Uses of Interface

Packages that use Property
org.modeshape.cnd Compact Node Definition (CND) defines JCR node types, property definitions, and child node definitions in a concise and easy-to-read form. 
org.modeshape.connector.disk The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a ModeShape-specific format on fixed disk. 
org.modeshape.connector.filesystem The classes that make up the connector that accesses the files and directories on a local file system and exposes them as content in a repository. 
org.modeshape.connector.infinispan The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a deployed instance of Infinispan. 
org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a JBoss Cache instance. 
org.modeshape.connector.jcr The JCR connector provides access to a JCR repository instance running in the same process (and accessible via JNDI). 
org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc The classes that make up the connector that accesses the database schema metadata exposed by JDBC drivers for existing relational databases. The classes that define the "simple" storage model for the JPA connector. The classes that define the utility JPA entities that are not part of any storage model. 
org.modeshape.connector.svn The classes that make up the connector that accesses content from an SVN repository. 
org.modeshape.graph The ModeShape Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.base This package defines a series of classes that can serve as base classes for a connector implementation. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory The In-Memory Connector represents a connector that maintains a graph in transient in-process memory. The MapRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default implementation of the connector classes for connectors that support the transient or persistent mapping of a UUID to a standard representation of a node
org.modeshape.graph.connector.path The PathRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default read-only implementation of the connector classes for connectors that only support path-based access to a standard representation of a node Utilities for inputing and outputing larger amounts of data. 
org.modeshape.graph.observe The Observation API provides several mechanisms for asynchronously observing changes to content. Nodes in a graph contain properties, and this package defines the interfaces, classes and exceptions for representing and working with properties and their values. 
org.modeshape.graph.request Sometimes its useful to work with a graph using objects that represent individual commands on the graph. 
org.modeshape.graph.request.processor This portion of the ModeShape Graph API defines the processor for requests
org.modeshape.graph.sequencer A sequencer in ModeShape is a component that is able to process information (usually the content of a file, or a property value on a node) and recreate that information as a graph of structured content. 
org.modeshape.graph.session A graph session provides a stateful environment in which graph operations can be enqueued and the state and structure of the graph are cached. 
org.modeshape.graph.text This package defines an interface for components that extract text from content. 
org.modeshape.graph.xml Graph content can often be represented in XML, so this part of the ModeShape Graph API defines the classes that provide the binding between graph and XML content. 
org.modeshape.jcr The ModeShape implementation of the JCR API. 
org.modeshape.repository The components and services that make up ModeShape's lower-level graph engine, which is used within its JCR Engine. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd The classes that make up the JCR Compact Node Definition (CND) file sequencer. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node The classes for nodes within an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and a factory for creating them. 
org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid The classes that make up the JCR Compact Node Definition (CND) file sequencer. 

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.cnd

Methods in org.modeshape.cnd that return Property
protected  Property CndImporter.parseVendorExtension(String vendorExtension)
          Parse the vendor extension, including the curly braces in the CND content.
protected  Property CndImporter.parseVendorExtensionContent(String vendorExtension)
          Parse the content of the vendor extension excluding the curly braces in the CND content.

Method parameters in org.modeshape.cnd with type arguments of type Property
protected  void CndImporter.parseDefaultType(TokenStream tokens, List<Property> properties)
          Parse the child node definition's default type, if they appear next on the token stream.
protected  void CndImporter.parseDefaultValues(TokenStream tokens, List<Property> properties)
          Parse the property definition's default value, if they appear next on the token stream.
protected  void CndImporter.parseNodeAttributes(TokenStream tokens, List<Property> properties, Name childNodeDefnName, Path childNodeDefnPath)
          Parse the child node definition's attributes, if they appear next on the token stream.
protected  void CndImporter.parseNodeTypeOptions(TokenStream tokens, List<Property> properties)
          Parse the options for the node types, including whether the node type is orderable, a mixin, abstract, whether it supports querying, and which property/child node (if any) is the primary item for the node type.
protected  void CndImporter.parsePropertyAttributes(TokenStream tokens, List<Property> properties, Name propDefnName, Path propDefnPath)
          Parse the property definition's attributes, if they appear next on the token stream.
protected  void CndImporter.parsePropertyType(TokenStream tokens, List<Property> properties, String defaultPropertyType)
          Parse the property type, if a valid one appears next on the token stream.
protected  void CndImporter.parseQueryOperators(TokenStream tokens, List<Property> properties)
          Parse the property definition's query operators, if they appear next on the token stream.
protected  void CndImporter.parseRequiredPrimaryTypes(TokenStream tokens, List<Property> properties)
          Parse the child node definition's list of required primary types, if they appear next on the token stream.
protected  void CndImporter.parseValueConstraints(TokenStream tokens, List<Property> properties)
          Parse the property definition's value constraints, if they appear next on the token stream.
protected  void CndImporter.parseVendorExtensions(TokenStream tokens, List<Property> properties)
          Parse the vendor extensions that may appear next on the tokenzied stream.

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.connector.disk

Method parameters in org.modeshape.connector.disk with type arguments of type Property
protected  DiskNode DiskTransaction.createNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parentUuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied UUID.

