Uses of Interface

Packages that use Name
org.modeshape.cnd Compact Node Definition (CND) defines JCR node types, property definitions, and child node definitions in a concise and easy-to-read form. 
org.modeshape.connector.disk The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a ModeShape-specific format on fixed disk. 
org.modeshape.connector.filesystem The classes that make up the connector that accesses the files and directories on a local file system and exposes them as content in a repository. 
org.modeshape.connector.infinispan The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a deployed instance of Infinispan. 
org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a JBoss Cache instance. 
org.modeshape.connector.jcr The JCR connector provides access to a JCR repository instance running in the same process (and accessible via JNDI). 
org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc The classes that make up the connector that accesses the database schema metadata exposed by JDBC drivers for existing relational databases. The classes that define the "simple" storage model for the JPA connector. The classes that define the utility JPA entities that are not part of any storage model. 
org.modeshape.connector.svn The classes that make up the connector that accesses content from an SVN repository. 
org.modeshape.graph The ModeShape Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.base This package defines a series of classes that can serve as base classes for a connector implementation. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory The In-Memory Connector represents a connector that maintains a graph in transient in-process memory. The MapRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default implementation of the connector classes for connectors that support the transient or persistent mapping of a UUID to a standard representation of a node
org.modeshape.graph.connector.path The PathRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default read-only implementation of the connector classes for connectors that only support path-based access to a standard representation of a node Utilities for inputing and outputing larger amounts of data. 
org.modeshape.graph.observe The Observation API provides several mechanisms for asynchronously observing changes to content. Nodes in a graph contain properties, and this package defines the interfaces, classes and exceptions for representing and working with properties and their values. 
org.modeshape.graph.query The Query API provides a mechanism for building and executing queries. 
org.modeshape.graph.query.model The Abstract Query Model is a vocabulary that can be used to construct a language-neutral representation of a query. 
org.modeshape.graph.request Sometimes its useful to work with a graph using objects that represent individual commands on the graph. 
org.modeshape.graph.request.processor This portion of the ModeShape Graph API defines the processor for requests
org.modeshape.graph.sequencer A sequencer in ModeShape is a component that is able to process information (usually the content of a file, or a property value on a node) and recreate that information as a graph of structured content. 
org.modeshape.graph.session A graph session provides a stateful environment in which graph operations can be enqueued and the state and structure of the graph are cached. 
org.modeshape.graph.text This package defines an interface for components that extract text from content. 
org.modeshape.graph.xml Graph content can often be represented in XML, so this part of the ModeShape Graph API defines the classes that provide the binding between graph and XML content. 
org.modeshape.jcr The ModeShape implementation of the JCR API. 
org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype The ModeShape specification for programmatically creating JCR NodeDefinitions. 
org.modeshape.repository The components and services that make up ModeShape's lower-level graph engine, which is used within its JCR Engine. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile The classes that provide the ability to sequence Java class files into metadata and then write that metadata to a graph in a customizable way. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl The classes that make up the DDL sequencer, which is capable of parsing the more important DDL statements from SQL-92, Oracle, Derby, and PostgreSQL, and constructing a graph structure containing a structured representation of these statements. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby The classes for parsing DDL for the Derby DBMS. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql The (prototype) classes for parsing DDL for the MySQL DBMS. The classes for parsing DDL for the Oracle DBMS. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres The classes for parsing DDL for the PostgreSQL DBMS. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node The classes for nodes within an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and a factory for creating them. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.image The classes that make up the image sequencer. The classes that make up the Java source file sequencer. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3 The classes that make up the MP3 file sequencer. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice The classes that make up the sequencer of Microsoft Office files. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.sramp The classes that make up the S-RAMP library. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid The classes that make up the JCR Compact Node Definition (CND) file sequencer. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.text The classes that provide the ability to sequence fixed-width and delimited text files. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.wsdl The classes that make up the Web Service Definition Lanaguage (WSDL) 1.1 sequencer. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.xml The classes that make up the XML sequencer. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.xsd The classes that make up the XML Schema Document sequencer. The classes that make up the ZIP file sequencer. 

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.cnd

Methods in org.modeshape.cnd that return Name
protected  Name CndImporter.parseName(TokenStream tokens)
          Parse the name that is expected to be next on the token stream.
protected  Name CndImporter.parseNodeTypeName(TokenStream tokens)
          Parse a node type name that appears next on the token stream.

Methods in org.modeshape.cnd that return types with arguments of type Name
protected  List<Name> CndImporter.parseNameList(TokenStream tokens)
          Parse a list of names, separated by commas.
protected  List<Name> CndImporter.parseSupertypes(TokenStream tokens)
          Parse an optional list of supertypes if they appear next on the token stream.

Methods in org.modeshape.cnd with parameters of type Name
protected  void CndImporter.parseNodeAttributes(TokenStream tokens, List<Property> properties, Name childNodeDefnName, Path childNodeDefnPath)
          Parse the child node definition's attributes, if they appear next on the token stream.
protected  void CndImporter.parsePropertyAttributes(TokenStream tokens, List<Property> properties, Name propDefnName, Path propDefnPath)
          Parse the property definition's attributes, if they appear next on the token stream.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.connector.disk

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.connector.disk with type arguments of type Name
DiskNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage on a disk.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem

Fields in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem with type parameters of type Name
protected static Set<Name> BasePropertiesFactory.NO_NAMES
protected static Map<Name,Property> StoreProperties.NO_PROPERTIES_MAP
protected  Set<Name> BasePropertiesFactory.STANDARD_PROPERTIES_FOR_CONTENT
          Only certain properties are tolerated when writing content (dna:resource or jcr:resource) nodes.
protected  Set<Name> BasePropertiesFactory.STANDARD_PROPERTIES_FOR_FILE_OR_FOLDER
          Only certain properties are tolerated when writing files (nt:file) or folders (nt:folder) nodes.

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem that return types with arguments of type Name
protected  Map<Name,Property> StoreProperties.load(File propertiesFile, ExecutionContext context)
 Set<Name> ThrowProperties.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> StoreProperties.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> LogProperties.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> IgnoreProperties.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> CustomPropertiesFactory.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> ThrowProperties.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> StoreProperties.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> LogProperties.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> IgnoreProperties.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> CustomPropertiesFactory.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> ThrowProperties.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
 Set<Name> StoreProperties.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
 Set<Name> LogProperties.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
 Set<Name> IgnoreProperties.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
 Set<Name> CustomPropertiesFactory.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
protected  Set<Name> StoreProperties.write(File propertiesFile, ExecutionContext context, Map<Name,Property> properties)

Method parameters in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem with type arguments of type Name
protected  Property StoreProperties.parse(String line, ValueFactories factories, PropertyFactory propFactory, NamespaceRegistry namespaces, Map<Name,Property> result)
 Set<Name> ThrowProperties.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> StoreProperties.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> LogProperties.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> IgnoreProperties.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> CustomPropertiesFactory.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> ThrowProperties.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> StoreProperties.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> LogProperties.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> IgnoreProperties.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> CustomPropertiesFactory.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> ThrowProperties.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
 Set<Name> StoreProperties.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
 Set<Name> LogProperties.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
 Set<Name> IgnoreProperties.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
 Set<Name> CustomPropertiesFactory.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
protected  Set<Name> StoreProperties.write(File propertiesFile, ExecutionContext context, Map<Name,Property> properties)

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan with type arguments of type Name
InfinispanNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache with type arguments of type Name
JBossCacheNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.connector.jcr

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.jcr that return types with arguments of type Name
protected  Set<Name> JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace.getMultiValuedProperties(Property multiValuedProperty)

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.jcr with parameters of type Name
 Location JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace.move(Node original, Node newParent, Name newName, Node beforeSibling)
 Property JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace.propertyFor(Name name, Object... values)

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc

Fields in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc declared as Name
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.CATALOG
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.COLUMN
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.COLUMN_SIZE
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.COLUMNS
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.DATABASE_MAJOR_VERSION
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.DATABASE_MINOR_VERSION
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.DATABASE_PRODUCT_NAME
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.DATABASE_PRODUCT_VERSION
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.DATABASE_ROOT
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.DECIMAL_DIGITS
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.DEFAULT_VALUE
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.DESCRIPTION
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.JDBC_DATA_TYPE
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.LENGTH
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.NULLABLE
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.ORDINAL_POSITION
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.PROCEDURE
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.PROCEDURE_RETURN_TYPE
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.PROCEDURES
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.RADIX
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.SCHEMA
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.SCOPE_CATALOG_NAME
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.SCOPE_SCHEMA_NAME
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.SCOPE_TABLE_NAME
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.SELF_REFERENCING_COLUMN_NAME
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.SOURCE_JDBC_DATA_TYPE
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.TABLE
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.TABLE_TYPE
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.TABLES
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.TYPE_CATALOG_NAME
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.TYPE_NAME
static Name JdbcMetadataLexicon.TYPE_SCHEMA_NAME

Uses of Name in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Name
 Map<Name,Property> SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode.getProperties()
 Set<Name> SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode.getUniqueChildNames()

Methods in with parameters of type Name
 MapNode SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace.copyNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, boolean recursive)
          This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
protected  void SimpleJpaRepository.Workspace.correctSameNameSiblingIndexes(ExecutionContext context, MapNode parentNode, Name name)
 Property SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode.getProperty(Name name)
 MapNode SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode.removeProperty(Name propertyName)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Name
 MapNode SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode.setProperties(Iterable<Property> properties, Iterable<Name> removedProperties)

Uses of Name in

Methods in with parameters of type Name
 Object[] Serializer.deserializePropertyValues(ObjectInputStream stream, Name propertyName, boolean skip, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.LargeValues skippedLargeValues, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Deserialize the serialized property on the supplied object stream.
 void Serializer.deserializeSomeProperties(ObjectInputStream stream, Collection<Property> properties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.LargeValues skippedLargeValues, Name... names)
          Deserialize the serialized properties on the supplied object stream.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Name
 int Serializer.reserializeProperties(ObjectInputStream input, ObjectOutputStream output, Map<Name,Property> updatedProperties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.LargeValues removedLargeValues, Set<Name> createdProperties, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Deserialize the existing properties from the supplied input stream, update the properties, and then serialize the updated properties to the output stream.
 int Serializer.reserializeProperties(ObjectInputStream input, ObjectOutputStream output, Map<Name,Property> updatedProperties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.LargeValues removedLargeValues, Set<Name> createdProperties, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Deserialize the existing properties from the supplied input stream, update the properties, and then serialize the updated properties to the output stream.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.connector.svn

Fields in org.modeshape.connector.svn declared as Name
static Name SvnRepositoryLexicon.CHILD_PATH_SEGMENT_LIST
static Name SvnRepositoryLexicon.UUID

