Uses of Class

Packages that use IoException Nodes in a graph contain properties, and this package defines the interfaces, classes and exceptions for representing and working with properties and their values. A set of basic implementations of the various interfaces defined in

Uses of IoException in

Methods in that throw IoException
 T ValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 T[] ValueFactory.create(Binary[] values)
          Create an array of values from the array of binary objects.
 Binary BinaryFactory.create(File file)
          Create a binary value from the given file.
 T ValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Binary BinaryFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength, byte[] secureHash)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream, the approximate length, and the SHA-1 secure hash of the content.
 Iterable<T> ValueFactory.create(Iterable<?> valueIterable)
          Create an iterable with the values (of an unknown type).
 Iterator<T> ValueFactory.create(Iterator<?> values)
          Create an iterator over the values (of an unknown type).
 T ValueFactory.create(Object value)
          Create a value from the specified information by determining which other create method applies and delegating to that method.
 T[] ValueFactory.create(Object[] values)
          Create an array of values from the specified information by determining which other create method applies for each object and then delegating to that method.
 T ValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 Binary BinaryFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength, byte[] secureHash)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied reader, the approximate length, and the SHA-1 secure hash of the content.

Uses of IoException in

Methods in that throw IoException
 UUID UuidValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 URI UriValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 String StringValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Reference ReferenceValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Object ObjectValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Name NameValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Long LongValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 DateTime JodaDateTimeValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Double DoubleValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 BigDecimal DecimalValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Boolean BooleanValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Binary AbstractBinaryValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 T[] AbstractValueFactory.create(Binary[] values)
          Create an array of values from the array of binary objects.
 Binary AbstractBinaryValueFactory.create(File file)
          Create a binary value from the given file.
 UUID UuidValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 URI UriValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 String StringValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Reference ReferenceValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Name NameValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Long LongValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 DateTime JodaDateTimeValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Double DoubleValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 BigDecimal DecimalValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Boolean BooleanValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Binary AbstractBinaryValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Binary AbstractBinaryValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength, byte[] secureHash)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream, the approximate length, and the SHA-1 secure hash of the content.
 Iterable<T> AbstractValueFactory.create(Iterable<?> valueIterable)
          Create an iterable with the values (of an unknown type).
 Iterator<T> AbstractValueFactory.create(Iterator<?> values)
          Create an iterator over the values (of an unknown type).
 UUID UuidValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 URI UriValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 String StringValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 Reference ReferenceValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 Name NameValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 Long LongValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 DateTime JodaDateTimeValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 Double DoubleValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 BigDecimal DecimalValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 Boolean BooleanValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 Binary AbstractBinaryValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 Binary AbstractBinaryValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength, byte[] secureHash)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied reader, the approximate length, and the SHA-1 secure hash of the content.
 String StringValueFactory.create(UUID value)
          Create a value from a UUID.
 Name NameValueFactory.create(UUID value)
          Create a value from a UUID.
 Long LongValueFactory.create(UUID value)
          Create a value from a UUID.
 BigDecimal DecimalValueFactory.create(UUID value)
          Create a value from a UUID.

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