Uses of Interface

Packages that use SearchEngine A small framework for a search engine component. An implementation of the SearchEngine interface that uses the Lucene library. 

Uses of SearchEngine in

Classes in that implement SearchEngine
 class AbstractSearchEngine<WorkspaceType extends SearchEngineWorkspace,ProcessorType extends SearchEngineProcessor>
          A component that acts as a search engine for the content within a single RepositorySource.

Methods in that return SearchEngine
protected  SearchEngine SearchableRepositorySource.searchEngine()

Constructors in with parameters of type SearchEngine
SearchableRepositorySource(RepositorySource wrapped, SearchEngine searchEngine)
          Create a new searchable and queryable RepositorySource around an instance that is neither.
SearchableRepositorySource(RepositorySource wrapped, SearchEngine searchEngine, ExecutorService executorService, boolean executeAsynchronously, boolean updateIndexesAsynchronously)
          Create a new searchable and queryable RepositorySource around an instance that is neither.
SearchEngineIndexer(ExecutionContext context, SearchEngine searchEngine, RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory, int maxDepthPerRead)
          Create an indexer that will update the indexes in the supplied search engine by crawling content, using the supplied connection factory to obtain connections.

Uses of SearchEngine in

Classes in that implement SearchEngine
 class AbstractLuceneSearchEngine<WorkspaceType extends SearchEngineWorkspace,ProcessorType extends SearchEngineProcessor>
          An abstract SearchEngine implementation that is set up to use the Lucene library.
 class LuceneSearchEngine
          A SearchEngine implementation that relies upon two separate indexes to manage the node properties and the node structure (path and children).

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