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.graph

Fields in org.modeshape.graph declared as Name
static Name JcrLexicon.AUTO_CREATED
static Name JcrNtLexicon.BASE
static Name JcrNtLexicon.CHILD_NODE_DEFINITION
static Name JcrLexicon.CHILD_NODE_DEFINITION
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.CLASSNAME
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.CLASSPATH
static Name JcrLexicon.CONTENT
static Name JcrMixLexicon.CREATED
static Name JcrLexicon.CREATED
static Name JcrLexicon.CREATED_BY
static Name JcrLexicon.DATA
static Name JcrLexicon.DEFAULT_PRIMARY_TYPE
static Name JcrLexicon.DEFAULT_VALUES
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_NAME
static Name JcrLexicon.ENCODING
static Name JcrNtLexicon.FILE
static Name JcrNtLexicon.FOLDER
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.GENERATED
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.HASHED
static Name JcrLexicon.IS_ABSTRACT
static Name JcrLexicon.IS_FULL_TEXT_SEARCHABLE
static Name JcrLexicon.IS_MIXIN
static Name JcrLexicon.IS_QUERY_ORDERABLE
static Name JcrLexicon.IS_QUERYABLE
static Name JcrMixLexicon.LAST_MODIFIED
static Name JcrLexicon.LAST_MODIFIED
static Name JcrLexicon.LAST_MODIFIED_BY
static Name JcrMixLexicon.LOCKABLE
static Name JcrLexicon.MANDATORY
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.MERGE_PLAN
static Name JcrLexicon.MIMETYPE
static Name JcrLexicon.MIXIN_TYPES
static Name ModeShapeIntLexicon.MULTI_VALUED_PROPERTIES
static Name JcrLexicon.MULTIPLE
static Name JcrLexicon.NAME
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.NAMESPACE_URI
          Deprecated. Use ModeShapeLexicon.URI instead.
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.NAMESPACES
static Name ModeShapeIntLexicon.NODE_DEFINITON
static Name JcrNtLexicon.NODE_TYPE
static Name JcrLexicon.NODE_TYPE_NAME
static Name JcrLexicon.ON_PARENT_VERSION
static Name JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_ITEM_NAME
static Name JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.PROJECTION
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.PROJECTION_RULES
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.PROJECTIONS
static Name JcrNtLexicon.PROPERTY_DEFINITION
static Name JcrLexicon.PROPERTY_DEFINITION
static Name JcrLexicon.PROTECTED
static Name JcrLexicon.QUERY_OPERATORS
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.READ_ONLY
static Name JcrMixLexicon.REFERENCEABLE
static Name JcrLexicon.REQUIRED_TYPE
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.RESOURCE
static Name JcrNtLexicon.RESOURCE
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.ROOT
static Name JcrLexicon.SAME_NAME_SIBLINGS
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.SHA1
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.SOURCE_NAME
static Name JcrLexicon.SUPERTYPES
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.TIME_TO_EXPIRE
static Name JcrNtLexicon.UNSTRUCTURED
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.URI
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.UUID
static Name JcrLexicon.UUID
static Name JcrLexicon.VALUE_CONSTRAINTS
static Name JcrMixLexicon.VERSIONABLE
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.WORKSPACE_NAME
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.WORKSPACES
static Name JcrLexicon.XMLCHARACTERS

Methods in org.modeshape.graph that return Name
protected  Name Graph.createName(String name)

Methods in org.modeshape.graph that return types with arguments of type Name
 Graph.OnMultiple<Map<Name,Property>> Graph.getProperties(Name... names)
          Request that the properties with the given names be read on the node defined via the on(...)
 Map<Name,Property> Node.getPropertiesByName()
          Get the map of properties keyed by the property names.
 Graph.On<Map<Name,Property>> Graph.getPropertiesByName()
          Request that the properties be read on the node defined via the on(...)
 Map<Name,Property> Graph.GraphNode.getPropertiesByName()

Methods in org.modeshape.graph with parameters of type Name
 Graph.Create<Next> Graph.Create.and(Name propertyName, Object... values)
          Specify a property that should the new node should have.
 Graph.CreateAt<Next> Graph.CreateAt.and(Name propertyName, Object... values)
          Specify a property that should the new node should have.
 Graph.Create<T> Graph.CreateAction.and(Name name, Object... values)
 Next newName)
          Finish the request by specifying the name of the new child node.
 Next newName)
          Finish the request by specifying the new name.
 Graph.Into<T> newName)
protected  Graph.CreateAction<Graph> Graph.create(Location parent, Name child)
protected  Graph.CreateAction<Graph.Batch> Graph.Batch.create(Location parent, Name child)
protected abstract  Graph.CreateAction<T> Graph.CreateNodeNamedAction.createWith(T afterConjunction, Location parent, Name nodeName)
 Next Graph.FromName.from(Name name)
 Graph.On<T> Graph.RemoveValueAction.from(Name name)
 List<Location> Node.getChildren(Name namePattern)
          Get the children that have the supplied name.
 List<Location> Graph.GraphNode.getChildren(Name namePattern)
 Property Location.getIdProperty(Name name)
          Get the identification property with the supplied name, if there is such a property.
 SubgraphNode SubgraphNode.getNode(Name childName)
          Get the node at the supplied path that is relative to this node.
 SubgraphNode Subgraph.getNode(Name relativePath)
          Get the node at the supplied location.
 Graph.OnMultiple<Map<Name,Property>> Graph.getProperties(Name... names)
          Request that the properties with the given names be read on the node defined via the on(...)
 Property Node.getProperty(Name name)
          Get the property with the supplied name.
 Graph.OnMultiple<Property> Graph.getProperty(Name name)
          Request that the property with the given name be read on the node defined via the on(...)
 Property Graph.GraphNode.getProperty(Name name)
 Graph.Create<Next> Graph.CreateNodeNamed.nodeNamed(Name nodeName)
          Specify the name of the node that is to be created.
 Graph.CreateAction<T> Graph.CreateNodeNamedAction.nodeNamed(Name name)
 Graph.On<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.readProperty(Name name)
          Request that the property with the given name be read on the node defined via the on(...)
 Graph.On<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>> Graph.remove(Name... propertyNames)
          Remove properties from the node at the given location.
 Graph.On<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.remove(Name... propertyNames)
          Remove properties from the node at the given location.
 Graph.SetValues<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>> Graph.set(Name propertyName)
          Set a property on a node, starting with the name.
 Graph.SetValues<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.set(Name propertyName)
          Set a property on a node, starting with the name.
protected abstract  T Graph.MoveAction.submit(org.modeshape.graph.Locations from, Location into, Location before, Name newName)
          Submit any requests to move the targets into the supplied parent location
protected  T Graph.MoveAction.submit(org.modeshape.graph.Locations from, Location into, Name newName)
          Submit any requests to move the targets into the supplied parent location
protected abstract  T Graph.CreateAction.submit(Location parent, String workspaceName, Name childName, Collection<Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
protected abstract  T Graph.AddValueAction.submit(String workspaceName, Location on, Name property, List<Object> values)
protected abstract  T Graph.RemoveValueAction.submit(String workspaceName, Location on, Name property, List<Object> values)
protected abstract  T Graph.CopyAction.submit(String fromWorkspaceName, org.modeshape.graph.Locations from, Location into, Name nameForCopy)
          Submit any requests to move the targets into the supplied parent location
protected abstract  T Graph.CloneAction.submit(String fromWorkspaceName, Location from, String intoWorkspaceName, Location into, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting)
 Next name)
 Graph.On<T> name)
 Next value)
          Set the property value to the given Name.
 Graph.ImportInto<Next> Graph.ImportInto.usingAttributeForName(Name nameAttribute)
          Specify the name of the XML attribute that should be used as the node name.
 Graph.ImportInto<Next> Graph.ImportInto.usingAttributeForType(Name typeAttribute)
          Specify the name of the XML attribute that should be used as the node's type.
 Graph.Create<Next> Graph.Create.with(Name propertyName, Object... values)
          Specify a property that should the new node should have.
 Graph.CreateAt<Next> Graph.CreateAt.with(Name propertyName, Object... values)
          Specify a property that should the new node should have.
 Graph.Create<T> Graph.CreateAction.with(Name name, Object... values)

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base that return types with arguments of type Name
 Map<Name,Property> PathNode.getProperties()
          Returns properties of this node.
 Map<Name,Property> Node.getProperties()
          Returns properties of this node.
 Map<Name,Property> MapNode.getProperties()
          Returns properties of this node.
 Map<Name,Property> PathNode.Changes.getProperties(boolean createIfMissing)
 Map<Name,Property> MapNode.Changes.getProperties(boolean createIfMissing)
 Map<Name,Property> PathNode.Changes.getUnmodifiableProperties()
 Map<Name,Property> MapNode.Changes.getUnmodifiableProperties()

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base with parameters of type Name
 NodeType Transaction.addChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, Name name, int index, UUID uuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Creates a new child node under the supplied parent, where the new child will have the specified name, properties, and (optionally) UUID.
 NodeType PathTransaction.addChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, Name name, int index, UUID uuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Creates a new child node under the supplied parent, where the new child will have the specified name, properties, and (optionally) UUID.
 NodeType MapTransaction.addChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, Name name, int index, UUID uuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Creates a new child node under the supplied parent, where the new child will have the specified name, properties, and (optionally) UUID.
 Location Transaction.addChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, NodeType newChild, NodeType beforeOtherChild, Name desiredName)
          Inserts the specified child at the specified position in the list of children.
 Location PathTransaction.addChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, NodeType originalChild, NodeType beforeOtherChild, Name desiredName)
          Inserts the specified child at the specified position in the list of children.
 Location MapTransaction.addChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, NodeType newChild, NodeType beforeOtherChild, Name desiredName)
          Inserts the specified child at the specified position in the list of children.
 NodeType Transaction.cloneNode(WorkspaceType originalWorkspace, NodeType original, WorkspaceType newWorkspace, NodeType newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
 NodeType PathTransaction.cloneNode(WorkspaceType originalWorkspace, NodeType original, WorkspaceType newWorkspace, NodeType newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
 NodeType MapTransaction.cloneNode(WorkspaceType originalWorkspace, NodeType original, WorkspaceType newWorkspace, NodeType newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
 NodeType Transaction.copyNode(WorkspaceType originalWorkspace, NodeType original, WorkspaceType newWorkspace, NodeType newParent, Name desiredName, boolean recursive)
          This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
 NodeType PathTransaction.copyNode(WorkspaceType originalWorkspace, NodeType original, WorkspaceType newWorkspace, NodeType newParent, Name desiredName, boolean recursive)
          This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
 NodeType MapTransaction.copyNode(WorkspaceType originalWorkspace, NodeType original, WorkspaceType newWorkspace, NodeType newParent, Name desiredName, boolean recursive)
          This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
 NodeType Transaction.getFirstChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, Name childName)
          Find in the supplied parent node the first child with the supplied name.
 NodeType BaseTransaction.getFirstChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, Name childName)
          Find in the supplied parent node the first child with the supplied name.
 Property PathNode.getProperty(Name name)
          Returns the property with the supplied name.
 Property Node.getProperty(Name name)
          Returns the property with the supplied name.
 Property MapNode.getProperty(Name name)
          Returns the property with the supplied name.
 NodeType Transaction.removeProperty(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType node, Name propertyName)
          Removes the property with the given name
 NodeType PathTransaction.removeProperty(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType node, Name propertyName)
          Removes the property with the given name
 NodeType MapTransaction.removeProperty(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType node, Name propertyName)
          Removes the property with the given name
 PathNode PathNode.withoutProperty(Name propertyName)
          Create a copy of this node except without the new property.
 MapNode MapNode.withoutProperty(Name propertyName)
          Create a copy of this node except with the new property.

