extra association mappings, and other features that help to improve performance and usefulness. Plus, Hibernate is open-source (with support offered by JBoss).

While relational databases and JPA are solutions that work well for many applications, they are more limited in cases when the information structure is highly flexible, the structure is not known a priori, or that structure is subject to frequent change and customization. In these situations, content repositories may offer a better choice for persistence. Content repositories are almost a hybrid with the storage capabilities of relational databases and the flexibility offered by other systems, such as using files. Content repositories also typically provide other capabilities as well, including versioning, indexing, search, access control, transactions, and observation. Because of this, content repositories are used by content management systems (CMS), document management systems (DMS), and other applications that manage electronic files (e.g., documents, images, multi-media, web content, etc.) and metadata associated with them (e.g., author, date, status, security information, etc.). The Content Repository for Java technology API provides a standard Java API for working with content repositories. Abbreviated "JCR", this API was developed as part of the Java Community Process under JSR-170 and has been revised under JSR-283.

The JCR API provides a number of information services that are needed by many applications, including: read and write access to information; the ability to structure information in a hierarchical and flexible manner that can adapt and evolve over time; ability to work with unstructured content; ability to (transparently) handle large strings; notifications of changes in the information; search and query; versioning of information; access control; integrity constraints; participation within distributed transactions; explicit locking of content; and of course persistence.

What makes JCR interesting, however, is that a JCR implementation provides all these features and capabilities regardless of where or how that information is persisted or stored. This is in fact the main purpose of ModeShape: provide a JCR implementation that provides access to content stored in many different kinds of systems. A ModeShape repository isn't yet another silo of information, but rather it's a JCR view of the information you already have in your environment: files systems, databases, other repositories, services, applications, etc. ModeShape can help you understand the systems and information you already have, through a standard Java API.

Of course when you start providing a unified view of all this information, you start recognizing the need to store more information, including metadata about and relationships between the existing content. ModeShape lets you do this, too. And ModeShape even tries to help you discover more about the information you already have, especially the information wrapped up in the kinds of files often found in enterprise systems: service definitions, policy files, images, media, documents, presentations, application components, reusable libraries, configuration files, application installations, databases schemas, management scripts, and so on. As files are loaded into the repository, ModeShape can sequence these files to extract from their content meaningful information that can be stored in the repository, where your applications can find it by using the standard JCR API to search, access, and use the information.

So, ModeShape is a JCR 2.0 implementation that can automatically sequence files loaded into the repository, and it can be used as a traditional JCR silo repository. But it can also let your applications use the JCR API to access the content in other systems, and can unify the content from multiple external systems and multiple storage systems to provide a single, federated repository.

As we'll see in the next chapter, the ability of ModeShape to federate, integrate, and sequence information make ModeShape a powerful asset and tool. Then Chapter 3 will show that once a ModeShape repository is set up, applications see ModeShape just as another JCR javax.jcr.Repository instance and use the standard JCR API to obtain a javax.jcr.Session and work with the content.

Chapter 4 walks you through downloading and building the ModeShape examples, while Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 will run these very simple examples and walk through their code. Chapter 7 wraps things up with a discussion about the future of ModeShape and what you can do next to start using ModeShape in your own applications.

There are lots of ways to use ModeShape in your own applications, but this chapter attempts to show some representative scenarios that take advantage of ModeShape's support for the JCR API as well as the federation, integration, and sequencing capabilities.

In a SOA environment, one important component is a service registry that provides versioned storage of all the artifacts that describe the services, their capabilities/restrictions, and the policies that surround them. Service repositories contain information that define the services and their message models, ownership, availability, security requirements/abilities, auditing, funding, monitoring, provisioning, provenance, usage, discovery mechanism, configuration, documentation, relationships to other services, classification taxonomies, ontologies, and many other important aspects.

A JCR repository provides an excellent starting point for a service repository. The ability to store a wide range of content, ranging from structured information to documents, means that a JCR repository can offer the flexibility to manage and organize the information while maintaining the ability to adapt the structure and schema as needs evolve over time.

A service repository will contain lots of information represented in different forms, and it's important that the repository make it easy for users to quickly find what they need. Organization of the information (probably in multiple hierarchies and with tags) is important, but more important is the ability for users to use simple searching (or more advanced queries) to return ranked results that match the criteria. For search to be effective, it is important that the repository understand the different kinds of artifacts that are uploaded and the information they contain.

JCR repositories are naturally searchable and queryable, but also can be used to integrate a taxonomy (or folksonomic tags) with the content, allowing the same content to be presented in different hierarchical classifications. But ModeShape capabilities also offer a great advantage, since any file that is uploaded can be automatically sequenced and processed to extract information that's meaningful and useful but often locked up within the file. For example, when a WSDL file is uploaded, the appropriate sequencer(s) process the file and extract and store in the repository the structured information describing the types, message structures, operations, port types, bindings, and services found within the WSDL file. When an XML Schema Document is uploaded, ModeShape can do the same for the schema's complex and simple types, element and attribute declarations, model groups, namespaces, imports, includes, annotations, etc. And ModeShape can do the same for the various policy files, resource declarations, documentation, presentations, ontologies, etc.

Integration with a management system can be done in a similar manner. A ModeShape connector could access the management system to discover the servers and enable auto-discovery of the services, and "tag" the services' deployments with the lifecycle phase (dev, test, production, etc.). Plus, ModeShape sequencers can automatically process the uploaded artifacts to extract a useful structured representation of their content, and can then store that additional information in the repository. So not only are the original artifacts stored in the repository, but a structured representation of their content is also stored. And all of it can be accessed, navigated, searched, and even updated.

By using ModeShape, a service repository could manage the wide range of artifacts required in a SOA or web-oriented architecture, yet be able to present a unified view of all service information.

Many enterprise environments include numerous databases and data services, yet there is often no single place where all these different assets are described or related. A data source/service repository could provide information about the many databases running within the enterprise as well as their documentation, schema history, availability, usage policies, current users of the data (including applications, ETL processes, reporting), geographic deployments and synchronization, and the provenance of the data.

Some of this information may actually be defined or controlled within the data sources themselves or within other systems. For example, the DDL scripts used to migrate the database schemas are (hopefully) stored in a version control system, and the databases themselves have the ability to describe their current schemas.

Using ModeShape, the repository could use a connector to the version control system to expose the scripts, as well as connectors to the databases to expose (and cache) the current schema of the databases as structured content. ModeShape sequencers can automatically process the uploaded assets and artifacts to extract a useful structured representation of their content, and can then store that additional information in the repository. Applications can access, search, navigate, and update all of this metadata about the databases and data services, all through a single JCR repository using a standard JCR API and without having to touch the underlying systems.

