View Javadoc

1   package org.modeshape.rhq.plugin.util;
3   import java.lang.reflect.Method;
4   import java.util.ArrayList;
5   import java.util.Collection;
6   import java.util.HashMap;
7   import java.util.Iterator;
8   import java.util.List;
9   import java.util.Map;
11  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
12  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
13  import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedComponent;
14  import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedOperation;
15  import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.MetaType;
16  import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.CollectionValueSupport;
17  import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.MetaValue;
18  import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.MetaValueFactory;
19  import org.modeshape.jboss.managed.ManagedRepository;
20  import org.modeshape.jboss.managed.ManagedSequencerConfig;
21  import org.modeshape.rhq.plugin.objects.ExecutedResult;
22  import org.modeshape.rhq.plugin.util.PluginConstants.ComponentType.Connector;
23  import org.rhq.plugins.jbossas5.connection.ProfileServiceConnection;
25  import com.sun.istack.Nullable;
27  public class ModeShapeManagementView implements PluginConstants {
29  	private static final Log LOG = LogFactory
30  			.getLog(PluginConstants.DEFAULT_LOGGER_CATEGORY);
32  	private static final MetaValueFactory metaValueFactory = MetaValueFactory
33  			.getInstance();
35  	public ModeShapeManagementView() {
37  	}
39  	/*
40  	 * Metric methods
41  	 */
42  	public Object getMetric(ProfileServiceConnection connection,
43  			String componentType, String identifier, String metric,
44  			Map<String, Object> valueMap) throws Exception {
45  		Object resultObject = new Object();
47  		if (componentType.equals(ComponentType.SequencingService.NAME)) {
48  			resultObject = getSequencerServiceMetric(connection, componentType,
49  					metric, valueMap);
50  		} else if (componentType.equals(ComponentType.Connector.NAME)) {
51  			resultObject = getConnectorMetric(connection, componentType,
52  					metric, valueMap);
53  		}
55  		return resultObject;
56  	}
58  	/*
59  	 * Metric methods
60  	 */
61  	private Object getSequencerServiceMetric(
62  			ProfileServiceConnection connection, String componentType,
63  			String metric, Map<String, Object> valueMap) throws Exception {
65  		Object resultObject = new Object();
66  		MetaValue value = null;
68  		if (metric
69  				.equals(ComponentType.SequencingService.Metrics.NUM_NODES_SEQUENCED)
70  				|| metric
71  						.equals(ComponentType.SequencingService.Metrics.NUM_NODES_SKIPPED)) {
72  			value = executeSequencingServiceOperation(connection, metric,
73  					valueMap);
74  			resultObject = ProfileServiceUtil.stringValue(value);
75  		}
76  		return resultObject;
77  	}
79  	private Object getConnectorMetric(ProfileServiceConnection connection,
80  			String componentType, String metric, Map<String, Object> valueMap)
81  			throws Exception {
83  		Object resultObject = new Object();
84  		MetaValue value = null;
86  		if (metric.equals(ComponentType.Connector.Metrics.INUSECONNECTIONS)) {
87  			value = executeManagedOperation(
88  					ProfileServiceUtil.getManagedEngine(connection),
89  					metric,
90  					new MetaValue[] { MetaValueFactory
91  							.getInstance()
92  							.create(
93  									valueMap
94  											.get(ComponentType.Connector.Operations.Parameters.CONNECTOR_NAME)) });
95  			resultObject = ProfileServiceUtil.stringValue(value);
96  		}
97  		return resultObject;
98  	}
100 	/*
101 	 * Operation methods
102 	 */
104 	public void executeOperation(ProfileServiceConnection connection,
105 			ExecutedResult operationResult, final Map<String, Object> valueMap) {
107 		if (operationResult.getComponentType().equals(
108 				ComponentType.Engine.MODESHAPE_ENGINE)) {
109 			executeEngineOperation(connection, operationResult, operationResult
110 					.getOperationName(), valueMap);
111 		} else if (operationResult.getComponentType().equals(
112 				ComponentType.Repository.NAME)) {
113 			// TODO Implement repo ops
114 		} else if (operationResult.getComponentType().equals(
115 				ComponentType.Connector.NAME)) {
116 			executeConnectorOperation(connection, operationResult,
117 					operationResult.getOperationName(), valueMap);
118 		}
120 	}
122 	private void executeEngineOperation(ProfileServiceConnection connection,
123 			ExecutedResult operationResult, final String operationName,
124 			final Map<String, Object> valueMap) {
126 		try {
127 			executeManagedOperation(ProfileServiceUtil
128 					.getManagedEngine(connection), operationName,
129 					new MetaValue[] { null });
130 		} catch (Exception e) {
131 			final String msg = "Exception executing operation: " + operationName; //$NON-NLS-1$
132 			LOG.error(msg, e);
133 		}
134 	}
136 	private void executeConnectorOperation(ProfileServiceConnection connection,
137 			ExecutedResult operationResult, final String operationName,
138 			final Map<String, Object> valueMap) {
140 		if (operationName.equals(Connector.Operations.PING)) {
141 			try {
142 				String connectorName = (String) valueMap
143 						.get(Connector.Operations.Parameters.CONNECTOR_NAME);
144 				MetaValue[] args = new MetaValue[] { metaValueFactory
145 						.create(connectorName) };
146 				MetaValue value = executeManagedOperation(ProfileServiceUtil
147 						.getManagedEngine(connection), operationName,
