Uses of Class

Packages that use QueryResults.Statistics
org.modeshape.graph.query The Query API provides a mechanism for building and executing queries. 
org.modeshape.graph.query.process This package defines the QueryProcessor interface, which is responsible for constructing for each query a tree of ProcessingComponent objects that each are responsible for processing a specific aspect of the query and returning the tuples to the parent component. 
org.modeshape.graph.request Sometimes its useful to work with a graph using objects that represent individual commands on the graph. 

Uses of QueryResults.Statistics in org.modeshape.graph.query

Fields in org.modeshape.graph.query declared as QueryResults.Statistics
protected static QueryResults.Statistics QueryResults.Statistics.EMPTY_STATISTICS

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.query that return QueryResults.Statistics
 QueryResults.Statistics QueryResults.getStatistics()
          Get the statistics that describe the time metrics for this query.
 QueryResults.Statistics QueryResults.Statistics.withExecutionTime(long executionNanos)
          Create a new statistics object that has the supplied execution time.
 QueryResults.Statistics QueryResults.Statistics.withExecutionTime(long execution, TimeUnit unit)
          Create a new statistics object that has the supplied execution time.
 QueryResults.Statistics QueryResults.Statistics.withOptimizationTime(long optimizationNanos)
          Create a new statistics object that has the supplied optimization time.
 QueryResults.Statistics QueryResults.Statistics.withOptimizationTime(long optimization, TimeUnit unit)
          Create a new statistics object that has the supplied optimization time.
 QueryResults.Statistics QueryResults.Statistics.withPlanningTime(long planningNanos)
          Create a new statistics object that has the supplied planning time.
 QueryResults.Statistics QueryResults.Statistics.withPlanningTime(long planning, TimeUnit unit)
          Create a new statistics object that has the supplied planning time.
 QueryResults.Statistics QueryResults.Statistics.withResultsFormulationTime(long resultFormulationNanos)
          Create a new statistics object that has the supplied result formulation time.
 QueryResults.Statistics QueryResults.Statistics.withResultsFormulationTime(long resultFormulation, TimeUnit unit)
          Create a new statistics object that has the supplied result formulation time.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.query with parameters of type QueryResults.Statistics
 int QueryResults.Statistics.compareTo(QueryResults.Statistics that)

Uses of QueryResults.Statistics in org.modeshape.graph.query.process

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.query.process that return QueryResults.Statistics
 QueryResults.Statistics QueryResults.getStatistics()
          Get the statistics that describe the time metrics for this query.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.query.process with parameters of type QueryResults.Statistics
 QueryResults QueryProcessor.execute(QueryContext context, QueryCommand command, QueryResults.Statistics statistics, PlanNode plan)
          Process the supplied query plan for the given command and return the results.
 QueryResults Processor.execute(QueryContext context, QueryCommand command, QueryResults.Statistics statistics, PlanNode plan)
          Process the supplied query plan for the given command and return the results.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.query.process with parameters of type QueryResults.Statistics
QueryResults(QueryResults.Columns columns, QueryResults.Statistics statistics)
          Create an empty QueryResults object for the supplied context, command, and result columns.
QueryResults(QueryResults.Columns columns, QueryResults.Statistics statistics, List<Object[]> tuples)
          Create a results object for the supplied context, command, and result columns and with the supplied tuples.
QueryResults(QueryResults.Columns columns, QueryResults.Statistics statistics, List<Object[]> tuples, Problems problems, String plan)
          Create a results object for the supplied context, command, and result columns and with the supplied tuples.
QueryResults(QueryResults.Columns columns, QueryResults.Statistics statistics, Problems problems)
          Create an empty QueryResults object for the supplied context, command, and result columns.

Uses of QueryResults.Statistics in org.modeshape.graph.request

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request that return QueryResults.Statistics
 QueryResults.Statistics SearchRequest.getStatistics()
          Get the statistics that describe the time metrics for this query.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request with parameters of type QueryResults.Statistics
protected  void SearchRequest.doSetResults(QueryResults.Columns resultColumns, List<Object[]> tuples, QueryResults.Statistics statistics)
          Set the results for this request.
 void AccessQueryRequest.setResults(List<Object[]> tuples, QueryResults.Statistics statistics)
          Set the results for this request.
 void FullTextSearchRequest.setResults(QueryResults.Columns resultColumns, List<Object[]> tuples, QueryResults.Statistics statistics)
          Set the results for this request.

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