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base with type arguments of type Name
 void PathNode.Changes.setProperties(Map<Name,Property> properties)
 void MapNode.Changes.setProperties(Map<Name,Property> properties)
 NodeType Transaction.setProperties(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType node, Iterable<Property> propertiesToSet, Iterable<Name> propertiesToRemove, boolean removeAllExisting)
          Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name.
 NodeType PathTransaction.setProperties(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType node, Iterable<Property> propertiesToSet, Iterable<Name> propertiesToRemove, boolean removeAllExisting)
          Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name.
 NodeType MapTransaction.setProperties(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType node, Iterable<Property> propertiesToSet, Iterable<Name> propertiesToRemove, boolean removeAllExisting)
          Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name.
 PathNode PathNode.withProperties(Iterable<Property> propertiesToSet, Iterable<Name> propertiesToRemove, boolean removeAllExisting)
          Create a copy of this node except with the changes to the properties.
 MapNode MapNode.withProperties(Iterable<Property> propertiesToSet, Iterable<Name> propertiesToRemove, boolean removeAllExisting)
          Create a copy of this node except with the changes to the properties.

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base with type arguments of type Name
MapNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node instance.
MapNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children, int version)
          Create a new node instance.
PathNode(UUID uuid, Path parent, Path.Segment name, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> children)
          Create a new node instance.
PathNode(UUID uuid, Path parent, Path.Segment name, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> children, int version)
          Create a new node instance.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory with type arguments of type Name
InMemoryNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new in-memory node.

Uses of Name in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Name
 Map<Name,Property> MapNode.getProperties()
          Returns a map of property names to the property for the given name
 Map<Name,Property> DefaultMapNode.getProperties()
 Set<Name> MapNode.getUniqueChildNames()
          Returns the set of child names for this node
 Set<Name> DefaultMapNode.getUniqueChildNames()

Methods in with parameters of type Name
 MapNode MapWorkspace.cloneNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
 MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.cloneNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
 MapNode MapWorkspace.copyNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, boolean recursive)
          This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
 MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.copyNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, boolean recursive)
          This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
protected  MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.copyNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, boolean recursive, Map<UUID,UUID> oldToNewUuids)
          This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
protected  void AbstractMapWorkspace.correctSameNameSiblingIndexes(ExecutionContext context, MapNode parentNode, Name name)
          Corrects the SNS indices for all children of the node with the given name
 MapNode MapWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode parentNode, Name name, UUID uuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new node with the supplied name, as a child of the supplied parent.
 MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode parentNode, Name name, UUID uuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new node with the supplied name, as a child of the supplied parent.
 Property MapNode.getProperty(Name name)
          Returns the named property
 Property DefaultMapNode.getProperty(Name name)
          Returns the named property
 void MapWorkspace.moveNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode node, Name desiredNewName, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, MapNode beforeNode)
          Move the supplied node to the new parent.
 void AbstractMapWorkspace.moveNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode node, Name desiredNewName, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, MapNode beforeNode)
          Move the supplied node to the new parent.
 MapNode MapNode.removeProperty(Name propertyName)
          Removes the property with the given name
 MapNode DefaultMapNode.removeProperty(Name propertyName)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Name
 MapNode MapNode.setProperties(Iterable<Property> properties, Iterable<Name> removedProperties)
          Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name This bulk mutator should be used when multiple properties are being set in order to allow underlying implementations to optimize their access to their respective persistent storage mechanism.
 MapNode DefaultMapNode.setProperties(Iterable<Property> properties, Iterable<Name> removedPropertyNames)

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path that return types with arguments of type Name
 Map<Name,Property> PathNode.getProperties()
          Returns a map of property names to the property for the given name
 Map<Name,Property> DefaultPathNode.getProperties()
 Set<Name> PathNode.getUniqueChildNames()
          Returns the set of child names for this node
 Set<Name> DefaultPathNode.getUniqueChildNames()

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path with parameters of type Name
 PathNode WritablePathWorkspace.copyNode(ExecutionContext context, PathNode original, PathWorkspace originalWorkspace, PathNode newParent, Name desiredName, boolean recursive)
          Copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
 PathNode AbstractWritablePathWorkspace.copyNode(ExecutionContext context, PathNode original, PathWorkspace originalWorkspace, PathNode newParent, Name desiredName, boolean recursive)
          This should copy the subgraph rooted at the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
 PathNode WritablePathWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, PathNode parentNode, Name name, Map<Name,Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Create a new node with the supplied name, as a child of the supplied parent.
 Property PathNode.getProperty(Name name)
          Returns the named property
 Property DefaultPathNode.getProperty(Name name)
 PathNode WritablePathWorkspace.moveNode(ExecutionContext context, PathNode node, Name desiredNewName, WritablePathWorkspace originalWorkspace, PathNode newParent, PathNode beforeNode)
          Move the supplied node to the new parent within this workspace.
 PathNode AbstractWritablePathWorkspace.moveNode(ExecutionContext context, PathNode node, Name desiredNewName, WritablePathWorkspace originalWorkspace, PathNode newParent, PathNode beforeNode)

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path with type arguments of type Name
 PathNode WritablePathWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, PathNode parentNode, Name name, Map<Name,Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Create a new node with the supplied name, as a child of the supplied parent.
 PathNode WritablePathWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, String pathToNewNode, Map<Name,Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Create a node at the supplied path.
 PathNode AbstractWritablePathWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, String pathToNewNode, Map<Name,Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
 PathNode WritablePathWorkspace.removeProperties(ExecutionContext context, Path nodePath, Iterable<Name> propertyNames)
          Removes the properties with the given names
 PathNode AbstractWritablePathWorkspace.removeProperties(ExecutionContext context, Path nodePath, Iterable<Name> propertyNames)
 PathNode WritablePathWorkspace.setProperties(ExecutionContext context, Path nodePath, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name.

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path with type arguments of type Name
DefaultPathNode(Path path, UUID uuid, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> childSegments)

Uses of Name in

Methods in that return Name
protected  Name GraphImporter.getNameAttribute()
protected  Name GraphImporter.getTypeAttribute()

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.graph.observe

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.observe that return types with arguments of type Name
 Set<Name> NetChangeObserver.NetChange.getRemovedProperties()

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.observe with type arguments of type Name
NetChangeObserver.NetChange(String workspaceName, Location location, EnumSet<NetChangeObserver.ChangeType> eventTypes, Set<Property> addedProperties, Set<Property> modifiedProperties, Set<Name> removedProperties, Location movedFrom, Location movedBefore, boolean isReorder)

Uses of Name in

Fields in declared as Name
static Name Path.PARENT_NAME
          Singleton instance of the name referencing a parent, provided as a convenience.
static Name Path.SELF_NAME
          Singleton instance of the name referencing a self, provided as a convenience.

Fields in with type parameters of type Name
static Comparator<Name> ValueComparators.NAME_COMPARATOR
          A comparator of name values.

Methods in that return Name
 Name NameFactory.create(String namespaceUri, String localName)
          Create a name from the given namespace URI and local name.
 Name NameFactory.create(String namespaceUri, String localName, TextDecoder decoder)
          Create a name from the given namespace URI and local name.
 Name Property.getName()
          Get the name of the property.
 Name Path.Segment.getName()
          Get the name component of this segment.

Methods in with parameters of type Name
 T ValueFactory.create(Name value)
          Create a value from a name.
 T[] ValueFactory.create(Name[] values)
          Create an array of values from an array of names.
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, Iterable<?> values)
          Create a property with the supplied name and values
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, Iterator<?> values)
          Create a property with the supplied name and values
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, Object... values)
          Create a property with the supplied name and values
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, Path value)
          Create a property with the supplied name and Path value.
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, PropertyType desiredType, Iterable<?> values)
          Create a property with the supplied name and values
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, PropertyType desiredType, Iterator<?> values)
          Create a property with the supplied name and values
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, PropertyType desiredType, Object... values)
          Create a property with the supplied name and values
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Name... segmentNames)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Name segmentName, int index)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.createAbsolutePath(Name... segmentNames)
          Create an absolute path with the supplied segment names, in order.
 Path PathFactory.createRelativePath(Name... segmentNames)
          Create a relative path with the supplied segment names, in order.
 Path.Segment PathFactory.createSegment(Name segmentName)
          Create a path segment given the supplied segment name.
 Path.Segment PathFactory.createSegment(Name segmentName, int index)
          Create a path segment given the supplied segment name and index.
 boolean Path.endsWith(Name nameOfLastSegment)
          Determine if the path's Path.getLastSegment() has the supplied name and no SNS index.
 boolean Path.endsWith(Name nameOfLastSegment, int snsIndex)
          Determine if the path's Path.getLastSegment() has the supplied name and SNS index.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.graph.query

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.query with parameters of type Name
 QueryBuilder.CastAs<QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder> QueryBuilder.RightHandSide.cast(Name literal)
          Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
 QueryBuilder.CastAs<QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder> QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary.cast(Name literal)
          Define the upper boundary value of a range.
 QueryBuilder.CastAs<QueryBuilder.AndBuilder<QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary>> QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary.cast(Name literal)
          Define the lower boundary value of a range.
 QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder QueryBuilder.RightHandSide.literal(Name literal)
          Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
 QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary.literal(Name literal)
          Define the upper boundary value of a range.
 QueryBuilder.AndBuilder<QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary> QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary.literal(Name literal)
          Define the lower boundary value of a range.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.graph.query.model

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.query.model with parameters of type Name
protected  Visitors.ReadableVisitor Visitors.ReadableVisitor.append(Name name)

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.graph.request

Fields in org.modeshape.graph.request with type parameters of type Name
protected  Map<Name,Property> BatchRequestBuilder.NodeChange.pendingProperties