148 						operationResult, args);
149 				operationResult.setContent(value);
150 			} catch (Exception e) {
151 				final String msg = "Exception executing operation: " + Connector.Operations.PING; //$NON-NLS-1$
152 				LOG.error(msg, e);
153 			}
154 		}
155 	}
157 	private MetaValue executeSequencingServiceOperation(
158 			ProfileServiceConnection connection, final String operationName,
159 			final Map<String, Object> valueMap) {
160 		MetaValue value = null;
161 		try {
162 			MetaValue[] args = new MetaValue[] {};
163 			value = executeManagedOperation(ProfileServiceUtil
164 					.getManagedSequencingService(connection), operationName,
165 					args);
166 		} catch (Exception e) {
167 			final String msg = "Exception executing operation: " + operationName; //$NON-NLS-1$
168 			LOG.error(msg, e);
169 		}
171 		return value;
173 	}
175 	/**
176 	 * @param mc
177 	 * @param operation
178 	 * @param args
179 	 * @return {@link MetaValue}
180 	 * @throws Exception
181 	 */
182 	public static MetaValue executeManagedOperation(ManagedComponent mc,
183 			String operation, @Nullable MetaValue... args) throws Exception {
185 		for (ManagedOperation mo : mc.getOperations()) {
186 			String opName = mo.getName();
187 			if (opName.equals(operation)) {
188 				try {
189 					if (args == null || (args.length == 1 && args[0] == null)) {
190 						return mo.invoke();
191 					}
192 					return mo.invoke(args);
193 				} catch (Exception e) {
194 					final String msg = "Exception invoking " + operation; //$NON-NLS-1$
195 					LOG.error(msg, e);
196 					throw e;
197 				}
198 			}
199 		}
200 		throw new Exception("No operation found with given name =" + operation); //$NON-NLS-1$
202 	}
204 	/**
205 	 * @param mc
206 	 * @param operation
207 	 * @param args
208 	 * @param operationResult
209 	 * @return {@link MetaValue}
210 	 * @throws Exception
211 	 */
212 	public static MetaValue executeManagedOperation(ManagedComponent mc,
213 			String operation, ExecutedResult operationResult,
214 			@Nullable MetaValue... args) throws Exception {
216 		for (ManagedOperation mo : mc.getOperations()) {
217 			String opName = mo.getName();
218 			if (opName.equals(operation)) {
219 				operationResult.setManagedOperation(mo);
220 				try {
221 					if (args == null || (args.length == 1 && args[0] == null)) {
222 						return mo.invoke();
223 					}
224 					return mo.invoke(args);
225 				} catch (Exception e) {
226 					final String msg = "Exception invoking " + operation; //$NON-NLS-1$
227 					LOG.error(msg, e);
228 					throw e;
229 				}
230 			}
231 		}
232 		throw new Exception("No operation found with given name =" + operation); //$NON-NLS-1$
234 	}
236 	public static Collection<ManagedRepository> getRepositoryCollectionValue(
237 			MetaValue pValue) {
238 		Collection<ManagedRepository> list = new ArrayList<ManagedRepository>();
239 		MetaType metaType = pValue.getMetaType();
240 		if (metaType.isCollection()) {
241 			for (MetaValue value : ((CollectionValueSupport) pValue)
242 					.getElements()) {
243 				if (value.getMetaType().isComposite()) {
244 					ManagedRepository repository = (ManagedRepository) MetaValueFactory
245 							.getInstance().unwrap(value);
246 					list.add(repository);
247 				} else {
248 					throw new IllegalStateException(pValue
249 							+ " is not a Composite type"); //$NON-NLS-1$
250 				}
251 			}
252 		}
253 		return list;
254 	}
256 	public static String getConnectorPingString(MetaValue pValue)
257 			throws Exception {
258 		MetaType metaType = pValue.getMetaType();
259 		StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
260 		if (metaType.isCollection()) {
261 			for (MetaValue value : ((CollectionValueSupport) pValue)
262 					.getElements()) {
263 				String resultValue = ProfileServiceUtil.stringValue(value);
264 				sb.append(resultValue + " ");
265 			}
266 		}
267 		return sb.toString();
268 	}
270 	public static Collection<ManagedSequencerConfig> getSequencerCollectionValue(
271 			MetaValue pValue) {
272 		Collection<ManagedSequencerConfig> list = new ArrayList<ManagedSequencerConfig>();
273 		MetaType metaType = pValue.getMetaType();
274 		if (metaType.isCollection()) {
275 			for (MetaValue value : ((CollectionValueSupport) pValue)
276 					.getElements()) {
277 				if (value.getMetaType().isComposite()) {
278 					ManagedSequencerConfig sequencer = (ManagedSequencerConfig) MetaValueFactory
279 							.getInstance().unwrap(value);
280 					list.add(sequencer);
281 				} else {
282 					throw new IllegalStateException(pValue
283 							+ " is not a Composite type"); //$NON-NLS-1$
284 				}
285 			}
286 		}
287 		return list;
288 	}
290 	private Collection createReportResultList(List fieldNameList,
291 			Iterator objectIter) {
292 		Collection reportResultList = new ArrayList();
294 		while (objectIter.hasNext()) {
295 			Object object =;
297 			Class cls = null;
298 			try {
299 				cls = object.getClass();
300 				Iterator methodIter = fieldNameList.iterator();
301 				Map reportValueMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
302 				while (methodIter.hasNext()) {
303 					String fieldName = (String);
304 					String methodName = fieldName;
305 					Method meth = cls.getMethod(methodName, (Class[]) null);
306 					Object retObj = meth.invoke(object, (Object[]) null);
307 					reportValueMap.put(fieldName, retObj);
308 				}
309 				reportResultList.add(reportValueMap);
310 			} catch (Throwable e) {
311 				System.err.println(e);
312 			}
313 		}
314 		return reportResultList;
315 	}
317 }