However, the power of a data repository is really the ability to capture the relationships that otherwise were only captured in people's heads or trapped in documents spread throughout the network. A data repository can capture the policies that dictate how each data source should be used (which are for development purposes, or QA/testing purposes, or which are production, and how are they all related), and it can integrate with management systems to provide information about availability and deployment. As web services are created to provide service-based access to the data in databases, the repository can be used to maintain the relationships between these data services and the underlying sources. Similarly, the repository can track how the databases are used by applications, ETL processes, and reports. All of this information is just content that can be stored within the same JCR repository.

Many applications and libraries have configuration files that allow the users (or developers) to dictate the setup and behavior. Often this involves multiple files in a specific structure on the file system. Invalid or inopportune changes to these files sometimes corrupt the environment, but creating a more robust configuration management system is often way beyond the desired effort.

An embedded ModeShape repository can provide a more formal and flexible configuration system with little effort. JCR's event system allows the system to be notified when the configuration changes, and versioning can help guarantee the ability to revert back to a previous (valid) configuration. ModeShape connectors can be used to integrate the files on the file system into the configuration system, keeping it natural for those wanting to view and change the configuration via the files. ModeShape sequencers can even process the configuration files to extract a more structured view of the system. And because ModeShape can used with a minimal footprint, it provides the ability to manage and version the configuration with little overhead.

ModeShape can even be used to centralize the configuration definition for a clustered or distributed system. In this mode, the configuration is managed in a central repository that is remotely accessible by the application. When a process is started, it examines the repository and reads the content containing its configuration. The application can monitor the configuration for changes so that it can modify itself and its components. For larger deployments, a central "enterprise configuration" repository can house the configuration of different kinds of systems, and can even be managed and manipulated through JCR.

As we'll see in the next chapter, this is actually the way in which ModeShape manages its own configuration. In the embedded case, the configuration repository is simply a local (in-memory) repository that is populated by the configuration file (or programmatic API). In a clustered mode, the repository is centralized. But either way, to ModeShape the configuration is always defined in a repository.

Using ModeShape within your application is actually quite straightforward. Although there are multiple ways to access a JCR repository in ModeShape, the simplest is to use the JSR-283 RepositoryFactory interface to get a reference to a named Repository from a configuration file. After that, you continue to work with your repository content using the JCR API.

ModeShape provides an implementation of the RepositoryFactory interface that can return a reference to a named repository based on a provided configuration file. The code to get started with this is very simple.

String configUrl = ... ; // URL that points to your configuration file
Map params = Collections.singletonMap("org.modeshape.jcr.URL", configUrl);
Repository repository;
for (RepositoryFactory factory : ServiceLoader.load(RepositoryFactory.class)) {
    repository = factory.getRepository(parameters);
    if (repository != null) break;

This code looks for all RepositoryFactory implementations on the classpath (assuming those implementations properly defined the service provider within their JARs), and will ask each to create a repository given the supplied parameters. Thus, the parameters are specific to the implementation you want to use.


With JCR 1.0, applications could only find a Repository instance using implementation-specific code. This new JCR 2.0 approach is a bit more complicated, but should work with most JCR 2.0 implementations and does not require using any implementation classes. And your application can even load the parameters from a configuration resource, meaning nothing in your application depends on a particular JCR implementation.

ModeShape uses a single property named "org.modeshape.jcr.URL" with a value that is a URL that either resolves to a ModeShape configuration file, such as


that references a file on the local file system, or


that references a file on the local classpath, or


to point to an existing or JcrEngine instance registered in JNDI. Pointing directly to a configuration file often works well in stand-alone applications, while using JNDI works great for applications deployed to server platforms (e.g., an application server or servlet container) where multiple applications might want to use the same JCR repository while hiding all of the configuration details from the JCR clients. We'll see in the next section how to configure ModeShape's JcrEngine explicitly and register it in JNDI.

So, here's the ServiceLoader example again, but with ModeShape-specific parameters:

String configUrl = ... ; // URL that points to your configuration file

Map<String,String> parameters = Collections.singletonMap("org.modeshape.jcr.URL", configUrl);
Repository repository = null;
for (RepositoryFactory factory : ServiceLoader.load(RepositoryFactory.class)) {
    repository = factory.getRepository(parameters);
    if (repository != null) break;

Once you've gotten hold of a Repository instance, you can use it to create Sessions, using code similar to:

Credentials credentials = ...; // JCR credentials

String workspaceName = ...;  // Name of repository workspace
Session session = repository.login(credentials,workspaceName);

The previous section showed how easy it was to obtain a Repository and Session using the standard JCR API, using a URL to point to an existing configuration file. This section provides an introduction to ModeShape configuration files, although you will likely want to look at the Reference Guide for a more detailed explanation.

Each configuration file defines the components that are used to create the repository:

  • Repository sources are the POJO objects that each describe a particular location where content is stored. Each repository source object is an instance of a ModeShape connector, and is configured with the properties that particular source. ModeShape's RepositorySource classes are analogous to JDBC's DataSource classes - they are implemented by specific connectors (aka, "drivers") for specific kinds of repository sources (aka, "databases"). Similarly, a RepositorySource instance is analogous to a DataSource instance, with bean properties for each configurable parameter. Therefore, each repository source definition must supply the name of the RepositorySource class, any bean properties, and, optionally, the classpath that should be used to load the class.

  • Repositories define the JCR repositories that are available. Each repository has a unique name that is used to obtain the Repository instance, but each repository definition also can include the predefined namespaces (other than those automatically defined by ModeShape), various options, and the node types that are to be available in the repository without explicit registration through the JCR API.

  • Sequencers define the particular sequencers that are available for use. Each sequencer definition provides the path expressions governing which nodes in the repository should be sequenced when those nodes change, and where the resulting output generated by the sequencer should be placed. The definition also must state the name of the sequencer class, any bean properties and, optionally, the classpath that should be used to load the class.

  • MIME type detectors define the particular MIME type detector(s) that should be made available. A MIME type detector does exactly what the name implies: it attempts to determine the MIME type given a "filename" and contents. ModeShape automatically uses a detector that uses the file extension to identify the MIME type, but also provides an implementation that uses an external library to identify the MIME type based upon the contents. The definition must state the name of the detector class, any bean properties and, optionally, the classpath that should be used to load the class.