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request that return Name
 Name MoveBranchRequest.desiredName()
          Get the name of the copy if it is to be different than that of the original.
 Name CopyBranchRequest.desiredName()
          Get the name of the copy if it is to be different than that of the original.
 Name CloneBranchRequest.desiredName()
          Get the name of the clone if it is to be different than that of the original.
 Name ReadPropertyRequest.named()
          Get the name of the property that is to be read
 Name CreateNodeRequest.named()
          Get the name for the new child.
          Get the name of the property that is to be updated.
 Name RemovePropertyRequest.propertyName()
          Get the name of the property that is being removed.
 Name RenameNodeRequest.toName()
          Get the new name for the node.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request that return types with arguments of type Name
 Set<Name> UpdatePropertiesRequest.getNewPropertyNames()
          Get the names of the properties that were created by this request.
 Map<Name,Property> ReadNodeRequest.getPropertiesByName()
          Get the properties that were read from the RepositoryConnection.
 Map<Name,Property> ReadAllPropertiesRequest.getPropertiesByName()
          Get the properties that were read from the RepositoryConnection.
 Map<Name,Property> ReadBranchRequest.getPropertiesFor(Location location)
          Get the nodes that make up this branch.
          Get the map of properties for the node, keyed by property name.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request with parameters of type Name
 UpdateValuesRequest RequestBuilder.addValues(String workspaceName, Location on, Name property, List<Object> values)
          Add a request to add values to a property on an existing node
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.addValues(String workspaceName, Location on, Name property, List<Object> values)
          Add a request to add values to a property on an existing node
 CloneBranchRequest RequestBuilder.cloneBranch(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForClone, Path.Segment exactSegmentForClone, boolean removeExisting)
          Add a request to clone a branch to another.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.cloneBranch(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForClone, Path.Segment exactSegmentForClone, boolean removeExisting)
          Add a request to clone a branch to another.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.copyBranch(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForCopy)
          Add a request to copy a branch to another.
 CopyBranchRequest RequestBuilder.copyBranch(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForCopy, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to copy a branch to another.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.copyBranch(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForCopy, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to copy a branch to another.
 CreateNodeRequest RequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 CreateNodeRequest RequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 CreateNodeRequest RequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property[] properties)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property[] properties)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 CreateNodeRequest RequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property[] properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property[] properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 boolean UpdatePropertiesRequest.isNewProperty(Name name)
          Determine whether the named property was created by this request
 MoveBranchRequest RequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, Location before, String workspaceName, Name newNameForNode)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another before the given child node of the new location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, Location before, String workspaceName, Name newNameForNode)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
 MoveBranchRequest RequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName, Name newNameForNode)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName, Name newNameForNode)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
 MoveBranchRequest RequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName, Name newNameForNode, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
protected  String Request.printable(Location location, Name child)
 ReadPropertyRequest RequestBuilder.readProperty(Location of, String workspaceName, Name propertyName)
          Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.readProperty(Location of, String workspaceName, Name propertyName)
          Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
 Request RequestBuilder.removeProperties(Location on, String workspaceName, Name... propertyNames)
          Add a request to remove from the node the properties with the supplied names.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.removeProperties(Location on, String workspaceName, Name... propertyNames)
          Add a request to remove from the node the properties with the supplied names.
 RemovePropertyRequest RequestBuilder.removeProperty(Location on, String workspaceName, Name propertyName)
          Add a request to remove the property with the supplied name from the given node.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.removeProperty(Location on, String workspaceName, Name propertyName)
          Add a request to remove the property with the supplied name from the given node.
 UpdateValuesRequest RequestBuilder.removeValues(String workspaceName, Location on, Name property, List<Object> values)
          Add a request to remove values from a property on an existing node
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.removeValues(String workspaceName, Location on, Name property, List<Object> values)
          Add a request to remove values from a property on an existing node
 RenameNodeRequest RequestBuilder.renameNode(Location at, String workspaceName, Name newName)
          Add a request to rename the node at the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.renameNode(Location at, String workspaceName, Name newName)
          Add a request to rename the node at the supplied location.
 void UpdatePropertiesRequest.setNewProperties(Name... nameOfCreatedProperties)
          Record that the named properties did not exist prior to the processing of this request and were actually created by this request.
 void UpdatePropertiesRequest.setNewProperty(Name nameOfCreatedProperty)
          Record that the named property did not exist prior to the processing of this request and was actually created by this request.

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph.request with type arguments of type Name
 void UpdatePropertiesRequest.setNewProperties(Iterable<Name> nameOfCreatedProperties)
          Record that the named properties did not exist prior to the processing of this request and were actually created by this request.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.request with parameters of type Name
CloneBranchRequest(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForClone, Path.Segment exactSegmentForClone, boolean removeExisting)
          Create a request to clone a branch to another.
CopyBranchRequest(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForCopy)
          Create a request to copy a branch to another.
CopyBranchRequest(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForCopy, NodeConflictBehavior nodeConflictBehavior)
          Create a request to copy a branch to another.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior, Property... properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property... properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
MoveBranchRequest(Location from, Location into, Location before, String workspaceName, Name newNameForMovedNode, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
MoveBranchRequest(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName, Name newNameForMovedNode)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
ReadPropertyRequest(Location on, String workspaceName, Name propertyName)
          Create a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
RemovePropertyRequest(Location from, String workspaceName, Name propertyName)
          Create a request to remove a named property from the node at the supplied location.
RenameNodeRequest(Location at, String workspaceName, Name newName)
          Create a request to rename the node at the supplied location.
UpdateValuesRequest(String workspaceName, Location on, Name propertyName, List<Object> addedValues, List<Object> removedValues)

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.request with type arguments of type Name
UpdatePropertiesRequest(Location on, String workspaceName, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Create a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.
UpdatePropertiesRequest(Location on, String workspaceName, Map<Name,Property> properties, boolean removeOtherProperties)
          Create a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.graph.request.processor

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph.request.processor with type arguments of type Name
protected  boolean RequestProcessor.includeChildrenInSubgraph(Location location, Map<Name,Property> properties, boolean topOfSubgraph)
          This method is called from RequestProcessor.process(ReadBranchRequest) when determining whether particular nodes should be included in subgraph reads.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.graph.sequencer

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.sequencer with parameters of type Name
 Property StreamSequencerContext.getInputProperty(Name name)
          Return the property with the supplied name from the input node containing the content being sequenced.
 void SequencerOutput.setProperty(Path nodePath, Name propertyName, Object... values)
          Set the supplied property on the supplied node.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.graph.session

Fields in org.modeshape.graph.session with type parameters of type Name
protected  ListMultimap<Name,GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload>> GraphSession.NO_CHILDREN
protected  Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> GraphSession.NO_PROPERTIES

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.session that return Name
 Name GraphSession.Node.getName()
          Get the name of this node, without any same-name-sibling index.
 Name GraphSession.PropertyInfo.getName()
          Get the name of the property.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.session that return types with arguments of type Name
 Set<Name> GraphSession.Node.getPropertyNames()
          Get the names of the properties on this node.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.session with parameters of type Name
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.createChild(Name name)
          Create a new child node with the supplied name.
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.createChild(Name name, Collection<Property> idProperties)
          Create a new child node with the supplied name and multiple initial identification properties.
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.createChild(Name name, Collection<Property> idProperties, Property... remainingProperties)
          Create a new child node with the supplied name and multiple initial properties.
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.createChild(Name name, Property... properties)
          Create a new child node with the supplied name and multiple initial properties.
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.getChild(Name name, int sns)
          Get the child with the supplied name and SNS index.
 Iterable<GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload>> GraphSession.Node.getChildren(Name name)
          Get an iterator over the children that have the supplied name.
 int GraphSession.Node.getChildrenCount(Name name)
          Get the number of children that have the same supplied name.
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.getFirstChild(Name name)
          Get the first child matching the name and lowest SNS index
 GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.getProperty(Name name)
          Get from this node the property with the supplied name.
 boolean GraphSession.Node.hasChild(Name name, int sns)
          Determine whether this node has a child with the supplied name and SNS index.
 void GraphSession.Node.moveTo(GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> parent, Name newNodeName)
          Move this node from its current location so that is is a child of the supplied parent, renaming the node in the process.
protected  void GraphSession.Node.moveTo(GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> parent, Name newNodeName, boolean useBatch)
          Move this node from its current location so that is is a child of the supplied parent.
 void GraphSession.Operations.postRemoveProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node, Name propertyName, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> oldProperty)
 void GraphSession.NodeOperations.postRemoveProperty(GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> node, Name propertyName, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> oldProperty)
 void GraphSession.Operations.postSetProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node, Name propertyName, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> oldProperty)
 void GraphSession.NodeOperations.postSetProperty(GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> node, Name propertyName, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> oldProperty)
 void GraphSession.Operations.preRemoveProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node, Name propertyName)
 void GraphSession.NodeOperations.preRemoveProperty(GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> node, Name propertyName)
 void GraphSession.Operations.preSetProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node, Name propertyName, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> newProperty)
 void GraphSession.NodeOperations.preSetProperty(GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> node, Name propertyName, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> newProperty)
 GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.removeProperty(Name name)
          Remove a property from this node.
 void GraphSession.Node.rename(Name newNodeName)
          Rename this node to have a different name.

