Uses of Class

Packages that use Request
org.modeshape.connector.jcr The JCR connector provides access to a JCR repository instance running in the same process (and accessible via JNDI). The classes that define the "simple" storage model for the JPA connector. 
org.modeshape.graph The ModeShape Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector ModeShape uses connectors to access information from external systems (such as databases, other repositories, services, applications, etc.) and create graph representations of that information. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.base This package defines a series of classes that can serve as base classes for a connector implementation. The MapRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default implementation of the connector classes for connectors that support the transient or persistent mapping of a UUID to a standard representation of a node
org.modeshape.graph.connector.path The PathRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default read-only implementation of the connector classes for connectors that only support path-based access to a standard representation of a node
org.modeshape.graph.request Sometimes its useful to work with a graph using objects that represent individual commands on the graph. 
org.modeshape.graph.request.processor This portion of the ModeShape Graph API defines the processor for requests A small framework for a search engine component. 

Uses of Request in org.modeshape.connector.jcr

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.jcr with parameters of type Request
 void JcrRepositoryConnection.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.

Uses of Request in

Methods in with parameters of type Request
 void SimpleJpaConnection.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.

Uses of Request in org.modeshape.graph

Methods in org.modeshape.graph that return types with arguments of type Request
 List<Request> Results.getRequests()
          Get the requests that were executed as part of these results.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph with parameters of type Request
protected  void Graph.execute(Request request)
          Obtain a connection to the source, execute the supplied request, and check the request for errors.

Uses of Request in org.modeshape.graph.connector

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector with parameters of type Request
 void RepositoryConnectionPool.ConnectionWrapper.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
 void RepositoryConnection.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.

Uses of Request in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base with parameters of type Request
 void Connection.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
protected  NodeType Processor.getTargetNode(WorkspaceType workspace, Request request, Location location)
protected  WorkspaceType Processor.getWorkspace(Request request, String workspaceName)
protected  boolean Processor.updatesAllowed(Request request)

Uses of Request in

Methods in with parameters of type Request
 void MapRepositoryConnection.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
protected  MapNode MapRequestProcessor.getTargetNode(MapWorkspace workspace, Request request, Location location)
protected  MapWorkspace MapRequestProcessor.getWorkspace(Request request, String workspaceName)
protected  boolean MapRequestProcessor.updatesAllowed(Request request)

Uses of Request in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path with parameters of type Request
 void PathRepositoryConnection.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
protected  PathNode PathRequestProcessor.getTargetNode(PathWorkspace workspace, Request request, Location location)
protected  PathWorkspace PathRequestProcessor.getWorkspace(Request request, String workspaceName)
protected  boolean PathRequestProcessor.updatesAllowed(Request request)

Uses of Request in org.modeshape.graph.request

Subclasses of Request in org.modeshape.graph.request
 class AccessQueryRequest
          A Request to issue an access query a graph, where an access query is a low-level atomic query that is part of a large, planned query.
 class CacheableRequest
          A request that contains results that may be cached.
 class ChangeRequest
          A Request to make changes in a graph.
 class CloneBranchRequest
          Instruction that a branch be cloned from one workspace into another.
 class CloneWorkspaceRequest
          Request that an existing workspace be cloned into a target workspace with the supplied name.
 class CollectGarbageRequest
          Request that garbage collection be performed.
 class CompositeRequest
          A request that wraps multiple other requests, allowing multiple requests to be treated as a single request.
protected  class CompositeRequestChannel.ChannelCompositeRequest
protected static class CompositeRequestChannel.LastRequest
          A psuedo Request that is used by the CompositeRequestChannel to insert into a request queue so that the queue's iterator knows when there are no more requests to process.
 class CopyBranchRequest
          Instruction that a branch be copied from one location into another.
 class CreateNodeRequest
          Instruction to create the node under the specified location.
 class CreateWorkspaceRequest
          Request that a new workspace be created with the supplied name.
 class DeleteBranchRequest
          Instruction that a branch be deleted.
 class DeleteChildrenRequest
          Instruction that all nodes below a supplied node be deleted.
 class DestroyWorkspaceRequest
          Request that an existing workspace with the supplied name be destroyed.
 class FullTextSearchRequest
          A Request to perform a full-text search on a graph.
 class GetWorkspacesRequest
          A request to obtain the information about the workspaces that are available.
 class LockBranchRequest
          Instruction to lock an existing node or branch.
 class MoveBranchRequest
          Instruction that a branch be moved from one location into another.
 class ReadAllChildrenRequest
          Instruction to read all of the children of a node at a specific location.
 class ReadAllPropertiesRequest
          Instruction to read the properties and the number of children of the node at the specifed location.
 class ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest
          Instruction to read a block of the children of a node, where the block is dictated by the starting index and the maximum number of children to include in the block.
 class ReadBranchRequest
          Instruction to read the properties and children of the nodes in the branch at the supplied location.
 class ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest
          Instruction to read a block of the children of a node, where the block is dictated by the location of the child preceding the block and the maximum number of children to include in the block.
 class ReadNodeRequest
          Instruction to read the properties and children of the node at the specifed location.
 class ReadPropertyRequest
          Instruction to read a single property on the node at the specified location.
 class RemovePropertyRequest
          Instruction to remove the property with the supplied name from the node at the given location.
 class RenameNodeRequest
          Instruction to rename an existing node (but keep it under the same parent).
 class SearchRequest
          A Request to search or query a graph.
 class SetPropertyRequest
          Instruction to set a particular property on the node at the specified location.
 class UnlockBranchRequest
          Instruction to unlock an existing node or branch.
 class UpdatePropertiesRequest
          Instruction to update the properties on the node at the specified location.
 class UpdateValuesRequest
          Instruction to update the values for a certain property on the node at the specified location.
 class VerifyNodeExistsRequest
          Instruction to verify the existance of a node at the specified location.
 class VerifyWorkspaceRequest
          Verify that a workspace exists with the supplied name.

