Uses of Class

Packages that use I18n

Uses of I18n in org.modeshape.jdbc

Fields in org.modeshape.jdbc declared as I18n
static I18n JdbcI18n.argumentMayNotBeNegative
static I18n JdbcI18n.argumentMayNotBeNull
static I18n JdbcI18n.classDoesNotImplementInterface
static I18n JdbcI18n.configurationFileNotSpecified
          HTTP connection option related text info
static I18n JdbcI18n.connectionIsClosed
static I18n JdbcI18n.currentRowNotSet
static I18n JdbcI18n.driverErrorRegistering
static I18n JdbcI18n.driverName
static I18n JdbcI18n.driverVendor
static I18n JdbcI18n.driverVendorUrl
static I18n JdbcI18n.driverVersion
static I18n JdbcI18n.failedToReadPropertiesFromManifest
static I18n JdbcI18n.i18nClassInterface
static I18n JdbcI18n.i18nClassNotPublic
static I18n JdbcI18n.i18nFieldFinal
static I18n JdbcI18n.i18nFieldInvalidType
static I18n JdbcI18n.i18nFieldNotPublic
static I18n JdbcI18n.i18nFieldNotStatic
static I18n JdbcI18n.i18nLocalizationFileNotFound
static I18n JdbcI18n.i18nLocalizationProblems
static I18n JdbcI18n.i18nPropertyDuplicate
static I18n JdbcI18n.i18nPropertyMissing
static I18n JdbcI18n.i18nPropertyUnused
static I18n JdbcI18n.i18nRequiredToSuppliedParameterMismatch
static I18n JdbcI18n.invalidArgument
static I18n JdbcI18n.invalidClientInfo
static I18n JdbcI18n.invalidColumnIndex
static I18n JdbcI18n.invalidUrl
static I18n JdbcI18n.invalidUrlPrefix
static I18n JdbcI18n.noJcrTypeMapped
static I18n JdbcI18n.noNodeTypesReturned
static I18n JdbcI18n.noRepositoryNamesFound
static I18n JdbcI18n.noSuchColumn
static I18n JdbcI18n.noSuchNodeType
static I18n JdbcI18n.objectInJndiIsRepositories
static I18n JdbcI18n.objectInJndiMustBeRepositoryOrRepositories
static I18n JdbcI18n.passwordPropertyDescription
static I18n JdbcI18n.passwordPropertyName
static I18n JdbcI18n.repositoryNameInUse
static I18n JdbcI18n.repositoryNamePropertyDescription
static I18n JdbcI18n.repositoryNamePropertyName
static I18n JdbcI18n.requiredToSuppliedParameterMismatch
static I18n JdbcI18n.resultSetIsClosed
static I18n JdbcI18n.resultSetIsForwardOnly
static I18n JdbcI18n.statementIsClosed
static I18n JdbcI18n.timeoutMayNotBeNegative
static I18n JdbcI18n.unableToFindNamedRepository
static I18n JdbcI18n.unableToFindObjectInJndi
static I18n JdbcI18n.unableToGetJndiContext
static I18n JdbcI18n.unableToGetNodeType
static I18n JdbcI18n.unableToGetNodeTypes
static I18n JdbcI18n.updatesNotSupported
static I18n JdbcI18n.urlMustContainJndiNameOfRepositoryOrRepositoriesObject
static I18n JdbcI18n.urlPropertyDescription
static I18n JdbcI18n.urlPropertyName
static I18n JdbcI18n.usernamePropertyDescription
static I18n JdbcI18n.usernamePropertyName
static I18n JdbcI18n.workspaceNamePropertyDescription
static I18n JdbcI18n.workspaceNamePropertyName

Uses of I18n in org.modeshape.jdbc.util

Methods in org.modeshape.jdbc.util with parameters of type I18n
 void Logger.error(I18n message, Object... params)
          Log a message at the ERROR level according to the specified format and (optional) parameters.
 void Logger.error(Throwable t, I18n message, Object... params)
          Log an exception (throwable) at the ERROR level with an accompanying message.
 void message, Object... params)
          Log a message at the INFO level according to the specified format and (optional) parameters.
 void t, I18n message, Object... params)
          Log an exception (throwable) at the INFO level with an accompanying message.
 void Logger.log(Logger.Level level, I18n message, Object... params)
          Log a message at the suplied level according to the specified format and (optional) parameters.
 void Logger.log(Logger.Level level, Throwable t, I18n message, Object... params)
          Log an exception (throwable) at the supplied level with an accompanying message.
 void Logger.warn(I18n message, Object... params)
          Log a message at the WARNING level according to the specified format and (optional) parameters.
 void Logger.warn(Throwable t, I18n message, Object... params)
          Log an exception (throwable) at the WARNING level with an accompanying message.

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