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph.session with type arguments of type Name
 void GraphSession.Node.loadedWith(List<Location> children, Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties, DateTime expirationTime)
          Define the persistent child information that this node is to be populated with.
 void GraphSession.Node.loadedWith(Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties)
          Define the persistent property information that this node is to be populated with.
 void GraphSession.Operations.postCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> parentNode, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> newChild, Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties)
          Notify that a new child has been added to the supplied parent node.
 void GraphSession.NodeOperations.postCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> parent, GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> childChild, Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties)
          Notify that a new child has been added to the supplied parent node.
 void GraphSession.Operations.preCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> parentNode, Path.Segment newChild, Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties)
          Notify that a new child with the supplied path segment is about to be created.
 void GraphSession.NodeOperations.preCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> parent, Path.Segment newChild, Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties)
          Notify that a new child with the supplied path segment is about to be created.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.graph.text

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.text with parameters of type Name
 Property TextExtractorContext.getInputProperty(Name name)
          Return the property with the supplied name from the input node containing the content being sequenced.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.graph.xml

Fields in org.modeshape.graph.xml declared as Name
protected  Name XmlHandler.nameAttribute
          The name of the XML attribute whose value should be used for the name of the node.
protected  Name XmlHandler.typeAttribute
          The name of the property that is to be set with the type of the XML element.
protected  Name XmlHandler.typeAttributeValue
          The value of the node type property, if the node's name is set with the XmlHandler.nameAttribute.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.xml with parameters of type Name
protected  Property XmlHandler.createProperty(Name propertyName, Collection<Object> values)
          Create a property with the given name and values, obtained from an attribute name and value in the XML content.
protected  Property XmlHandler.createProperty(Name propertyName, Object value)
          Create a property with the given name and value, obtained from an attribute name and value in the XML content.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.xml with parameters of type Name
XmlHandler(Destination destination, boolean skipRootElement, Path parent, TextDecoder textDecoder, Name nameAttribute, Name typeAttribute, Name typeAttributeValue, XmlHandler.AttributeScoping scoping)
          Create a handler that creates content in the supplied graph

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.jcr

Fields in org.modeshape.jcr declared as Name
static Name JcrLexicon.ACTIVITY
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.BASE
static Name JcrLexicon.BASE_VERSION
static Name JcrLexicon.CHILD_VERSION_HISTORY
static Name JcrLexicon.CONFIGURATION
static Name JcrLexicon.CONTENT
static Name JcrLexicon.COPIED_FROM
static Name JcrLexicon.DATA
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.DEPTH
static Name JcrLexicon.ENCODING
static Name JcrMixLexicon.ETAG
          The name for the "mix:etag" mixin.
static Name JcrLexicon.ETAG
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.EXPIRATION_DATE
static Name JcrLexicon.FROZEN_MIXIN_TYPES
static Name JcrNtLexicon.FROZEN_NODE
static Name JcrLexicon.FROZEN_NODE
static Name JcrLexicon.FROZEN_PRIMARY_TYPE
static Name JcrLexicon.FROZEN_UUID
static Name JcrNtLexicon.HIERARCHY_NODE
static Name JcrLexicon.HOLD
static Name JcrLexicon.IS_CHECKED_OUT
static Name JcrLexicon.IS_DEEP
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.IS_HELD_BY_SESSION
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.IS_SESSION_SCOPED
static Name JcrLexicon.LANGUAGE
static Name JcrMixLexicon.LIFECYCLE
          The name for the "mix:lifecycle" mixin.
static Name JcrLexicon.LIFECYCLE_POLICY
static Name JcrNtLexicon.LINKED_FILE
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.LOCALNAME
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.LOCK
static Name JcrLexicon.LOCK_IS_DEEP
static Name JcrLexicon.LOCK_OWNER
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.LOCKED_UUID
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.LOCKING_SESSION
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.LOCKS
static Name JcrMixLexicon.MANAGED_RETENTION
          The name for the "mix:managedRetention" mixin.
static Name JcrLexicon.MERGE_FAILED
static Name JcrSvLexicon.MULTIPLE
static Name JcrSvLexicon.NAME
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.NAMESPACE
static Name JcrSvLexicon.NODE
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.NODE_TYPES
static Name JcrLexicon.NODE_TYPES
static Name JcrLexicon.PATH
          The "jcr:path" pseudo-column used in queries
static Name JcrLexicon.PREDECESSORS
static Name JcrSvLexicon.PROPERTY
static Name JcrNtLexicon.QUERY
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.REPOSITORIES
static Name JcrLexicon.RETENTION_POLICY
static Name JcrLexicon.ROOT
static Name JcrLexicon.ROOT_VERSION
static Name JcrLexicon.SCORE
          The "jcr:score" pseudo-column used in queries
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.SHARE
          The name of the "mode:share" node type, used as the primary type on nodes that are proxies for the original node.
static Name JcrNtLexicon.SHARE
          The "nt:share" node type name only appears in a serialized XML document exported from a repository, and never appears in the actual repository content.
static Name JcrMixLexicon.SHAREABLE
          The name for the "mix:shareable" mixin.
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.SHARED_UUID
          The REFERENCE property on the "mode:share" node type.
static Name JcrLexicon.STATEMENT
static Name JcrLexicon.SUCCESSORS
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.SYSTEM
static Name JcrLexicon.SYSTEM
static Name JcrSvLexicon.TYPE
static Name JcrSvLexicon.VALUE
static Name JcrNtLexicon.VERSION
static Name JcrNtLexicon.VERSION_HISTORY
static Name JcrLexicon.VERSION_HISTORY
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.VERSION_HISTORY_FOLDER
static Name JcrNtLexicon.VERSION_LABELS
static Name JcrLexicon.VERSION_LABELS
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.VERSION_STORAGE
static Name JcrLexicon.VERSION_STORAGE
static Name JcrLexicon.VERSIONABLE_UUID
static Name JcrNtLexicon.VERSIONED_CHILD
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.WORKSPACE
static Name JcrLexicon.XMLTEXT

Methods in org.modeshape.jcr that return Name
protected  Name name)
protected  Name JackrabbitXmlNodeTypeReader.XmlImporter.nameFrom(SubgraphNode node)
protected  Name JackrabbitXmlNodeTypeReader.XmlImporter.readName(SubgraphNode node, String propertyName, Name defaultValue)

Methods in org.modeshape.jcr that return types with arguments of type Name
protected  List<Name> JackrabbitXmlNodeTypeReader.XmlImporter.readNames(SubgraphNode node, String propertyName, Name defaultIfNone)

Methods in org.modeshape.jcr with parameters of type Name
protected  Property SystemFunctions.VersionHistoryFunction.createPropertyIfDifferent(Map<Name,Property> properties, Name name, Object expectedValue, PropertyFactory propFactory, ValueFactory<?> valueFactory)
          A utility method that will create a new Property instance if there is not already an existing single-valued property with the supplied name and expected values.
protected  Path SystemFunctions.VersionHistoryFunction.initializeVersionStorage(UUID versionableNodeUuid, Name primaryTypeName, List<Name> mixinTypeNames, Location versionHistoryLocation, UUID originalVersionUuid, UUID rootVersionUuid, ExecutionContext context, RequestBuilder system, String workspace, DateTime now)
          Create and initialize the version history structure for a versionable node with the supplied UUID.
protected  String JcrEngine.readable(Name name)
protected  Name JackrabbitXmlNodeTypeReader.XmlImporter.readName(SubgraphNode node, String propertyName, Name defaultValue)
protected  List<Name> JackrabbitXmlNodeTypeReader.XmlImporter.readNames(SubgraphNode node, String propertyName, Name defaultIfNone)

Method parameters in org.modeshape.jcr with type arguments of type Name
protected  Property SystemFunctions.VersionHistoryFunction.createPropertyIfDifferent(Map<Name,Property> properties, Name name, Object expectedValue, PropertyFactory propFactory, ValueFactory<?> valueFactory)
          A utility method that will create a new Property instance if there is not already an existing single-valued property with the supplied name and expected values.
protected  Path SystemFunctions.VersionHistoryFunction.initializeVersionStorage(UUID versionableNodeUuid, Name primaryTypeName, List<Name> mixinTypeNames, Location versionHistoryLocation, UUID originalVersionUuid, UUID rootVersionUuid, ExecutionContext context, RequestBuilder system, String workspace, DateTime now)
          Create and initialize the version history structure for a versionable node with the supplied UUID.

Constructors in org.modeshape.jcr with parameters of type Name
JcrConfiguration.AuthenticatorBuilder(ReturnType returnObject, Graph.Batch batch, Path path, Name... names)
JcrConfiguration.RepositoryBuilder(ReturnType returnObject, Graph.Batch batch, Path path, Name... names)

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype

Methods in org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype that return Name
 Name NodeTypeExistsException.getNodeType()
          Get the name of the existing node type.

Constructors in org.modeshape.jcr.nodetype with parameters of type Name
NodeTypeExistsException(Name nodeType)
NodeTypeExistsException(Name nodeType, String message)
NodeTypeExistsException(Name nodeType, String message, Throwable rootCause)
NodeTypeExistsException(Name nodeType, Throwable rootCause)

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.jcr.query

Methods in org.modeshape.jcr.query with parameters of type Name
protected  Value JcrQueryResult.QueryResultRowIterator.jcrName(Name name)
 Node absolutePath, Name nodeType, String language, String statement)

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.repository

Fields in org.modeshape.repository declared as Name
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.APPLY_TO_NEW_WORKSPACES
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.CLUSTER_NAME
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.CLUSTERING
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.CONFIGURATION
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.CONTENT
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.DEFAULT_CACHE_POLICY
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.DERIVED
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.DERIVED_AT
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.DERIVED_FROM
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.DESCRIPTION
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.DESCRIPTORS
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.INITIAL_CONTENT
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.JNDI_NAME
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.MIME_TYPE_DETECTOR
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.MIME_TYPE_DETECTORS
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.OPTIONS
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.PATH_EXPRESSION
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.READABLE_NAME
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.RETRY_LIMIT
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.SEQUENCER
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.SEQUENCERS
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.SOURCE
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.SOURCES
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.TEXT_EXTRACTOR
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.TEXT_EXTRACTORS
static Name ModeShapeLexicon.VALUE

Methods in org.modeshape.repository that return Name
protected  Name name)

Methods in org.modeshape.repository with parameters of type Name
protected  Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable.createIfMissing(Name segment)
          Create the node at the supplied path under the current path, and return the Create operation for the last node created.
protected  Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable.createIfMissing(Name child, String... segments)
          Create the node at the supplied path under the current path, and return the Create operation for the last node created.
protected  Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable.createIfMissing(Path path, Name... segments)
          Create the node at the supplied path under the current path, and return the Create operation for the last node created.
 Property ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition.getGlobalProperty(Name name)
          Read a global configuration property.
protected  Set<String> ModeShapeConfiguration.getNamesOfComponentsUnder(Name parentName)
 Property ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable.getProperty(Name beanPropertyName)
 Property ModeShapeConfiguration.SourceBuilder.getProperty(Name name)
protected  ThisType ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable.setProperty(Name propertyName, Object value)
 ThisType ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable.setProperty(Name propertyName, Object[] values)
protected  Path ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable.subpath(Name... segments)

Constructors in org.modeshape.repository with parameters of type Name
ModeShapeConfiguration.ClusterBuilder(ReturnType returnObject, Graph.Batch batch, Path path, Name... names)
ModeShapeConfiguration.GlobalProperties(ReturnType returnObject, Graph.Batch batch, Path path, Name... names)
ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphComponentBuilder(ReturnType returnObject, Graph.Batch batch, Path path, Name... names)
ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable(ReturnType returnObject, Graph.Batch batch, Path path, Name... names)
ModeShapeConfiguration.MimeTypeDetectorBuilder(ReturnType returnObject, Graph.Batch batch, Path path, Name... names)
ModeShapeConfiguration.SequencerBuilder(ReturnType returnObject, Graph.Batch batch, Path path, Name... names)
ModeShapeConfiguration.SourceBuilder(ReturnType returnObject, Graph.Batch batch, Path path, Name... names)
ModeShapeConfiguration.TextExtractorBuilder(ReturnType returnObject, Graph.Batch batch, Path path, Name... names)

