Uses of Interface

Packages that use ValueFactories
org.modeshape.cnd Compact Node Definition (CND) defines JCR node types, property definitions, and child node definitions in a concise and easy-to-read form. 
org.modeshape.connector.filesystem The classes that make up the connector that accesses the files and directories on a local file system and exposes them as content in a repository. The classes that define the "simple" storage model for the JPA connector. The classes that define the utility JPA entities that are not part of any storage model. 
org.modeshape.graph The ModeShape Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.base This package defines a series of classes that can serve as base classes for a connector implementation. Nodes in a graph contain properties, and this package defines the interfaces, classes and exceptions for representing and working with properties and their values. A set of basic implementations of the various interfaces defined in
org.modeshape.jcr The ModeShape implementation of the JCR API. 
org.modeshape.repository.sequencer The classes that make up the sequencing service and its configuration. An implementation of the SearchEngine interface that uses the Lucene library. A set of Lucene Query specializations that allow the LuceneSearchEngine to create Lucene queries with additional kinds of constraints. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid The classes that make up the JCR Compact Node Definition (CND) file sequencer. 

Uses of ValueFactories in org.modeshape.cnd

Fields in org.modeshape.cnd declared as ValueFactories
protected  ValueFactories CndImporter.valueFactories

Uses of ValueFactories in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem with parameters of type ValueFactories
protected  Property StoreProperties.parse(String line, ValueFactories factories, PropertyFactory propFactory, NamespaceRegistry namespaces, Map<Name,Property> result)

Uses of ValueFactories in

Methods in with parameters of type ValueFactories
 Object valueFactories, byte[] hash, long length)

Uses of ValueFactories in

Methods in with parameters of type ValueFactories
 Object valueFactories, byte[] hash, long length)
 Object valueFactories, byte[] hash, long length)

Uses of ValueFactories in org.modeshape.graph

Methods in org.modeshape.graph that return ValueFactories
 ValueFactories ExecutionContext.getValueFactories()
          Get the factories that should be used to create values for properties.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph with parameters of type ValueFactories
ExecutionContext(SecurityContext securityContext, NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, ValueFactories valueFactories, PropertyFactory propertyFactory, MimeTypeDetector mimeTypeDetector, TextExtractor textExtractor, ClassLoaderFactory classLoaderFactory, Map<String,String> data, String processId)
          Create an instance of the execution context by supplying all parameters.

Uses of ValueFactories in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base

Fields in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base declared as ValueFactories
protected  ValueFactories BaseTransaction.valueFactories

Uses of ValueFactories in

Fields in declared as ValueFactories
protected  ValueFactories ValueTypeSystem.valueFactories

Constructors in with parameters of type ValueFactories
ValueTypeSystem(ValueFactories valueFactories)
          Create a type system using the supplied value factories.

Uses of ValueFactories in

Classes in that implement ValueFactories
 class AbstractValueFactories
          Abstract implementation of ValueFactories that implements all the methods other than the get*Factory() methods.
 class StandardValueFactories
          The standard set of value factories.

Constructors in with parameters of type ValueFactories
BasicPropertyFactory(ValueFactories valueFactories)
SystemPropertyFactory(ValueFactories valueFactories)

Uses of ValueFactories in org.modeshape.jcr

Fields in org.modeshape.jcr declared as ValueFactories
protected  ValueFactories JackrabbitXmlNodeTypeReader.XmlImporter.valueFactories

Uses of ValueFactories in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer

Constructors in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer with parameters of type ValueFactories
SequencerOutputMap(ValueFactories factories)

Uses of ValueFactories in

Fields in declared as ValueFactories
protected  ValueFactories AbstractLuceneSearchEngine.AbstractLuceneProcessor.valueFactories

Uses of ValueFactories in

Methods in with parameters of type ValueFactories
static CompareLengthQuery CompareLengthQuery.createQueryForNodesWithFieldEqualTo(Integer constraintValue, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a field length that is equal to the supplied constraint value.
static CompareStringQuery.createQueryForNodesWithFieldEqualTo(String constraintValue, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a string field value that is equal to the supplied constraint value.
static CompareLengthQuery CompareLengthQuery.createQueryForNodesWithFieldGreaterThan(Integer constraintValue, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a field length that is greater than the supplied constraint value.
static CompareStringQuery CompareStringQuery.createQueryForNodesWithFieldGreaterThan(String constraintValue, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a string field value that is greater than the supplied constraint value.
static CompareLengthQuery CompareLengthQuery.createQueryForNodesWithFieldGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Integer constraintValue, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a field length that is greater than or equal to the supplied constraint value.
static CompareStringQuery CompareStringQuery.createQueryForNodesWithFieldGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String constraintValue, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a string field value that is greater than or equal to the supplied constraint value.
static CompareLengthQuery CompareLengthQuery.createQueryForNodesWithFieldLessThan(Integer constraintValue, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a field length that is less than the supplied constraint value.
static CompareStringQuery CompareStringQuery.createQueryForNodesWithFieldLessThan(String constraintValue, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a string field value that is less than the supplied constraint value.
static CompareLengthQuery CompareLengthQuery.createQueryForNodesWithFieldLessThanOrEqualTo(Integer constraintValue, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a field length that is less than or equal to the supplied constraint value.
static CompareStringQuery CompareStringQuery.createQueryForNodesWithFieldLessThanOrEqualTo(String constraintValue, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a string field value that is less than or equal to the supplied constraint value.
static CompareStringQuery.createQueryForNodesWithFieldLike(String likeExpression, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a string field value that is LIKE the supplied constraint value, where the LIKE expression contains the SQL wildcard characters '%' and '_' or the regular expression wildcard characters '*' and '?'.
static CompareLengthQuery CompareLengthQuery.createQueryForNodesWithFieldNotEqualTo(Integer constraintValue, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents with a field length that is not equal to the supplied constraint value.
static CompareNameQuery CompareNameQuery.createQueryForNodesWithNameGreaterThan(Path.Segment constraintValue, String localNameField, String snsIndexFieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive, boolean includeSns)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a name that is greater than the supplied constraint name.
static CompareNameQuery CompareNameQuery.createQueryForNodesWithNameGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Path.Segment constraintValue, String localNameField, String snsIndexFieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive, boolean includeSns)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a name that is greater than or equal to the supplied constraint name.
static CompareNameQuery CompareNameQuery.createQueryForNodesWithNameLessThan(Path.Segment constraintValue, String localNameField, String snsIndexFieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive, boolean includeSns)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a name that is less than the supplied constraint name.
static CompareNameQuery CompareNameQuery.createQueryForNodesWithNameLessThanOrEqualTo(Path.Segment constraintValue, String localNameField, String snsIndexFieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive, boolean includeSns)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a name that is less than or equal to the supplied constraint name.
static ComparePathQuery ComparePathQuery.createQueryForNodesWithPathGreaterThan(Path constraintPath, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a path that is greater than the supplied constraint path.
static ComparePathQuery ComparePathQuery.createQueryForNodesWithPathGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Path constraintPath, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a path that is greater than or equal to the supplied constraint path.
static ComparePathQuery ComparePathQuery.createQueryForNodesWithPathLessThan(Path constraintPath, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a path that is less than the supplied constraint path.
static ComparePathQuery ComparePathQuery.createQueryForNodesWithPathLessThanOrEqualTo(Path constraintPath, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a path that is less than or equal to the supplied constraint path.

Uses of ValueFactories in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid declared as ValueFactories
protected  ValueFactories XmiGraphReader.valueFactories

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