Creating a ModeShape configuration file is fairly straightforward. Here is the configuration file that is used in the repository example, though it has been simplified a bit and most comments have been removed for clarity):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration xmlns:mode="http://www.modeshape.org/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0">
      Define the JCR repositories 
          Define a JCR repository that accesses the 'Cars' source directly.
          <mode:repository jcr:name="car repository" mode:source="Cars">
              <mode:options jcr:primaryType="mode:options">
                <systemSourceName jcr:primaryType="mode:option" mode:value="system@Cars"/>
                  <jaasLoginConfigName jcr:primaryType="mode:option" mode:value="modeshape-jcr"/>
                  As a convenience, ModeShape defaults to granting guest users full access.  
                  In a production system, you would want to limit this access by uncommenting one of the 
                  options below:
                  for no access:
                  <anonymousUserRoles jcr:PrimaryType="mode:option" mode:value="" />
                  for read-only acces:
                  <anonymousUserRoles jcr:PrimaryType="mode:option" mode:value="readonly" /> 
    Define the sources for the content.  These sources are directly accessible using the ModeShape-specific 
    Graph API.
    <mode:sources jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
        <mode:source jcr:name="Cars" 
                    mode:retryLimit="3" mode:defaultWorkspaceName="workspace1">
    Define the sequencers. This is an optional section. 
        <mode:sequencer jcr:name="Image Sequencer" 
            <mode:description>Image metadata sequencer</mode:description>        
            <mode:pathExpression>/foo/source => /foo/target</mode:pathExpression>
            <mode:pathExpression>/bar/source => /bar/target</mode:pathExpression>
      Define how ModeShape will determine the MIME type of files. This is an optional section;
      if you do not specify a MIME type detector, ModeShape will use a built-in one that is based
      filename extensions for most commonly-used files.
        <mode:mimeTypeDetector jcr:name="Detector" 
                 mode:description="Standard extension-based MIME type detector"/>

Sometimes your applications can simply define a configuration file and use the RepositoryFactory to access its repositories. This is very straightforward, and this is useful for many simple applications.

Web applications are a different story. Often, you may not want your web application to contain the code that initializes a ModeShape JCR repository. Or, you may want the same repository instance to be reused in multiple web applications deployed to the same web/application server. In these cases, it is possible to configure the web/app server's JNDI instance to instantiate the repository, meaning the web applications need only use the standard JNDI and JCR APIs.

Here's an example of how such a web application would obtain a JCR Repository instance, use it to create a JcrSession, and then close the session when completed.

Session session = null;

try {
  // Look up the JCR Repository object ...
    InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
    Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
    Repository repo = (Repository) envCtx.lookup("jcr/local");      // name in JNDI is defined by configuration
    // Obtain a JCR Session using simple authentication
    // (or use anonymous authentication if desired)
    session = repo.login(new SimpleCredentials("username", "password".toCharArray()));
    // Use the JCR Session to do something interesting
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
    if (session != null) session.logout();

Note that the location of the Repository instance in JNDI depends upon the configuration. In this example, we used "jcr/local", but the only requirement is that it match the location where it was placed in JNDI.

We showed how web applications can use an existing Repository instance. In the next section, we describe how to configure the web server so that the Repository instance is available in JNDI.

Each kind of web server or application server is different, but all servlet containers do provide a way of configuring objects and placing them into JNDI. ModeShape provides a JndiRepositoryFactory class that implements and that can be used in the server's configuration. The JndiRepositoryFactory requires two properties:

  • configFile is the path to the configuration file resource, which must be available on the classpath

  • repositoryName is the name of a JCR repository that exists in the JCR configuration and that will be made available by this JNDI entry

Here's an example of a fragment of the conf/context.xml for Tomcat:

<Resource name="jcr/local" 
          repositoryName="Test Repository Source" />

Note that it is possible to have multiple Resource entries. The JndiRepositoryFactory ensures that only one JcrEngine is instantiated, but that a Repository instance is registered for each entry.

Before the server can start, however, all of the ModeShape jars need to be placed on the classpath for the server. JAAS also needs to be configured, and this can be done using the application server's configuration or in your web application if you're using a simple servlet container. For more details, see the Reference Guide.


The ModeShape community has solicited input on how we can make it easier to consume and use ModeShape in applications that do not use Maven. Check out the discussion thread, and please add any suggestions or opinions!

Then, your web application needs to reference the Resource and state its requirements in its web.xml:


Note that the value of resource-env-ref-name matches the value of the name attribute on the <Resource> tag in the context.xml described above. This is a must.

At this point, your web application can perform the lookup of the Repository object, create and use a Session, and then close the Session. Here's an example of a JSP page that does this:

<%@ page import="javax.naming.*, javax.jcr.*, org.jboss.security.config.IDTrustConfiguration" %>
static {
    // Initialize IDTrust
    IDTrustConfiguration idtrustConfig = new IDTrustConfiguration();
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
Session sess = null;
try {
    InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
    Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
    Repository repo = (Repository) envCtx.lookup("jcr/local");
    sess = repo.login(new SimpleCredentials("readwrite", "readwrite".toCharArray()));
    // Do something interesting with the Session ...
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
    if (sess != null) sess.logout();

Since this uses a servlet container, there is no JAAS implementation configured, so note the loading of IDTrust to create the JAAS realm. (To make this work in Tomcat, the security folder that contains the jaas.conf.xml, users.properties, and roles.properties needs to be moved into the %CATALINA_HOME% directory.)


If you use an application server such as JBoss EAP, you could just configure the JAAS realm as part of the server configuration and be done with it.

Before you deploy ModeShape into your application or its environment, you need to make sure that all of the ModeShape JARs are on the appropriate classpath. Two different scenarios are covered in this section: Maven-based, and using JARs with the traditional classpath.

By far the easiest way to use ModeShape is to use Maven, because with just a few lines of code, Maven will automatically pull all the JARs and source for all of the ModeShape libraries as well as everything those libraries need. All of ModeShape's artifacts for each release are published in the new JBoss Maven repository under the "org.modeshape" group ID.

The JBoss Maven repository not only contains all of the artifacts for ModeShape and other open source projects hosted at JBoss.org, but it also proxies quite a few other repositories that contain many other third-party libraries.

So if you're using Maven (or Ivy), first make sure your project knows about this new JBoss Maven repository. One way to do this is to add the following to your project POM (you'll still likely want to use other Maven repositories for third-party artifacts):


Or, you can add this information to your ~/.m2/settings.xml file. For more information, see the JBoss wiki page.

