Uses of Class

Packages that use PathNode
org.modeshape.connector.filesystem The classes that make up the connector that accesses the files and directories on a local file system and exposes them as content in a repository. 
org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc The classes that make up the connector that accesses the database schema metadata exposed by JDBC drivers for existing relational databases. 
org.modeshape.connector.svn The classes that make up the connector that accesses content from an SVN repository. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.base This package defines a series of classes that can serve as base classes for a connector implementation. 

Uses of PathNode in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem

Method parameters in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem with type arguments of type PathNode
 RequestProcessor FileSystemRepository.createRequestProcessor(Transaction<PathNode,org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemWorkspace> txn)

Uses of PathNode in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc that return PathNode
protected  PathNode JdbcMetadataRepository.JdbcMetadataTransaction.createNode(Path.Segment name, Path parentPath, Iterable<Property> properties)

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc with type arguments of type PathNode
JdbcMetadataRepository.JdbcMetadataTransaction(Repository<PathNode,org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc.JdbcMetadataWorkspace> repository, UUID rootNodeUuid)

Uses of PathNode in org.modeshape.connector.svn

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.svn that return PathNode
 PathNode SvnWorkspace.getNode(Path path)
 PathNode SvnWorkspace.getRootNode()

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.svn that return types with arguments of type PathNode
 PathWorkspace.ChangeCommand<PathNode> SvnWorkspace.createMoveCommand(PathNode source, PathNode target)

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.svn with parameters of type PathNode
 PathWorkspace.ChangeCommand<PathNode> SvnWorkspace.createMoveCommand(PathNode source, PathNode target)
 SvnWorkspace.SvnCommand SvnWorkspace.createPutCommand(PathNode previousNode, PathNode node)
protected  void SvnWorkspace.validate(PathNode node)

Method parameters in org.modeshape.connector.svn with type arguments of type PathNode
 void SvnWorkspace.commit(List<PathWorkspace.ChangeCommand<PathNode>> commands)

Uses of PathNode in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base

Classes in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base with type parameters of type PathNode
 class PathTransaction<NodeType extends PathNode,WorkspaceType extends PathWorkspace<NodeType>>
          An implementation of Transaction that maintains a cache of nodes by their path.
 class PathWorkspace<NodeType extends PathNode>
          The Workspace implementation that represents all nodes as PathNode objects and stores them in an internal data structure that allows for nodes to be accessed via a Path.
static interface PathWorkspace.ChangeCommand<NodeType extends PathNode>
          A specific operation that mutates the underlying persistent repository.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base that return PathNode
 PathNode PathNode.clone()
           This method never clones the changes.
 PathNode PathNode.freeze()
          Return the frozen node with all internal state reflective of any changes.
 PathNode PathNode.withChild(int index, Path.Segment child)
          Create a copy of this node except adding the supplied node into the existing children at the specified index.
 PathNode PathNode.withChild(Path.Segment child)
          Create a copy of this node except adding the supplied node at the end of the existing children.
 PathNode PathNode.withName(Path.Segment name)
          Create a copy of this node except using the supplied name.
 PathNode PathNode.withoutChild(Path.Segment child)
          Create a copy of this node except without the supplied child node.
 PathNode PathNode.withoutChildren()
          Create a copy of this node except with none of the children.
 PathNode PathNode.withoutProperties()
          Create a copy of this node without any properties
 PathNode PathNode.withoutProperty(Name propertyName)
          Create a copy of this node except without the new property.
 PathNode PathNode.withParent(Path parent)
          Create a copy of this node except using the supplied path.
 PathNode PathNode.withProperties(Iterable<Property> propertiesToSet, Iterable<Name> propertiesToRemove, boolean removeAllExisting)
          Create a copy of this node except with the changes to the properties.
 PathNode PathNode.withProperty(Property property)
          Create a copy of this node except with the new property.

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