Package org.modeshape.jcr.api.query.qom

Interface Summary
ArithmeticOperand A dynamic operand that represents a (binary) arithmetic operation upon one or more other operands, used in Comparison and Ordering components.
Between A constraint that evaluates to true when the value defined by the dynamic operand evaluates to be within the specified range.
Limit Representation of a limit on the number of tuple results.
NodeDepth A dynamic operand that evaluates to the depth of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
NodePath A dynamic operand that evaluates to the path of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
QueryCommand Represents the abstract base class for all query commands.
QueryObjectModelFactory An extension to the standard JCR QueryObjectModelFactory interface, with methods to create additional components for more powerful queries.
ReferenceValue A dynamic operand that evaluates to the value(s) of a single or any reference property on a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
SelectQuery Represents a typical select-style query.
SetCriteria A constraint that evaluates to true when the value defined by the dynamic operand evaluates to be within the set of values specified by the collection of values.
SetQuery Represents a set query.
SetQueryObjectModel A set query extension to the JCR query object model.
Subquery Represents a non-correlated subquery used as a StaticOperand.

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