Fields in org.modeshape.graph.request with type parameters of type Request
protected  LinkedList<Request> CompositeRequestChannel.allRequests
          The list of all requests that are or have been processed as part of this channel

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request with type parameters of type Request
protected abstract
<T extends Request>
RequestBuilder.process(T request)

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request that return Request
 Request BatchRequestBuilder.pop()
          Remove and return any requests that have been built by this builder since the last call to this method.
 Request RequestBuilder.removeProperties(Location on, String workspaceName, Name... propertyNames)
          Add a request to remove from the node the properties with the supplied names.
 Request RequestBuilder.setProperties(Location on, String workspaceName, Property... properties)
          Add a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.
protected  Request BatchRequestBuilder.NodeChange.toRequest()
static Request CompositeRequest.with(Iterator<? extends Request> requests)
          Return a request that either wraps multiple requests, or the single request if only one is supplied.
static Request CompositeRequest.with(List<? extends Request> requests)
          Return a request that either wraps multiple requests, or the single request if only one is supplied.
static Request CompositeRequest.with(Request... requests)
          Return a request that either wraps multiple requests, or the single request if only one is supplied.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request that return types with arguments of type Request
 List<Request> CompositeRequestChannel.allRequests()
          Get all the requests that were submitted to this queue.
protected  Iterator<Request> CompositeRequestChannel.createIterator()
          Utility method to create an iterator over the requests in this channel.
 List<Request> MultipleRequestFailuresException.getFailedRequests()
 List<Request> CompositeRequestChannel.ChannelCompositeRequest.getRequests()
          Return the unmodifiable requests contained in this composite request.
 List<Request> CompositeRequest.getRequests()
          Return the unmodifiable requests contained in this composite request.
 Iterator<Request> CompositeRequestChannel.ChannelCompositeRequest.iterator()
 Iterator<Request> CompositeRequest.iterator()

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request with parameters of type Request
static CompositeRequest CompositeRequest.add(CompositeRequest composite, Request... requests)
          Add requests to the supplied composite request.
 void CompositeRequestChannel.add(Request request)
          Add the request to this channel for asynchronous processing.
protected  BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.add(Request request)
 CountDownLatch CompositeRequestChannel.add(Request request, CountDownLatch latch)
          Add the request to this channel for asynchronous processing, and supply a count-down latch that should be decremented when this request is completed.
 void CompositeRequestChannel.addAndAwait(Request request)
          Add the request to this channel for processing, but wait to return until the request has been processed.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.submit(Request request)
          Submit any request to this batch.
static Request CompositeRequest.with(Request... requests)
          Return a request that either wraps multiple requests, or the single request if only one is supplied.

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph.request with type arguments of type Request
static CompositeRequest CompositeRequest.add(CompositeRequest composite, Iterator<? extends Request> requests)
          Add requests to the supplied composite request.
static Request CompositeRequest.with(Iterator<? extends Request> requests)
          Return a request that either wraps multiple requests, or the single request if only one is supplied.
static Request CompositeRequest.with(List<? extends Request> requests)
          Return a request that either wraps multiple requests, or the single request if only one is supplied.

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.request with type arguments of type Request
BatchRequestBuilder(LinkedList<Request> requests)
CompositeRequest(List<? extends Request> requests, boolean readOnly)
          Create a composite request from the supplied list of requests.
MultipleRequestFailuresException(List<Request> failedRequests, int totalNumberOfRequests)

Uses of Request in org.modeshape.graph.request.processor

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request.processor with parameters of type Request
protected  void RequestProcessor.completeRequest(Request request)
 void RequestProcessor.process(Request request)
          Process a request by determining the type of request and delegating to the appropriate process method for that type.
 void LoggingRequestProcessor.process(Request request)
          Process a request by determining the type of request and delegating to the appropriate process method for that type.
protected  void RequestProcessor.processUnknownRequest(Request request)
          Method that is called by RequestProcessor.process(Request) when the request was found to be of a request type that is not known by this processor.

Uses of Request in

Methods in with parameters of type Request
protected  void SearchEngineIndexer.checkRequestForErrors(Request request)
 void SearchableRepositorySource.ParallelConnection.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
 void SearchableRepositorySource.SynchronousConnection.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.

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