
The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a relational database via JDBC and JPA.


Interface Summary
JpaAdapter Provides a way for individual JPA implementations to properly set their implementation-specific properties to accurately map the JpaSource properties to the JPA implementation.

Class Summary
EntityManagers Utility class that owns an EntityManagerFactory instance and that provides references to EntityManager instances while providing the ability to properly clean up all resources by closing the EntityManager and EntityManagerFactory objects when no longer needed.
HibernateAdapter Hibernate 3-specifc implementation of JpaAdapter
JpaConnectorI18n The internationalized string constants for the* packages.
JpaSource The RepositorySource for the connector that stores content in a (custom) relational database.
JpaSource.Models This source is capable of using different database schemas
Model A descriptor of a schema used by this connector.

Package Description

The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a relational database via JDBC and JPA.

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