Then, simply modify your project's POM by adding dependencies on the ModeShape JCR library:


This adds only the minimal libraries required to use ModeShape, so you need to add dependencies for each of the connectors and sequencers you want to use. Here is the list of available sequencers:


Here is the list of available connectors:


The sequencer and connector libraries you choose, plus every third-party library they need, will be pulled in automatically by Maven into your project.

ModeShape is designed to use the same logging framework as your application, and it uses SLF4J to accomplish this. In other words, ModeShape depends upon the SLF4J API library, but requires you to provide provide a logging implementation as well as the appropriate SLF4J binding JAR.

For example, if your application is using Log4J, your application will already have a dependency for it, and so ModeShape log messages will be sent to the same logging system used in your application, you need to add a dependency to the SLF4J-to-Log4J binding JAR:


Of course, SLF4J works with other logging frameworks, too. Some logging implementations (such as LogBack) implement the SLF4J API natively, meaning they require no binding JAR. For details on the options and how to configure them, see the SLF4J manual.

If your application doesn't use Maven, you'll need to obtain the ModeShape JARs and place them onto your application's classpath. ModeShape provides a single download with all of the JARs for all ModeShape components and all dependencies. This file contains the following:

  • modeshape-jcr-2.0.0.Final-with-dependencies.jar contains the JARs necessary to run the core ModeShape JCR repository engine, the in-memory connector, and the federating connector;

  • one modeshape-connector-<type>-2.0.0.Final-with-dependencies.jar for each type of connector, each containing the JARs necessary for that connector;

  • one modeshape-sequencer-<type>-2.0.0.Final-with-dependencies.jar for each type of sequencer, each containing the JARs necessary for that sequencer;

  • modeshape-mimetype-detector-aperture-2.0.0.Final-with-dependencies.jar contains all of the JARs required for the component that detects the MIME type of files based upon names and/or content; and

  • modeshape-jpa-ddl-gen-2.0.0.Final-jar-with-dependencies.jar contains all of the JARs required to run the DDL generation utility.

Note that the core engine is required in all configurations. The jcr-2.0.jar file is not included and must be provided by you. And, as mentioned in the previous section, ModeShape uses SLF4J for logging and you must provide a logging implementation as well as the appropriate SLF4J binding JAR.

This chapter provides instructions for downloading and compiling two sample applications that demonstrates how ModeShape works with a JCR repository to automatically sequence changing content to extract useful information. So read on to get the simple application running.

ModeShape uses Maven 2 for its build system, as do these examples. Using Maven 2 has several advantages, including the ability to manage dependencies. If a library is needed, Maven automatically finds and downloads that library, plus everything that library needs. This means that it's very easy to build the examples - or even create a maven project that depends on the ModeShape JARs.

To use Maven with ModeShape, you'll need to have JDK 6 and Maven 2.0.9 (or higher).


Maven can be downloaded from http://maven.apache.org/, and is installed by unzipping the maven-2.0.9-bin.zip file to a convenient location on your local disk. Simply add $MAVEN_HOME/bin to your path.

The examples are already configured to use the new JBoss.org Maven repository, which provides a central location for the artifacts produced by the JBoss.org projects (well, at least those that use Maven) as well as proxying other repositories and caching artifacts for third party libraries. This simplifies the builds, helps ensure that developers have easy access to these artifacts (including sources) so that the project (and dependencies) can always be rebuilt when needed.

For more information about the JBoss Maven repository, see the announcement and documentation.

Previous versions of ModeShape made use of the older JBoss.org Maven repository, and required modifying your local ~/.m2/settings.xml file. This is no longer required.

The next step is to download the example for this Getting Started guide, and extract the contents to a convenient location on your local disk. You'll find the example contains the following files, which are organized according to the standard Maven directory structure:


There are essentially three Maven projects: a sequencers project, a repository project, and a parent project. All of the source for the sequencing example is located in the sequencers subdirectory, while all of the source for the repository example is located in the repository subdirectory.

And you may have noticed that none of the ModeShape libraries are there. This is where Maven comes in. The two pom.xml files tell Maven everything it needs to know about what libraries are required and how to build the example.

In a terminal, go to the examples directory and run:

$ mvn install

This command downloads all of the JARs necessary to compile and build the example, including the ModeShape libraries, the libraries they depend on, and any missing Maven components. (These are downloaded from the JBoss repositories only once and saved on your machine. This means that the next time you run Maven, all the libraries will already be available locally, and the build will run much faster.) The command then continues by compiling the example's source code (and unit tests) and running the unit tests. The build is successful if you see the following:

$ mvn install
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Getting Started examples .............................. SUCCESS [2.106s]
[INFO] Sequencer Examples .................................... SUCCESS [9.768s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 12 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed May 07 12:00:06 CDT 2008
[INFO] Final Memory: 14M/28M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

If there are errors, check whether you have the correct version of Maven installed and that you've correctly updated your Maven settings as described above.

If you've successfully built the examples, there will be a new examples/sequencers/target/ directory that contains all of the generated output for the sequencers example, including a modeshape-example-sequencers-basic.dir/ subdirectory that contains the following:

  • run.sh is the *nix shell script that will run the sequencer example application.

  • log4j.properties is the Log4J configuration file.

  • sample1.mp3 is a sample MP3 audio file you'll use later to upload into the repository.

  • caution.gif, caution.png, caution.jpg, and caution.pict are images that you'll use later and upload into the repository.

  • sequencing.cnd is a Compact Node Definition (CND) file that defines the node types used in the output from the sequencers.

  • security subdirectory containing several files related to the JAAS implementation used for authentication.

  • project1 subdirectory contains some Java source that can be loaded into the repository.

  • lib subdirectory contains the JARs for all of the ModeShape artifacts as well as those for other libraries required by ModeShape and the sequencer example.

Similarly, the examples/repository/target/ directory contains all of the generated output for the repository example, including a modeshape-example-repository-basic.dir/ subdirectory that contains the following:

  • run.sh is the *nix shell script that will run the repository example application.

  • run.cmd is the Windows command file that will run the repository example application.

  • log4j.properties is the Log4J configuration file.

  • configRepository.xml is an XML file containing the information that the example application loads as its configuration and which defines the sources, repositories, sequencers (if used), and other components that make up the ModeShape JCR engine.

  • aircraft.xml is an XML file containing the information that the example application imports into its "Aircraft" repository.

  • cars.xml is an XML file containing the information that the example application imports into its "Cars" repository.

  • ufoSource subdirectory containing several folders and files used by the file system connector for the "UFOs" repository.

