Uses of Interface

Packages that use TextEncoder
org.modeshape.common.text A set of utilities for working with text. 
org.modeshape.graph The ModeShape Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation ModeShape provides a federated connector that is able to access repository content from multiple external systems and make that content look like it exists in a single unified repository. Nodes in a graph contain properties, and this package defines the interfaces, classes and exceptions for representing and working with properties and their values. A set of basic implementations of the various interfaces defined in
org.modeshape.maven The classes that make up the Maven classloader system. 
org.modeshape.maven.spi The classes that define the SPI for the Maven classloader system. An implementation of the SearchEngine interface that uses the Lucene library. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid The classes that make up the JCR Compact Node Definition (CND) file sequencer. 

Uses of TextEncoder in org.modeshape.common.text

Classes in org.modeshape.common.text that implement TextEncoder
 class FilenameEncoder
          An encoder useful for converting text to be used within a filename on common file systems and operating systems, including Linux, OS X, and Windows XP.
 class Jsr283Encoder
          Encoder that escapes characters that are not allowed in JCR names.
 class NoOpEncoder
          An encoder implementation that does nothing.
 class SecureHashTextEncoder
          A text encoder that performs a secure hash of the input text and returns that hash as the encoded text.
 class UrlEncoder
          An encoder useful for converting text to be used within a URL, as defined by Section 2.3 of RFC 2396.
 class XmlNameEncoder
          An encoder and decoder for XML element and attribute names.
 class XmlValueEncoder
          An encoder useful for converting text to be used within XML attribute values.

Uses of TextEncoder in org.modeshape.graph

Methods in org.modeshape.graph with parameters of type TextEncoder
 String Location.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the location, using the supplied encoder to encode characters in each of the location's path and properties.
 String Location.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder, TextEncoder delimiterEncoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the location, using the supplied encoder to encode characters in each of the location's path and properties.
 String Location.getString(TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the location, using the supplied encoder to encode characters in each of the location's path and properties.

Uses of TextEncoder in org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation with parameters of type TextEncoder
abstract  String Projection.Rule.getString(NamespaceRegistry registry, TextEncoder encoder)
 String Projection.PathRule.getString(NamespaceRegistry registry, TextEncoder encoder)
abstract  String Projection.Rule.getString(TextEncoder encoder)
 String Projection.PathRule.getString(TextEncoder encoder)

Uses of TextEncoder in

Fields in declared as TextEncoder
static TextEncoder ValueFactory.DEFAULT_ENCODER
static TextEncoder Path.DEFAULT_ENCODER
          The default text encoder to be used when none is otherwise specified.
static TextEncoder Path.JSR283_ENCODER
          The text encoder that encodes according to JSR-283.
static TextEncoder Path.NO_OP_ENCODER
          The text encoder that does nothing.
static TextEncoder Path.URL_ENCODER
          The text encoder that encodes text according to the rules of RFC 2396.

Methods in with parameters of type TextEncoder
 String Readable.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
 String Readable.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder, TextEncoder delimiterEncoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
 String Reference.getString(TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the Reference, using the supplied encoder to encode characters in the reference.
 String Readable.getString(TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.

Uses of TextEncoder in

Methods in that return TextEncoder
 TextEncoder StringValueFactory.getEncoder()

Methods in with parameters of type TextEncoder
protected  String AbstractPath.doGetString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder, TextEncoder delimiterEncoder)
          Method that creates the string representation.
 String RootPath.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
 String IdentifierPath.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
 String BasicProperty.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
 String BasicPathSegment.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
 String BasicName.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
 String AbstractPath.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the any namespace URIs to prefixes.
 String RootPath.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder, TextEncoder delimiterEncoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
 String IdentifierPathSegment.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder, TextEncoder delimiterEncoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
 String IdentifierPath.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder, TextEncoder delimiterEncoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
 String BasicProperty.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder, TextEncoder delimiterEncoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
 String BasicPathSegment.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder, TextEncoder delimiterEncoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
 String BasicName.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder, TextEncoder delimiterEncoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
 String AbstractPath.getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder, TextEncoder delimiterEncoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
 String UuidReference.getString(TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the Reference, using the supplied encoder to encode characters in the reference.
 String StringReference.getString(TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the Reference, using the supplied encoder to encode characters in the reference.
 String RootPath.getString(TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
 String IdentifierPathSegment.getString(TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
 String IdentifierPath.getString(TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
 String BasicProperty.getString(TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
 String BasicPathSegment.getString(TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
 String BasicName.getString(TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
 String AbstractPath.getString(TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.

Constructors in with parameters of type TextEncoder
StandardValueFactories(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextDecoder decoder, TextEncoder encoder, ValueFactory<?>... extraFactories)
          Create a standard set of value factories, using the supplied encoder/decoder.
StringValueFactory(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextDecoder decoder, TextEncoder encoder)
StringValueFactory(TextDecoder decoder, TextEncoder encoder)

Uses of TextEncoder in org.modeshape.maven

Methods in org.modeshape.maven with parameters of type TextEncoder
 String MavenId.getRelativePath(TextEncoder escapingStrategy)
          Return the relative JCR path for this resource, built from the components of the group ID, the artifact ID, and the version.
 String MavenId.getRelativePath(TextEncoder escapingStrategy, boolean includeVersion)
          Return the relative JCR path for this resource, built from the components of the group ID, the artifact ID, and the version.
 URL MavenUrl.getUrl(URLStreamHandler handler, TextEncoder encoder)
          Get a URL that corresponds to the information in this object.

Uses of TextEncoder in org.modeshape.maven.spi

Methods in org.modeshape.maven.spi that return TextEncoder
protected  TextEncoder JcrMavenUrlProvider.getUrlEncoder()

Uses of TextEncoder in

Fields in declared as TextEncoder
protected static TextEncoder LuceneSearchEngine.DEFAULT_ENCODER
          The default encoder is the FileNameEncoder, which is based upon the UrlEncoder except that it also encodes the '*' character, which is required for Windows.

Methods in with parameters of type TextEncoder
static LuceneConfiguration LuceneConfigurations.using(File parent, lockFactory, TextEncoder workspaceNameEncoder, TextEncoder indexNameEncoder)
          Return a new LuceneConfiguration that creates FSDirectory instances mapped to folders under a parent folder, where the workspace name is used to create the workspace folder.
static LuceneConfiguration LuceneConfigurations.using(File parent, TextEncoder workspaceNameEncoder, TextEncoder indexNameEncoder)
          Return a new LuceneConfiguration that creates FSDirectory instances mapped to folders under a parent folder, where the workspace name is used to create the workspace folder.

Constructors in with parameters of type TextEncoder
LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory(File parent, lockFactory, TextEncoder workspaceNameEncoder, TextEncoder indexNameEncoder)
          Create a new LuceneConfiguration that creates FSDirectory instances mapped to folders under a parent folder, where the workspace name is used to create the workspace folder.
LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory(File parent, TextEncoder workspaceNameEncoder, TextEncoder indexNameEncoder)
          Create a new LuceneConfiguration that creates FSDirectory instances mapped to folders under a parent folder, where the workspace name is used to create the workspace folder.

Uses of TextEncoder in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid declared as TextEncoder
protected static TextEncoder XmiModelReader.ENCODER
protected static TextEncoder ReferenceResolver.ENCODER

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