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.classfile declared as Name
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.ABSTRACT
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.ANNOTATION
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.ANNOTATION_MEMBER
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.ANNOTATIONS
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.CLASS
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.CONSTRUCTORS
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.ENUM
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.ENUM_VALUES
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.FIELD
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.FIELDS
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.FINAL
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.INTERFACE
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.INTERFACES
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.METHOD
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.METHODS
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.NAME
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.NATIVE
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.PARAMETERS
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.RETURN_TYPE_CLASS_NAME
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.SEQUENCED_DATE
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.STATIC
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.STRICT_FP
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.SUPER_CLASS_NAME
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.SYNCHRONIZED
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.TRANSIENT
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.TYPE_CLASS_NAME
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.VALUE
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.VISIBILITY
static Name ClassFileSequencerLexicon.VOLATILE

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl declared as Name
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.ALL_PRIVILEGES
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.CHECK_SEARCH_CONDITION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.COLLATION_NAME
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.COLUMN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.CONSTRAINT_TYPE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.CREATE_VIEW_OPTION_CLAUSE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.CREATE_VIEW_QUERY_EXPRESSION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_LENGTH
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_NAME
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_PRECISION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DATATYPE_SCALE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DDL_EXPRESSION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DDL_ORIGINAL_EXPRESSION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DDL_START_CHAR_INDEX
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DDL_START_COLUMN_NUMBER
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DDL_START_LINE_NUMBER
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DEFAULT_OPTION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DEFAULT_PRECISION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DEFAULT_VALUE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DEFERRABLE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DROP_BEHAVIOR
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.DROP_OPTION_TYPE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.GRANT_PRIVILEGE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.GRANTEE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.MESSAGE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.NAME
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.NEW_NAME
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.NULLABLE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.ON_COMMIT_VALUE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.OPTION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.PARSER_ID
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.PROBLEM_LEVEL
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.PROPERTY_VALUE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.SQL
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.STATEMENTS_CONTAINER
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TEMPORARY
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_ADD_COLUMN_DEFINITION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_COLUMN_DEFINITION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_DOMAIN_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_TABLE_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTERABLE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_ASSERTION_OPERAND
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_CHARACTER_SET_OPERAND
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_CLAUSE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_COLLATION_OPERAND
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_COLUMN_DEFINITION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_COLUMN_OPERAND
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_COLUMN_REFERENCE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_DOMAIN_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_SCHEMA_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_TABLE_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_VIEW_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATEABLE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_DOMAIN_OPERAND
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_ASSERTION_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_COLLATION_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_COLUMN_DEFINITION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_DOMAIN_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_SCHEMA_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_TABLE_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_VIEW_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROPPABLE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_FK_COLUMN_REFERENCE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_GRANT_ON_DOMAIN_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_GRANT_ON_TABLE_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_GRANT_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_GRANTABLE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_INSERT_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_INSERTABLE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_MISSING_TERMINATOR
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_OPERAND
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_OPERATION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_PROBLEM
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_REFERENCE_OPERAND
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_REVOKABLE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_REVOKE_ON_DOMAIN_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_REVOKE_ON_TABLE_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_REVOKE_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_SCHEMA_OPERAND
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_SET_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_SETTABLE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_STATEMENT_OPTION
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_TABLE_CONSTRAINT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_TABLE_CONSTRAINT_OPERAND
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_TABLE_OPERAND
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_TABLE_REFERENCE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_TRANSLATION_OPERAND
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_UNKNOWN_STATEMENT
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.TYPE_VIEW_OPERAND
static Name[] DdlConstants.StatementStartPhrases.VALID_SCHEMA_CHILD_TYPES
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.VALUE
static Name StandardDdlLexicon.WITH_GRANT_OPTION

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl that return Name
protected  Name[] StandardDdlParser.getValidSchemaChildTypes()

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl with parameters of type Name
protected  boolean StandardDdlParser.parseColumnNameList(DdlTokenStream tokens, AstNode parentNode, Name referenceType)
          Adds column reference nodes to a parent node.
protected  AstNode StandardDdlParser.parseIgnorableStatement(DdlTokenStream tokens, String name, AstNode parentNode, Name mixinType)
          Utility method to parse a statement that can be ignored.
protected  AstNode StandardDdlParser.parseStatement(DdlTokenStream tokens, String[] stmt_start_phrase, AstNode parentNode, Name mixinType)
          Utility method to parse a generic statement given a start phrase and statement mixin type.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby declared as Name
static Name DerbyDdlLexicon.IS_TABLE_TYPE
static Name DerbyDdlLexicon.ORDER
static Name DerbyDdlLexicon.ROLE_NAME
static Name DerbyDdlLexicon.TABLE_NAME
static Name DerbyDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_ROLE_STATEMENT
static Name DerbyDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_INDEX_STATEMENT
static Name DerbyDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_ROLE_STATEMENT
static Name DerbyDdlLexicon.TYPE_FUNCTION_PARAMETER
static Name DerbyDdlLexicon.TYPE_GRANT_ROLES_STATEMENT
static Name DerbyDdlLexicon.TYPE_LOCK_TABLE_STATEMENT
static Name DerbyDdlLexicon.UNIQUE_INDEX
static Name[] DerbyDdlConstants.DerbyStatementStartPhrases.VALID_SCHEMA_CHILD_STMTS

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.derby that return Name
protected  Name[] DerbyDdlParser.getValidSchemaChildTypes()

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.mysql declared as Name

Uses of Name in

Fields in declared as Name
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.AUTHID_VALUE
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.BITMAP_INDEX
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.COMMENT
static Name[] OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases.COMPLEX_STMT_TYPES
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.DEFAULT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.DEFAULT_EXPRESSION
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.IN_OUT_NO_COPY
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TABLE_NAME
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TARGET_OBJECT_NAME
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TARGET_OBJECT_TYPE
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_INDEX_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_JAVA_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_ROLE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_SYSTEM_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_TYPE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_USER_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_VIEW_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_ANALYZE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_AUDIT_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_BACKSLASH_TERMINATOR
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_COMMENT_ON_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_COMMIT_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_INDEX_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_JAVA_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_PFILE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_ROLE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_TYPE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_USER_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_CLUSTER_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_CONTEXT_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_INDEX_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_JAVA_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_LIBRARY_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_OUTLINE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_PACKAGE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_PROFILE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_ROLE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_SYNONYM_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_TRIGGER_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_TYPE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_USER_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_EXPLAIN_PLAN_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_FLASHBACK_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_FUNCTION_PARAMETER
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_LOCK_TABLE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_MERGE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_NOAUDIT_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_PURGE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_RENAME_COLUMN
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_RENAME_CONSTRAINT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_RENAME_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_REVOKE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_ROLLBACK_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_SAVEPOINT_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_SET_ROLE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.TYPE_TRUNCATE_STATEMENT
static Name OracleDdlLexicon.UNIQUE_INDEX
static Name[] OracleDdlConstants.OracleStatementStartPhrases.VALID_SCHEMA_CHILD_STMTS

Methods in that return Name
protected  Name[] OracleDdlParser.getValidSchemaChildTypes()

Methods in with parameters of type Name
protected  AstNode OracleDdlParser.parseSlashedStatement(DdlTokenStream tokens, String[] stmt_start_phrase, AstNode parentNode, Name mixinType)
          Utility method to parse a generic statement given a start phrase and statement mixin type.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres declared as Name
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.COMMENT
static Name[] PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases.COMPLEX_STMT_TYPES
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.FUNCTION_PARAMETER
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.FUNCTION_PARAMETER_MODE
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.ROLE
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.SCHEMA_NAME
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TARGET_OBJECT_NAME
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TARGET_OBJECT_TYPE
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ABORT_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_DATABASE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_FUNCTION_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_GROUP_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_INDEX_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_LANGUAGE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_OPERATOR_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_ROLE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_SCHEMA_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_SEQUENCE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_SERVER_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_TRIGGER_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_TYPE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_USER_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ALTER_VIEW_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ANALYZE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_CLUSTER_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_COMMENT_ON_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_COPY_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_CAST_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_GROUP_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_INDEX_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_ROLE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_RULE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_SERVER_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_TRIGGER_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_TYPE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_CREATE_USER_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DEALLOCATE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DECLARE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DISCARD_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_AGGREGATE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_CAST_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_DATABASE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_FUNCTION_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_GROUP_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_INDEX_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_LANGUAGE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_OPERATOR_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_OWNED_BY_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_ROLE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_RULE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_SEQUENCE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_SERVER_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_TRIGGER_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_TYPE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_DROP_USER_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_EXPLAIN_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_FETCH_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_GRANT_ON_SCHEMA_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_GRANT_ROLES_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_LISTEN_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_LOAD_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_LOCK_TABLE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_MOVE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_NOTIFY_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_PREPARE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_REASSIGN_OWNED_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_REINDEX_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_RENAME_COLUMN
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_ROLLBACK_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_SELECT_INTO_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_SHOW_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_TRUNCATE_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_UNLISTEN_STATEMENT
static Name PostgresDdlLexicon.TYPE_VACUUM_STATEMENT
static Name[] PostgresDdlConstants.PostgresStatementStartPhrases.VALID_SCHEMA_CHILD_STMTS

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.dialect.postgres that return Name
protected  Name[] PostgresDdlParser.getValidSchemaChildTypes()

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node that return Name
 Name AstNode.getName()
          Get the name of the node.
 Name name)
          Constructs a Name with the given string name

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node with parameters of type Name
 AstNode AstNodeFactory.getChildforNameAndType(AstNode astNode, String name, Name nodeType)
          Utility method to obtain a AstNode child of a parent AstNode with the given string name and node type.
 List<AstNode> AstNodeFactory.getChildrenForType(AstNode astNode, Name nodeType)
          Utility method to obtain the children of a given node that match the given type
 Property AstNode.getProperty(Name name)
          Get the property with the supplied name.
 boolean AstNodeFactory.hasMixinType(AstNode node, Name mixinType)
          Utility method to determine if an AstNode contains a specific mixin type.
 AstNode AstNodeFactory.node(String name, AstNode parent, Name type)
          Constructs an AstNode with the given name, type and parent node.
 Property AstNode.removeProperty(Name name)
          Remove and return the property with the supplied name.
 AstNode AstNode.setProperty(Name name, Object... values)
          Set the property with the given name to the supplied values.
 AstNode AstNode.setProperty(Name name, Object value)
          Set the property with the given name to the supplied value.
 void AstNodeFactory.setType(AstNode node, Name type)
          Sets the mixin type property for an AstNode