  • aircraft.cnd, cars.cnd, and vehicles.cnd are the CND files used for the three different JCR Repositories set up in the example. The vehicles.cnd is just a combination of the other two (with duplicates removed). The UFO source doesn't need a CND file, since the file system connector uses the "nt:file" and "nt:folder" node types built into the JCR standard.

  • security subdirectory containing several files related to the JAAS implementation used for authentication and authorization.

  • lib subdirectory contains the JARs for all of the ModeShape artifacts as well as those for other libraries required by ModeShape and the repository example. There are a lot of libraries here, but almost all of them are from the JPA connector (which depends upon Hibernate), HSQLDB, Lucene, and the JAAS implementation.

The previous chapter walked through the process of downloading and building the examples. This chapter will focus on the sequencer example, showing how to run the example and then walking through the code to describe what it's doing.

The sequencing example consists of a client application that sets up an in-memory JCR repository and that allows a user to upload files into that repository. The client also sets up the ModeShape services with seven sequencers:

These sequencers automatically extract content from the files and store that content in the repository.

To run the client application, go to the examples/sequencers/target/modeshape-example-sequencers-basic.dir/ directory and type ./run.sh. You should see the command-line client and its menus in your terminal:

From this menu, you can upload a file into the repository, search for media in the repository, print sequencing statistics, or quit the application.

The first step is to upload one of the example images. If you type 'u' and press return, you'll be prompted to supply the path to the file you want to upload. Since the application is running from within the examples/sequencers/target/modeshape-example-sequencers-basic.dir/ directory, you can specify any of the files in that directory without specifying the path:

You can specify any fully-qualified or relative path. The application will notify you if it cannot find the file you specified. The example client configures ModeShape to sequence MP3 audio files, Java source files, Java class files, ZIP files, text files (.txt), CSV files (.csv), or image files with one of the following extensions (technically, nodes that have names ending in the following): jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, pcx, png, iff, ras, pbm, pgm, ppm, and psd. Files with other extensions in the repository path will be ignored. For your convenience, the example provides several files that will be sequenced (caution.png, caution.jpg, caution.gif, and sample1.mp3) and one image that will not be sequenced (caution.pict). Feel free to try other files.

After you have specified the file you want to upload, the example application asks you where in the repository you'd like to place the file. (If you want to use the suggested location, just press return.) The client application uses the JCR API to upload the file to that location in the repository, creating any nodes (of type nt:folder) for any directories that don't exist, and creating a node (of type nt:file) for the file. And, per the JCR specification, the application creates a jcr:content node (of type nt:resource) under the file node. The file contents are placed on this jcr:content node in the jcr:data property. For example, if you specify /a/b/caution.png, the following structure will be created in the repository:

/a   (nt:folder)
  /b   (nt:folder)
    /caution.png   (nt:file)
                /jcr:content    (nt:resource)
                            @jcr:data = {contents of the file}
                            @jcr:mimeType = {mime type of the file}
                            @jcr:lastModified = {now}

Other kinds of files are treated in a similar way.

When the client uploads the file using the JCR API, ModeShape gets notified of the changes, consults the sequencers to see whether any of them are interested in the new or updated content, and if so runs those sequencers. The image sequencer processes image files for metadata, and any metadata found is stored under the /images branch of the repository. The MP3 sequencer processes MP3 audio files for metadata, and any metadata found is stored under the /mp3s branch of the repository. And metadata about Java classes are stored under the /java area of the repository. All of this happens asynchronously, so any ModeShape activity doesn't impede or slow down the client activities.

So, after the file is uploaded, you can search the repository for the image metadata using the "s" menu option:

Here are the search results after the sample1.mp3 audio file has been uploaded (to the /a/b/sample1.mp3 location):

You can also display the sequencing statistics using the "d" menu option:

These stats show how many nodes were sequenced, and how many nodes were skipped because they didn't apply to the sequencer's criteria.

You can repeat this process with other files. Any file that isn't an image or MP3 files (as recognized by the sequencing configurations that we'll describe later) will not be sequenced.

Recall that the example application consists of a client application that sets up an in-memory JCR repository and that allows a user to upload files into that repository. The client also sets up the ModeShape services with an image sequencer so that if any of the uploaded files are PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP or other images, ModeShape will automatically extract the image's metadata (e.g., image format, physical size, pixel density, etc.) and store that in the repository. Or, if the client uploads MP3 audio files, the title, author, album, year, and comment are extracted from the audio file and stored in the repository.

The example is comprised of 5 classes and 1 interface, located in the src/main/java directory:


SequencingClient is the class that contains the main application. ContentInfo is a simple class that encapsulate metadata generated by the sequencers and accessed by this example application, and there are two subclasses: MediaInfo encapsulates metadata about media (image and MP3) files, while JavaInfo is a subclass encapsulating information about a Java class. The client accesses the content from the repository and represents the information using instances of ContentInfo (and its subclasses) and then passes them to the UserInterface. UserInterface is an interface with methods that will be called at runtime to request data from the user. ConsoleInput is an implementation of this that creates a text user interface, allowing the user to operate the client from the command-line. We can easily create a graphical implementation of UserInterface at a later date. We can also create a mock implementation for testing purposes that simulates a user entering data. This allows us to check the behavior of the client automatically using conventional JUnit test cases, as demonstrated by the code in the src/test/java directory:


If we look at the SequencingClient code, there are a handful of methods that encapsulate the various activities.

The main(String[] argv) method is of course the method that is executed when the application is run. This code creates the ModeShape configuration using the programmatic style.

// Create the configuration. 

String repositoryId = "content";
String workspaceName = "default";
JcrConfiguration config = new JcrConfiguration();
// Set up the in-memory source where we'll upload the content and where the sequenced output will 
// be stored ...
      .setDescription("The repository for our content")
      .setProperty("defaultWorkspaceName", workspaceName);
// Set up the JCR repository to use the source ...
// Set up the image sequencer ...
config.sequencer("Image Sequencer")
      .setDescription("Sequences image files to extract the characteristics of the image")
// Set up the MP3 sequencer ...
config.sequencer("MP3 Sequencer")
      .setDescription("Sequences mp3 files to extract the id3 tags of the audio file")
// Set up the Java class file sequencer ...
config.sequencer("Java Class Sequencer")
      .setDescription("Sequences Java class files to extract the structure of the classes")
// Set up the Java source file sequencer ...
config.sequencer("Java Sequencer")
      .setDescription("Sequences Java files to extract the AST structure of the Java source code")
// Set up the CSV file sequencer ...
config.sequencer("CSV Sequencer")
      .setDescription("Sequences CSV files to extract the contents")
// Set up the fixed width file sequencer ...
config.sequencer("Fixed Width Sequencer")
      .setDescription("Sequences fixed width files to extract the contents")
      .setProperty("commentMarker", "#")
      .setProperty("columnStartPositions", new int[] { 10, 20, 30, 40})
// Now start the client and tell it which repository and workspace to use ...
SequencingClient client = new SequencingClient(config, repositoryId, workspaceName);
client.setUserInterface(new ConsoleInput(client));

The first block of code configures the JcrConfiguration and sets up the "store" source, the "content" repository, and three sequencers. Again, this is done via the programmatic style. An alternative would be to load the entire configuration from a configuration file or from an existing configuration repository. (The repository example shown in the next chapter shows how to load the configuration from a file.)

