Uses of Class

Packages that use SecureHash.Algorithm
org.modeshape.common.text A set of utilities for working with text. 
org.modeshape.common.util A set of miscellaneous utilities. 

Uses of SecureHash.Algorithm in org.modeshape.common.text

Methods in org.modeshape.common.text that return SecureHash.Algorithm
 SecureHash.Algorithm SecureHashTextEncoder.getAlgorithm()
          Return the secure hash algorithm used by this encoder.

Constructors in org.modeshape.common.text with parameters of type SecureHash.Algorithm
SecureHashTextEncoder(SecureHash.Algorithm algorithm)
          Create an encoder that uses the supplied algorithm and returns only the supplied number of characters in the hash.
SecureHashTextEncoder(SecureHash.Algorithm algorithm, int maxLength)
          Create an encoder that uses the supplied algorithm and returns only the supplied number of characters in the hash.

Uses of SecureHash.Algorithm in org.modeshape.common.util

Methods in org.modeshape.common.util that return SecureHash.Algorithm
static SecureHash.Algorithm SecureHash.Algorithm.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static SecureHash.Algorithm[] SecureHash.Algorithm.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.modeshape.common.util with parameters of type SecureHash.Algorithm
static SecureHash.HashingReader SecureHash.createHashingReader(SecureHash.Algorithm algorithm, Reader reader, Charset charset)
          Create an Reader instance that wraps another reader and that computes the secure hash (using the algorithm with the supplied name) as the returned Reader is used.
static SecureHash.HashingInputStream SecureHash.createHashingStream(SecureHash.Algorithm algorithm, InputStream inputStream)
          Create an InputStream instance that wraps another stream and that computes the secure hash (using the algorithm with the supplied name) as the returned stream is used.
static byte[] SecureHash.getHash(SecureHash.Algorithm algorithm, byte[] content)
          Get the hash of the supplied content, using the supplied digest algorithm.
static byte[] SecureHash.getHash(SecureHash.Algorithm algorithm, File file)
          Get the hash of the supplied content, using the supplied digest algorithm.
static byte[] SecureHash.getHash(SecureHash.Algorithm algorithm, InputStream stream)
          Get the hash of the supplied content, using the supplied digest algorithm.

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