Constructors in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node with parameters of type Name
AstNode(AstNode parent, Name name)
          Construct a node with the supplied name and parent.
AstNode(Name name)
          Construct a node with the supplied name but without a parent.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.image

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.image declared as Name
static Name ImageMetadataLexicon.BITS_PER_PIXEL
static Name ImageMetadataLexicon.FORMAT_NAME
static Name ImageMetadataLexicon.HEIGHT
static Name ImageMetadataLexicon.METADATA_NODE
static Name ImageMetadataLexicon.NUMBER_OF_IMAGES
static Name ImageMetadataLexicon.PHYSICAL_HEIGHT_DPI
static Name ImageMetadataLexicon.PHYSICAL_HEIGHT_INCHES
static Name ImageMetadataLexicon.PHYSICAL_WIDTH_DPI
static Name ImageMetadataLexicon.PHYSICAL_WIDTH_INCHES
static Name ImageMetadataLexicon.PROGRESSIVE
static Name ImageMetadataLexicon.WIDTH

Uses of Name in

Fields in declared as Name
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.ANNOTATION_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.ANNOTATION_TYPE_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.ARRAY_TYPE_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.ARRAY_TYPE_DESCRIPTION
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.ARRAY_TYPE_MODIFIER_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.ARRAY_TYPE_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.ARRAY_TYPE_VARIABLE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.CLASS_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.COMPILATION_UNIT_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.CONSTRUCTOR_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.FIELD_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.FIELD_TYPE_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.FORMAL_PARAMETER
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.IMPORT_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.IMPORT_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.MARKER_ANNOTATION_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.MARKER_ANNOTATION_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.METHOD_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.METHOD_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.METHOD_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.MODIFIER_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.MODIFIER_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.NORMAL_ANNOTATION_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.NORMAL_CLASS_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.NORMAL_CLASS_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.NORMALANNOTATION_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.ON_DEMAND_IMPORT_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.ON_DEMAND_IMPORT_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.PACKAGE_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.PACKAGE_DECLARATION_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.PACKAGE_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.PARAMETER
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.PARAMETER_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE_VARIABLE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.PRIMITIVE_TYPE_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.PRIMITIVE_TYPE_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.PRIMITIVE_TYPE_VARIABLE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.RETURN_TYPE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.SIMPLE_TYPE_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.SIMPLE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.SIMPLE_TYPE_MODIFIER_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.SIMPLE_TYPE_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.SIMPLE_TYPE_VARIABLE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.SINGLE_ANNOTATION_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.SINGLE_IMPORT_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.SINGLE_IMPORT_NAME
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.TYPE_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.UNIT_TYPE_CHILD_NODE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.VARIABLE
static Name JavaMetadataLexicon.VARIABLE_NAME

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.mp3 declared as Name
static Name Mp3MetadataLexicon.ALBUM
static Name Mp3MetadataLexicon.AUTHOR
static Name Mp3MetadataLexicon.COMMENT
static Name Mp3MetadataLexicon.METADATA_NODE
static Name Mp3MetadataLexicon.TITLE
static Name Mp3MetadataLexicon.YEAR

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.msoffice declared as Name
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.AUTHOR
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.CHARACTERS
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.COMMENT
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.CREATED
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.CREATING_APPLICATION
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.FULL_CONTENT
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.HEADING_LEVEL
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.HEADING_NAME
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.HEADING_NODE
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.KEYWORDS
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.LAST_PRINTED
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.LAST_SAVED
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.METADATA_NODE
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.NOTES
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.PAGES
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.REVISION
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.SAVED
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.SHEET_NAME
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.SLIDE
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.SUBJECT
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.TEMPLATE
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.TEXT
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.THUMBNAIL
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.TITLE
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.TOTAL_EDITING_TIME
static Name MSOfficeMetadataLexicon.WORDS

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.sramp

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.sramp declared as Name
static Name SrampLexicon.BASE_ARTIFACT_TYPE
static Name SrampLexicon.CLASSIFIED_BY
static Name SrampLexicon.CONTENT_ENCODING
static Name SrampLexicon.CONTENT_SIZE
static Name SrampLexicon.CONTENT_TYPE
static Name SrampLexicon.DERIVED_ARTIFACT_TYPE
static Name SrampLexicon.DESCRIPTION
static Name SrampLexicon.DOCUMENT
static Name SrampLexicon.DOCUMENT_ARTIFACT_TYPE
static Name SrampLexicon.PROPERTY_LIST
static Name SrampLexicon.RELATED_DOCUMENTS
static Name SrampLexicon.RELATED_TO
static Name SrampLexicon.STORED_QUERY
static Name SrampLexicon.USER_TYPE
static Name SrampLexicon.XML_DOCUMENT

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid with type parameters of type Name
protected  Map<Name,Name> XmiGraphReader.typeNameReplacements
protected  Map<Name,Name> XmiGraphReader.typeNameReplacements

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid that return Name
static Name VdbSequencer.extractVersionInfomation(ExecutionContext context, String fileNameWithoutExtension, AtomicInteger version)
          Utility method to extract the version information from a VDB filename.
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.nameForHref(Name eObjectReferenceName)
          Determine the name of the property that is used to hold the "href" URL literal value of the EObject reference.
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.nameForResolvedId(Name eObjectReferenceName)
          Determine the name of the property that is used to hold the identifier(s) for the resolved EObject reference.
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.nameForResolvedName(Name eObjectReferenceName)
          Determine the name of the property that is used to hold the name(s) for the resolved EObject reference.
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.nameForResolvedReference(Name eObjectReferenceName)
          Determine the name of the property that is used to hold the WEAKREFERENCE values for the resolved EObject reference.
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.nameFrom(Name name)
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.nameFrom(String name)
protected  Name XmiModelReader.nameFromKey(String keyName)
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.shortenName(Name name)
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.typeNameFrom(Name name)

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid that return types with arguments of type Name
protected  List<Name> XmiGraphReader.names(Node node, String propertyName, String regexDelimiter)

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid with parameters of type Name
 void XmiModelReader.PropertySet.add(Name attributeName, Object... values)
 void XmiModelReader.PropertySet.add(Name attributeName, Object value)
 void XmiModelReader.PropertySet.addRef(Name attributeName, ReferenceResolver.ResolvedReference resolved)
 void XmiModelReader.PropertySet.addRef(Name attributeName, String href)
protected  String XmiGraphReader.firstValue(Node node, Name propertyName)
protected  String XmiGraphReader.firstValue(Node node, Name propertyName, String defaultValue)
protected  String VdbManifest.Reader.firstValue(Node node, Name propertyName, String defaultValue)
protected  String XmiGraphReader.jcrTypeNameFor(Name dataType)
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.nameForHref(Name eObjectReferenceName)
          Determine the name of the property that is used to hold the "href" URL literal value of the EObject reference.
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.nameForResolvedId(Name eObjectReferenceName)
          Determine the name of the property that is used to hold the identifier(s) for the resolved EObject reference.
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.nameForResolvedName(Name eObjectReferenceName)
          Determine the name of the property that is used to hold the name(s) for the resolved EObject reference.
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.nameForResolvedReference(Name eObjectReferenceName)
          Determine the name of the property that is used to hold the WEAKREFERENCE values for the resolved EObject reference.
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.nameFrom(Name name)
protected  Path XmiGraphReader.path(Path parent, Name name)
protected  Path XmiGraphReader.path(Path parent, Name name, int snsIndex)
protected  Property name, Object... values)
protected  Property name, PropertyType type, Object... values)
protected  void XmiModelReader.registerHandler(Name name, XmiModelReader.ModelObjectHandler handler)
protected  Path XmiGraphReader.relativePathFrom(Name... names)
protected  void XmiGraphReader.replaceTypeName(Name replaced, Name with)
 ReferenceResolver.ResolvedReference ReferenceResolver.resolve(Path ownerPath, Name attributeName, String href)
 ReferenceResolver.ResolvedReference ReferenceResolver.resolve(Path ownerPath, Name attributeName, String href, UUID mmuuid)
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.shortenName(Name name)
protected  Name XmiGraphReader.typeNameFrom(Name name)

Constructors in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid with parameters of type Name
XmiModelReader.DefaultModelObjectHandler(Name... requiredMixinTypeNames)
XmiModelReader(Path parentPath, Name modelName, String pathToModelFile, Subgraph subgraph, boolean generateShortTypeNames, boolean useXmiUuidsAsJcrUuids, VdbModel vdbModel)
          Create a reader for XMI model files.

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid.lexicon

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid.lexicon declared as Name
static Name TransformLexicon.ALIAS
static Name CoreLexicon.ANNOTATED
static Name VdbLexicon.BUILT_IN
static Name VdbLexicon.CHECKSUM
static Name TransformLexicon.DELETE_ALLOWED
static Name TransformLexicon.DELETE_SQL
static Name TransformLexicon.DELETE_SQL_DEFAULT
static Name VdbLexicon.DESCRIPTION
static Name CoreLexicon.DESCRIPTION
static Name CoreLexicon.IMPORT
static Name JdbcLexicon.IMPORTED
static Name TransformLexicon.INPUTS
static Name TransformLexicon.INSERT_ALLOWED
static Name TransformLexicon.INSERT_SQL
static Name TransformLexicon.INSERT_SQL_DEFAULT
static Name CoreLexicon.KEYWORDS
static Name VdbLexicon.MARKER
static Name VdbLexicon.MARKERS
static Name VdbLexicon.MESSAGE
static Name XmiLexicon.MODEL
static Name VdbLexicon.MODEL
static Name CoreLexicon.MODEL
static Name CoreLexicon.MODEL_TYPE
static Name VdbLexicon.ORIGINAL_FILE
static Name CoreLexicon.ORIGINAL_FILE
static Name TransformLexicon.OUTPUT_LOCKED
static Name EcoreLexicon.PACKAGE
static Name VdbLexicon.PATH
static Name CoreLexicon.PATH
static Name VdbLexicon.PATH_IN_VDB
static Name VdbLexicon.PREVIEW
static Name CoreLexicon.PRIMARY_METAMODEL_URI
static Name CoreLexicon.PRODUCER_NAME
static Name CoreLexicon.PRODUCER_VERSION
static Name XmiLexicon.REFERENCEABLE
static Name TransformLexicon.SELECT_SQL
static Name VdbLexicon.SEVERITY
static Name JdbcLexicon.SOURCE
static Name VdbLexicon.SOURCE_JNDI_NAME
static Name VdbLexicon.SOURCE_NAME
static Name VdbLexicon.SOURCE_TRANSLATOR
static Name CoreLexicon.TAGS
static Name TransformLexicon.TRANSFORMED
static Name XsiLexicon.TYPE
static Name TransformLexicon.UPDATE_ALLOWED
static Name TransformLexicon.UPDATE_SQL
static Name TransformLexicon.UPDATE_SQL_DEFAULT
static Name XmiLexicon.UUID
static Name XmiLexicon.VERSION
static Name VdbLexicon.VERSION
static Name VdbLexicon.VIRTUAL_DATABASE
static Name VdbLexicon.VISIBLE
static Name TransformLexicon.WITH_SQL
static Name XmiLexicon.XMI