The second block simply instantiates the SequencingClient class, passing the configuration and the name of the repository and workspace, and finally sets the user interface (which then executes its behavior, which we'll see below).

The startRepository() method builds the JcrEngine component from the configuration, starts the engine, and obtains the JCR javax.jcr.Repository instance that the client will use. Note that the client has not yet obtained a javax.jcr.Session instance, since this will be done each time the client needs to access content from the repository. (This is actually a common practice according to the JCR specification, since Sessions are intended to be very lightweight.)

public void startRepository() throws Exception {
        if (this.repository == null) {
            try {
                // Start the ModeShape engine ...
                this.engine = this.configuration.build();
                // Now get the JCR repository instance ...
                this.repository = this.engine.getRepository(repositoryName);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.repository = null;
                throw e;

The shutdownRepository() method requests the JcrEngine instance shuts down and, since that may take a few moments (if there are any ongoing operations or enqueued activities) awaits for it to complete the shutdown.

public void shutdownRepository() throws Exception {
        if (this.repository != null) {
            try {
                this.engine.awaitTermination(4, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            } finally {
                this.repository = null;

None of the other methods really do anything with ModeShape per se. Instead, they merely work with the repository using the JCR API.

If we look at the ConsoleInput constructor, it starts the repository and a thread for the user interface. At this point, the constructor returns, but the main application continues under the user interface thread. When the user requests to quit, the user interface thread also shuts down the JCR repository.

public ConsoleInput( SequencerClient client ) {
  try {
      Thread eventThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
          private boolean quit = false;
          public void run() {
              try {
                  while (!quit) {
                      // Display the prompt and process the requested operation ...
              } finally {
                  try {
                      // Terminate ...
                  } catch (Exception err) {
                      System.out.println("Error shutting down sequencing service and repository: " 
                                         + err.getLocalizedMessage());
  } catch (Exception err) {
      System.out.println("Error: " + err.getLocalizedMessage());

There is one more aspect of this example that is worth discussing. While the repository example in the next chapter does show how to use JAAS, this example intentionally shows how you might integrate a different security system into ModeShape. In the createSession() method, the RepositoryClient creates a SecurityContextCredentials wrapper around a custom SecurityContext implementation, then passes that credentials into the login(Credentials,String) method:

protected Session createSession() throws RepositoryException {
    SecurityContext securityContext = new MyCustomSecurityContext();
    SecurityContextCredentials credentials = new SecurityContextCredentials(securityContext);
    return this.repository.login(credentials, workspaceName);

where the custom SecurityContext implementation is as follows:

protected class MyCustomSecurityContext implements SecurityContext {
     * @see org.modeshape.graph.SecurityContext#getUserName()
    public String getUserName() {
        return "Fred";
     * @see org.modeshape.graph.SecurityContext#hasRole(java.lang.String)
    public boolean hasRole( String roleName ) {
        return true;
     * @see org.modeshape.graph.SecurityContext#logout()
    public void logout() {
        // do something

Obviously you would want to implement this correctly. If you're using ModeShape in a web application, your SecurityContext implementation would likely delegate to the HttpServletRequest.

But if you're using JAAS, then you could just pass in a javax.jcr.SimpleCredentials with the username and password, as long as your JcrConfiguration's repository definitions are set up to use the correct JAAS login context name (see the repository example in the next chapter). Or, you could use the approach listed above and supply an instance of the JaasSecurityContext to the SecurityContextCredentials.

At this point, we've reviewed all of the interesting code in the example application related to ModeShape. However, feel free to play with the application, trying different things.

Chapter 4 walked through the process of downloading and building the examples, while the previous chapter showed how to run the sequencer example and walked through the code. In this chapter, we'll run the repository example and walk through that example code to see what it's doing.

The repository example consists of a client application that sets up three ModeShape repositories (named "Cars", "Airplanes", and "UFOs") and a federated repository ("Vehicles") that dynamically federates the information from the other three repositories. The client application allows you to interactively navigate each of these repositories just as you would navigate the directory structure on a file system.

This collection of repositories is shown in the following figure:

The "Cars" repository is an in-memory repository (using the In-Memory repository connector), the "Aircraft" repository is a JPA repository (using an in-memory HSQL database using the JPA repository connector), and the "UFOs" repository is a file system repository (using the File System repository connector). The federated "Vehicles" repository content is federated from the other repositories and cached into the "Cache" repository. This is shown in the following figure:

To run the client application, go to the examples/repository/target/modeshape-example-repositories-basic.dir/ directory and type ./run.sh. You should see the command-line client and its menus in your terminal:

From this menu, you can see the list of repositories, select one, and navigate through that repository in a manner similar to a *nix command-line shell (although the client itself uses the JCR API to interact with the repositories). Here are some of the commands you can use:


The first time you access any repository, the application is automatically logging you in to ModeShape's JAAS-based security system. To make the application easier to use, it always logs in with the "jsmith" as the username and "secret" as the password. This matches what is configured in the "jaas.conf.xml" and "users.properties" files. If you want to confirm that the security feature is working, change the password in target/modeshape-example-repositories-basic.dir/users.properties to something else and re-run the application. After you select a repository and try to view a directory with 'ls', you will get a LoginException!

If you were to select the "Cars" repository and use some of the commands, you should see something similar to:

You can also choose to navigate the "Vehicles" repository, which projects the "Cars" repository content under the /Vehicles/Cars node, the "Airplanes" content under the /Vehicles/Airplanes branch, the "UFOs" content under the /Vehicles/UFOs branch, and the "Configuration" content under /modeshape:system.

Try using the client to walk the different repositories. And while this is a contrived application, it does demonstrate the use of ModeShape to federate repositories and provide access through JCR.

