Uses of Interface

Packages that use DdlParser
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl The classes that make up the DDL sequencer, which is capable of parsing the more important DDL statements from SQL-92, Oracle, Derby, and PostgreSQL, and constructing a graph structure containing a structured representation of these statements. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2 The classes for parsing DDL for the DB2 DBMS. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby The classes for parsing DDL for the Derby DBMS. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql The (prototype) classes for parsing DDL for the MySQL DBMS. The classes for parsing DDL for the Oracle DBMS. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres The classes for parsing DDL for the PostgreSQL DBMS. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver The (prototype) classes for parsing DDL for the Microsoft SQLServer DBMS. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase The (prototype) classes for parsing DDL for the Sybase DBMS. 

Uses of DdlParser in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl

Classes in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl that implement DdlParser
 class StandardDdlParser
          Standard SQL 92 DDL file content parser.

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl with type parameters of type DdlParser
static List<DdlParser> DdlParsers.BUILTIN_PARSERS
protected static Map<String,DdlParser> DdlSequencer.STANDARD_PARSERS_BY_NAME

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl that return DdlParser
 DdlParser DdlParsers.ScoredParser.getParser()

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl that return types with arguments of type DdlParser
protected  List<DdlParser> DdlSequencer.getParserList(StreamSequencerContext context)

Method parameters in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl with type arguments of type DdlParser
protected  DdlParsers DdlSequencer.createParsers(List<DdlParser> parsers)
          Method that creates the DdlParsers instance.

Constructors in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl with parameters of type DdlParser
DdlParsers.ScoredParser(DdlParser parser, DdlParserScorer scorer, Object scoringResult)

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl with type arguments of type DdlParser
DdlParserConfig(String name, String description, Class<? extends DdlParser> clazz)
DdlParserConfig(String name, String description, Map<String,Object> properties, Class<? extends DdlParser> clazz)
DdlParsers(List<DdlParser> parsers)
          Create an instance that uses the supplied parsers, in order.

Uses of DdlParser in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2

Classes in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.db2 that implement DdlParser
 class Db2DdlParser

Uses of DdlParser in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby

Classes in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby that implement DdlParser
 class DerbyDdlParser
          Derby-specific DDL Parser.

Uses of DdlParser in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql

Classes in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql that implement DdlParser
 class MySqlDdlParser
          MySql-specific DDL Parser.

Uses of DdlParser in

Classes in that implement DdlParser
 class OracleDdlParser
          Oracle-specific DDL Parser.

Uses of DdlParser in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres

Classes in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres that implement DdlParser
 class PostgresDdlParser
          Postgres-specific DDL Parser.

Uses of DdlParser in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver

Classes in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sqlserver that implement DdlParser
 class SqlServerDdlParser

Uses of DdlParser in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase

Classes in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.sybase that implement DdlParser
 class SybaseDdlParser

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