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.text

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.text declared as Name
static Name TextSequencerLexicon.COLUMN
static Name TextSequencerLexicon.DATA
static Name TextSequencerLexicon.ROW

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.wsdl

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.wsdl declared as Name
static Name WsdlLexicon.BINDING
static Name WsdlLexicon.BINDING_NAME
static Name WsdlLexicon.BINDING_NAMESPACE
static Name WsdlLexicon.BINDING_OPERATION
static Name WsdlLexicon.BINDING_REFERENCE
static Name WsdlLexicon.BINDINGS
static Name WsdlLexicon.ELEMENT_NAME
static Name WsdlLexicon.ELEMENT_NAMESPACE
static Name WsdlLexicon.ELEMENT_REFERENCE
static Name WsdlLexicon.ENCODING_STYLE
static Name WsdlLexicon.FAULT
static Name WsdlLexicon.HTTP_ADDRESS
static Name WsdlLexicon.HTTP_BINDING
static Name WsdlLexicon.HTTP_OPERATION
static Name WsdlLexicon.HTTP_URL_ENCODED
static Name WsdlLexicon.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT
static Name WsdlLexicon.IMPORTED_XSD
static Name WsdlLexicon.INCLUDED_XSD
static Name WsdlLexicon.INPUT
static Name WsdlLexicon.INPUT_NAME
static Name WsdlLexicon.INPUT_REFERENCE
static Name WsdlLexicon.LOCATION
static Name WsdlLexicon.MESSAGE
static Name WsdlLexicon.MESSAGE_NAME
static Name WsdlLexicon.MESSAGE_NAMESPACE
static Name WsdlLexicon.MESSAGE_REFERENCE
static Name WsdlLexicon.MESSAGES
static Name WsdlLexicon.MIME_CONTENT
static Name WsdlLexicon.MIME_MULTIPART_RELATED
static Name WsdlLexicon.MIME_PART
static Name WsdlLexicon.MIME_TYPE
static Name WsdlLexicon.MIME_XML
static Name WsdlLexicon.NAMESPACE
static Name WsdlLexicon.NC_NAME
static Name WsdlLexicon.OPERATION
static Name WsdlLexicon.OPERATION_INPUT
static Name WsdlLexicon.OPERATION_OUTPUT
static Name WsdlLexicon.OUTPUT
static Name WsdlLexicon.OUTPUT_NAME
static Name WsdlLexicon.OUTPUT_REFERENCE
static Name WsdlLexicon.PARAMETER_ORDER
static Name WsdlLexicon.PART
static Name WsdlLexicon.PARTS
static Name WsdlLexicon.PORT
static Name WsdlLexicon.PORT_TYPE
static Name WsdlLexicon.PORT_TYPES
static Name WsdlLexicon.REDEFINED_XSD
static Name WsdlLexicon.SCHEMA
static Name WsdlLexicon.SERVICE
static Name WsdlLexicon.SERVICES
static Name WsdlLexicon.SOAP_ACTION
static Name WsdlLexicon.SOAP_ADDRESS
static Name WsdlLexicon.SOAP_BINDING
static Name WsdlLexicon.SOAP_BODY
static Name WsdlLexicon.SOAP_FAULT
static Name WsdlLexicon.SOAP_HEADER
static Name WsdlLexicon.SOAP_HEADER_FAULT
static Name WsdlLexicon.SOAP_LOCATION
static Name WsdlLexicon.SOAP_OPERATION
static Name WsdlLexicon.STYLE
static Name WsdlLexicon.TRANSPORT
static Name WsdlLexicon.TYPE_NAME
static Name WsdlLexicon.TYPE_NAMESPACE
static Name WsdlLexicon.TYPE_REFERENCE
static Name WsdlLexicon.USE
static Name WsdlLexicon.VERB
static Name WsdlLexicon.WSDL_DOCUMENT

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.wsdl with type parameters of type Name
protected  Map<Path,Multimap<Name,Integer>> WsdlReader.namesByParentPath

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.wsdl that return Name
protected  Name name)
protected  Name namespaceUri, String name)

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.wsdl with parameters of type Name
protected  boolean qname, Name name)
protected  Path WsdlReader.nextPath(Path parentPath, Name name)
protected  Path Wsdl11Reader.nextPath(Path parentPath, QName qname, Name primaryType)
protected  Path WsdlReader.path(Path parentPath, Name segment)
protected  UUID Wsdl11Reader.setReference(Path path, Name propertyName, XsdResolvers.SymbolSpace space, QName name)
protected  UUID WsdlReader.setReference(Path path, Name propertyName, XsdResolvers.SymbolSpace kind, String namespace, String name)

Constructors in org.modeshape.sequencer.wsdl with parameters of type Name
WsdlReader.ResolveFuture(Path path, Name propertyName, XsdResolvers.SymbolSpace kind, String namespace, String name)

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.xml

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.xml declared as Name
static Name ModeShapeXmlLexicon.CDATA
static Name ModeShapeXmlLexicon.CDATA_CONTENT
static Name ModeShapeXmlLexicon.COMMENT
static Name ModeShapeXmlLexicon.COMMENT_CONTENT
protected  Name XmlSequencerHandler.defaultPrimaryType
          The default primary type.
static Name ModeShapeXmlLexicon.DOCUMENT
static Name ModeShapeXmlLexicon.ELEMENT
static Name ModeShapeXmlLexicon.ELEMENT_CONTENT
static Name ModeShapeDtdLexicon.ENTITY
static Name ModeShapeDtdLexicon.NAME
protected  Name XmlSequencerHandler.nameAttribute
          The name of the attribute that should be used for the node name.
static Name ModeShapeXmlLexicon.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION
static Name ModeShapeDtdLexicon.PUBLIC_ID
static Name ModeShapeDtdLexicon.SYSTEM_ID
static Name ModeShapeXmlLexicon.TARGET
static Name ModeShapeDtdLexicon.VALUE

Uses of Name in org.modeshape.sequencer.xsd

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.xsd declared as Name
static Name XsdLexicon.ABSTRACT
static Name XsdLexicon.ALL
static Name XsdLexicon.ANNOTATION
static Name XsdLexicon.ANY_ATTRIBUTE
static Name XsdLexicon.ATTRIBUTE_GROUP
static Name XsdLexicon.BASE_TYPE_NAME
static Name XsdLexicon.BASE_TYPE_NAMESPACE
static Name XsdLexicon.BASE_TYPE_REFERENCE
static Name XsdLexicon.BLOCK
static Name XsdLexicon.CHOICE
static Name XsdLexicon.COMPLEX_CONTENT
static Name XsdLexicon.COMPLEX_TYPE
static Name XsdLexicon.COMPLEX_TYPE_CONTENT
static Name XsdLexicon.ELEMENT_DECLARATION
static Name XsdLexicon.ENUMERATED_VALUES
static Name XsdLexicon.FINAL
static Name XsdLexicon.FORM
static Name XsdLexicon.FRACTION_DIGITS
static Name XsdLexicon.ID
static Name XsdLexicon.IMPORT
static Name XsdLexicon.IMPORTED_XSDS
static Name XsdLexicon.INCLUDE
static Name XsdLexicon.INCLUDED_XSDS
static Name XsdLexicon.MAX_LENGTH
static Name XsdLexicon.MAX_OCCURS
static Name XsdLexicon.MAX_OCCURS_UNBOUNDED
static Name XsdLexicon.MAX_VALUE_EXCLUSIVE
static Name XsdLexicon.MAX_VALUE_INCLUSIVE
static Name XsdLexicon.METHOD
static Name XsdLexicon.MIN_LENGTH
static Name XsdLexicon.MIN_OCCURS
static Name XsdLexicon.MIN_VALUE_EXCLUSIVE
static Name XsdLexicon.MIN_VALUE_INCLUSIVE
static Name XsdLexicon.MIXED
static Name XsdLexicon.NAMESPACE
static Name XsdLexicon.NC_NAME
static Name XsdLexicon.NILLABLE
static Name XsdLexicon.PATTERN
static Name XsdLexicon.PROCESS_CONTENTS
static Name XsdLexicon.REDEFINE
static Name XsdLexicon.REDEFINED_XSDS
static Name XsdLexicon.REF
static Name XsdLexicon.REF_NAME
static Name XsdLexicon.REF_NAMESPACE
static Name XsdLexicon.SCHEMA_DOCUMENT
static Name XsdLexicon.SCHEMA_LOCATION
static Name XsdLexicon.SEQUENCE
static Name XsdLexicon.SIMPLE_CONTENT
static Name XsdLexicon.SIMPLE_TYPE
static Name XsdLexicon.TOTAL_DIGITS
static Name XsdLexicon.TYPE_NAME
static Name XsdLexicon.TYPE_NAMESPACE
static Name XsdLexicon.TYPE_REFERENCE
static Name XsdLexicon.USE
static Name XsdLexicon.WHITESPACE

Fields in org.modeshape.sequencer.xsd with type parameters of type Name
protected  Map<Path,Multimap<Name,Integer>> XsdReader.namesByParentPath

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.xsd that return Name
protected  Name name)
protected  Name namespaceUri, String name)

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.xsd with parameters of type Name
protected  Path XsdReader.nextPath(Path parentPath, Name name)
protected  Path XsdReader.path(Path parentPath, Name segment)
<Facet extends org.eclipse.xsd.XSDFacet>
XsdReader.process(Iterable<Facet> facets, Path path, Name propertyName, PropertyType type)
protected  void XsdReader.process(org.eclipse.xsd.XSDFacet facet, Path path, Name propertyName, PropertyType type)
<Enumerator extends org.eclipse.emf.common.util.AbstractEnumerator>
XsdReader.processEnumerator(Enumerator enumerator, Path path, Name propertyName)
<Enumerator extends org.eclipse.emf.common.util.AbstractEnumerator>
XsdReader.processEnumerators(Iterable<Enumerator> enumerators, Path path, Name propertyName)
protected  UUID XsdReader.setReference(Path path, Name propertyName, XsdResolvers.SymbolSpace kind, String namespace, String name)

Constructors in org.modeshape.sequencer.xsd with parameters of type Name
XsdReader.ResolveFuture(Path path, Name propertyName, XsdResolvers.SymbolSpace kind, String namespace, String name)

Uses of Name in

Fields in declared as Name
static Name ZipLexicon.CONTENT
static Name ZipLexicon.FILE

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