As mentioned in the Introduction, one of the capabilities of ModeShape is to provide access through JCR to different kinds of repositories and storage systems. Your applications work with the JCR API, but through ModeShape you're able to accesses the content from where the information exists - not just a single purpose-built repository. This is fundamentally what makes ModeShape different.

How does ModeShape do this? At the heart of ModeShape and it's JCR implementation is a simple connector system that is designed around creating and accessing graphs. The ModeShape JCR implementation actually just sits on top of a single repository source, which it uses to access of the repositories content.

That single repository connector could access:

And the ModeShape project has plans to create other connectors, too. For instance, we're going to build a connector to other JCR repositories. And another to access existing databases so that some or all of the existing data (in whatever structure) can be accessed through JCR. Of course, if we don't have a connector to suit your needs, you can write your own.

Before we go further, let's define some terminology regarding connectors.

As an example, consider that we want ModeShape to give us access through JCR to the schema information contained in a relational database. We first have to develop a connector that allows us to interact with relational databases using JDBC. That connector would contain a JdbcMetadataSource Java class that implements RepositorySource, and that has all of the various JavaBean properties for setting the name of the driver class, URL, username, password, and other properties. If we add a JavaBean property defining the JNDI name, our connector could look in JNDI to find a JDBC DataSource instance, perhaps already configured to use connection pools.


Of course, before you develop a connector, you should probably check the list of connectors ModeShape already provides out of the box. With this latest release, ModeShape already includes this JDBC metadata connector! And we're always interested in new connectors and new contributors, so please consider developing your custom connector as part of ModeShape.

So with this very high-level summary, let's dive a little deeper and look at the repository example.

Recall that the example repository application consists of a client application that sets up a repository service and the repositories defined in a configuration repository, allowing the user to pick a repository and interactively navigate the selected repository. Several repositories are set up, including several standalone repositories and one federated repository that dynamically federates the content from the other repositories.

The example is comprised of 2 classes and 1 interface, located in the src/main/java directory:


RepositoryClient is the class that contains the main application. It uses an instance of the UserInterface interface to methods that will be called at runtime to obtain information about the files that are imported into the standalone repositories and the JAAS CallbackHandler implementation that will be used by JAAS to collect the authentication information. Finally, the ConsoleInput is an implementation of this that creates a text user interface, allowing the user to operate the client from the command-line. We can easily create a graphical implementation of UserInterface at a later date, or we can also create a mock implementation for testing purposes that simulates a user entering data. This allows us to check the behavior of the client automatically using conventional JUnit test cases, as demonstrated by the code in the src/test/java directory:


If we look at the RepositoryClient code, there are a handful of methods that encapsulate the various activities.

The main(String[] argv) method is of course the method that is executed when the application is run. This code creates the ModeShape configuration by loading it from a file.

// Set up the JAAS provider (IDTrust) and a policy file (which defines the "modeshape-jcr" login config name)
IDTrustConfiguration idtrustConfig = new IDTrustConfiguration();
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
// Now configure the repository client component ...
RepositoryClient client = new RepositoryClient();
for (String arg : args) {
    arg = arg.trim();
    if (arg.equals("--api=jcr")) client.setApi(Api.JCR);
    if (arg.equals("--api=modeshape")) client.setApi(Api.ModeShape);
    if (arg.equals("--jaas")) client.setJaasContextName(JAAS_LOGIN_CONTEXT_NAME);
    if (arg.startsWith("--jaas=") && arg.length() > 7) client.setJaasContextName(arg.substring(7).trim());
// And have it use a ConsoleInput user interface ...
client.setUserInterface(new ConsoleInput(client, args));

The first block sets up the JAAS provider to be the IDTrust library and a policy file that defines the "modeshape-jcr" JAAS configuration.

The second block of code instantiates the RepositoryClient and passes in some options determined from the command-line. It then sets the user interface (which then executes its behavior, which we'll see below).

The startRepositories() method builds the JcrEngine component from the configuration, starts the engine, and obtains the JCR javax.jcr.Repository instance that the client will use. Note that the client has not yet obtained a javax.jcr.Session instance, since this will be done each time the client needs to access content from the repository. (This is actually a common practice according to the JCR specification, since Sessions are lightweight.)

public void startRepositories() throws IOException, SAXException {
    if (engine != null) return; // already started
    // Load the configuration from a file, as provided by the user interface ...
    JcrConfiguration configuration = new JcrConfiguration();
    // Now create the JCR engine ...
    engine = configuration.build();
    // For this example, we're using a couple of in-memory repositories (including one for the 
    // configuration repository). Normally, these would exist already and would simply be accessed. 
    // But in this example, we're going to populate these repositories here by importing from files. 
    // First do the configuration repository ...
    String location = this.userInterface.getLocationOfRepositoryFiles();
    // Now import the content for the two in-memory repositories ...
    Graph cars = engine.getGraph("Cars");
    cars.importXmlFrom(location + "/cars.xml").into("/");
    Graph aircraft = engine.getGraph("Aircraft");
    aircraft.importXmlFrom(location + "/aircraft.xml").into("/");

This method does a number of different things. First, it checks to make sure the repositories are not already running; if so the method just returns. Then, it creates a ModeShape JcrConfiguration instance and loads the configuration from a file provided by the user interface. It then creates the JcrEngine from the configuration and starts it. Finally, it obtains the location of the content files from the user interface, and imports them into the "Cars" and "Aircraft" repositories. Again, this is done to keep the example simple.

The shutdown() method of the example then logs out and requests that the JcrEngine instance shut down and, since that may take a few moments (if there are any ongoing operations or enqueued activities) awaits for it to complete the shutdown.

public void shutdown() throws InterruptedException, LoginException {
    if (engine == null) return;
    try {
        // Tell the engine to shut down, and then wait up to 5 seconds for it to complete...
        engine.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    } finally {
        engine = null;

A few of the other methods in the RepositoryClient class deal with the JAAS LoginContext. When needed, the client will authenticate the user (by asking the user interface for a callback handler that will be called when the authentication information is needed). The resulting authenticated LoginContext is wrapped by a custom javax.jcr.Credentials implementation. As long as the Credentials implementation has a getLoginContext() method that returns a LoginContext object, ModeShape's repository implementation will use that context to create the javax.jcr.Session. (Of course, the javax.jcr.SimpleCredentials can also be used to create a Session, and ModeShape will then attempt to use JAAS to authenticate the user given by the credentials.)

The getNodeInfo(...) method of the example is what is called when the properties and children of a particular node are requested by the user interface. (In the console user interface, this happens when the user navigates the graph structure.) There are really two different behaviors to this method, depending upon whether the JCR API is to be used or whether the ModeShape Graph API is to be used. The portion that uses JCR is shown below:

JcrRepository jcrRepository = engine.getRepository(sourceName);
Session session = null;
if (loginContext != null) {
    // Could also use SimpleCredentials(username,password) too
    Credentials credentials = new JaasCredentials(loginContext);
    session = jcrRepository.login(credentials);
} else {
    session = jcrRepository.login();
try {
    // Make the path relative to the root by removing the leading slash(es) ...
    pathToNode = pathToNode.replaceAll("^/+", "");
    // Get the node by path ...
    Node root = session.getRootNode();
    Node node = root;
    if (pathToNode.length() != 0) {
        if (!pathToNode.endsWith("]")) pathToNode = pathToNode + "[1]";
        node = pathToNode.equals("") ? root : root.getNode(pathToNode);
    // Now populate the properties and children ...
    if (properties != null) {
        for (PropertyIterator iter = node.getProperties(); iter.hasNext();) {
            javax.jcr.Property property = iter.nextProperty();
            Object[] values = null;
            // Must call either 'getValue()' or 'getValues()' depending upon # of values
            if (property.getDefinition().isMultiple()) {
                Value[] jcrValues = property.getValues();
                values = new String[jcrValues.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < jcrValues.length; i++) {
                    values[i] = jcrValues[i].getString();
            } else {
                values = new Object[] {property.getValue().getString()};
            properties.put(property.getName(), values);
    if (children != null) {
        // Figure out which children need same-name sibling indexes ...
        Set<String> sameNameSiblings = new HashSet<String>();
        for (NodeIterator iter = node.getNodes(); iter.hasNext();) {
            javax.jcr.Node child = iter.nextNode();
            if (child.getIndex() > 1) sameNameSiblings.add(child.getName());
        for (NodeIterator iter = node.getNodes(); iter.hasNext();) {
            javax.jcr.Node child = iter.nextNode();
            String name = child.getName();
            if (sameNameSiblings.contains(name)) name = name + "[" + child.getIndex() + "]";
} catch (javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException e) {
    return false;
} catch (javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException e) {
    return false;
} finally {
    if (session != null) session.logout();

This code is literally just using the standard JCR API. First, it obtains a javax.jcr.Session instance (using the available LoginContext), finds the desired javax.jcr.Node, copies the properties and names of the children into collections supplied by the caller via method parameters, and finally logs out of the session.

The ModeShape Graph API is actually an internal API used within the different components of ModeShape (including the connector and sequencer frameworks), and provides low-level access to the exact same content. Though we do not recommend using this API in your client applications, if you need to write a connector or sequencer, you may need to know how to use the Graph API. Here is the portion of the getNodeInfo(...) method that does the exact same operation as the JCR code shown above:

// Use the ModeShape Graph API to read the properties and children of the node ...
ExecutionContext context = loginContext != null ? this.context.create(loginContext) : this.context;
Graph graph = engine.getGraph(context, sourceName);
org.modeshape.graph.Node node = graph.getNodeAt(pathToNode);
if (properties != null) {
    // Now copy the properties into the map provided as a method parameter ...
    for (Property property : node.getProperties()) {
        String name = property.getName().getString(context.getNamespaceRegistry());
        properties.put(name, property.getValuesAsArray());
if (children != null) {
    // And copy the names of the children into the list provided as a method parameter ...
    for (Location child : node.getChildren()) {
        String name = child.getPath().getLastSegment().getString(context.getNamespaceRegistry());

Note that this code is significantly shorter than the equivalent code based upon the JCR API. This is in part because the Graph API doesn't have the notion of a stateful session. But some of it also is simply because the Graph API design requires less code to do the same kinds of operations.

None of the other methods in the RepositoryClient really do anything with ModeShape or JCR per se. Instead, they really facilitate interaction with the user interface.

If we look at the ConsoleInput constructor, it starts the repository and a thread for the user interface. At this point, the constructor returns, but the main application continues under the user interface thread. When the user requests to quit, the user interface thread also shuts down the JCR repository.

public ConsoleInput( SequencerClient client ) {
  try {
      Thread eventThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
          private boolean quit = false;
          public void run() {
              try {
                  while (!quit) {
                      // Display the prompt and process the requested operation ...
              } finally {
                  try {
                      // Terminate ...
                  } catch (Exception err) {
                      System.out.println("Error shutting down repository: " 
                                         + err.getLocalizedMessage());
  } catch (Exception err) {
      System.out.println("Error: " + err.getLocalizedMessage());

At this point, we've reviewed all of the interesting code in the example application related to ModeShape. However, feel free to play with the application, trying different things.

This document provides a very high-level overview of ModeShape, introducing you to some basic concepts and showing what would be required to use ModeShape in your own application. We saw two simple examples that showed two different aspects of ModeShape: the sequencing system and the connector system. Each of these examples showed how to create a ModeShape configuration, how to start up the ModeShape engine, and how to then access a javax.jcr.Repository instance, and after that your application just uses the standard JCR API.

For a more in-depth description of ModeShape and the internal workings, see our Reference Guide. This also describes how to write your own custom sequencers or connectors. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact ModeShape's user mailing list, use our discussion forums, or chat with the developers in the IRC chat room. If you find a bug or have a suggestion, please let us know or (better yet) create a new issue in the project's JIRA issue management system . If there's something in particular you're interested in, talk with the community - there may be others interested in the same thing.

With version 2.0.0.Final, ModeShape introduces support for the JCR 2.0 API, improvements to existing connectors, and quite a few bug fixes and improvements.

This means that ModeShape now implements all of the required JCR 2.0 features: repository acquisition, authentication, reading/navigating, query, export, node type discovery, and permissions and capability checking. ModeShape also implements most of the optional JCR 2.0 features: writing, import, observation, workspace management, versioning, locking, node type management, same-name siblings, and orderable child nodes. The remaining optional features (shareable nodes, access control management, lifecycle management, retention and hold, and transactions) may be introduced in future versions.

We also plan to add support for clustering multiple ModeShape engines spread across multiple JVM processes. And each expect to introduce more connectors and sequencers to our library. Other items on our long-term roadmap include a web user interface, Seam integration, and integration with even more kinds of information systems and repositories.

If you're interested in getting involved with the ModeShape project, take a look at our community pages, and consider picking up one of the sequencers or connectors on our roadmap. Or, check out JIRA for the list of features we've thought of. If you think of one that's not there, please add it to JIRA!