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.connector.disk with type arguments of type Property
DiskNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Iterable<Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage on a disk..
DiskNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage on a disk.

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem

Fields in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem with type parameters of type Property
protected static Collection<Property> BasePropertiesFactory.NO_PROPERTIES_COLLECTION
protected static Map<Name,Property> StoreProperties.NO_PROPERTIES_MAP

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem that return Property
protected  Property StoreProperties.parse(String line, ValueFactories factories, PropertyFactory propFactory, NamespaceRegistry namespaces, Map<Name,Property> result)

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem that return types with arguments of type Property
 Collection<Property> ThrowProperties.getDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File directory)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied directory that is to be treated as an "nt:folder".
 Collection<Property> StoreProperties.getDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File directory)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied directory that is to be treated as an "nt:folder".
 Collection<Property> LogProperties.getDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File directory)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied directory that is to be treated as an "nt:folder".
 Collection<Property> IgnoreProperties.getDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File directory)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied directory that is to be treated as an "nt:folder".
 Collection<Property> CustomPropertiesFactory.getDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File directory)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied directory that is to be treated as an "nt:folder".
 Collection<Property> ThrowProperties.getFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File file)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:file".
 Collection<Property> StoreProperties.getFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File file)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:file".
 Collection<Property> LogProperties.getFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File file)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:file".
 Collection<Property> IgnoreProperties.getFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File file)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:file".
 Collection<Property> CustomPropertiesFactory.getFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File file)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:file".
 Collection<Property> ThrowProperties.getResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File file, String mimeType)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:resource", which is the node that contains the content-oriented properties and that is a child of a "nt:file" node.
 Collection<Property> StoreProperties.getResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File file, String mimeType)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:resource", which is the node that contains the content-oriented properties and that is a child of a "nt:file" node.
 Collection<Property> LogProperties.getResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File file, String mimeType)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:resource", which is the node that contains the content-oriented properties and that is a child of a "nt:file" node.
 Collection<Property> IgnoreProperties.getResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File file, String mimeType)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:resource", which is the node that contains the content-oriented properties and that is a child of a "nt:file" node.
 Collection<Property> CustomPropertiesFactory.getResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, Location location, File file, String mimeType)
          Construct the custom properties that should be created for the supplied file that is to be treated as an "nt:resource", which is the node that contains the content-oriented properties and that is a child of a "nt:file" node.
protected  Map<Name,Property> StoreProperties.load(File propertiesFile, ExecutionContext context)

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem with parameters of type Property
protected  void StoreProperties.write(Property property, Writer stream, ValueFactory<String> strings)

Method parameters in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem with type arguments of type Property
protected  Property StoreProperties.parse(String line, ValueFactories factories, PropertyFactory propFactory, NamespaceRegistry namespaces, Map<Name,Property> result)
 Set<Name> ThrowProperties.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> StoreProperties.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> LogProperties.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> IgnoreProperties.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> CustomPropertiesFactory.recordDirectoryProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:folder" node.
 Set<Name> ThrowProperties.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> StoreProperties.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> LogProperties.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> IgnoreProperties.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> CustomPropertiesFactory.recordFileProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:file" node.
 Set<Name> ThrowProperties.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
 Set<Name> StoreProperties.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
 Set<Name> LogProperties.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
 Set<Name> IgnoreProperties.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
 Set<Name> CustomPropertiesFactory.recordResourceProperties(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName, Location location, File file, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Record the supplied properties as being set on the designated "nt:resource" node.
protected  Set<Name> StoreProperties.write(File propertiesFile, ExecutionContext context, Map<Name,Property> properties)

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan

Method parameters in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan with type arguments of type Property
protected  InfinispanNode InfinispanTransaction.createNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parentUuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied UUID.

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.connector.infinispan with type arguments of type Property
InfinispanNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Iterable<Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.
InfinispanNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache

Method parameters in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache with type arguments of type Property
protected  JBossCacheNode JBossCacheTransaction.createNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parentUuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied UUID.

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.connector.jbosscache with type arguments of type Property
JBossCacheNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Iterable<Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.
JBossCacheNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage inside Infinispan.

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.connector.jcr

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.jcr that return Property
 Property JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace.propertyFor(Name name, Object... values)
 Property JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace.propertyFor(Property jcrProperty)
          Get the graph property for the supplied JCR property representation.

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.jcr with parameters of type Property
protected  Set<Name> JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace.getMultiValuedProperties(Property multiValuedProperty)
protected  void JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace.setProperty(Node node, Property property, boolean isMultiValued)

Method parameters in org.modeshape.connector.jcr with type arguments of type Property
 void JcrRequestProcessor.Workspace.setProperties(Node node, Iterable<Property> properties)

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc

Method parameters in org.modeshape.connector.meta.jdbc with type arguments of type Property
protected  PathNode JdbcMetadataRepository.JdbcMetadataTransaction.createNode(Path.Segment name, Path parentPath, Iterable<Property> properties)

Uses of Property in

Methods in that return Property
 Property SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode.getProperty(ExecutionContext context, String name)
 Property SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode.getProperty(Name name)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Property
 Map<Name,Property> SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode.getProperties()

Methods in with parameters of type Property
 MapNode SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode.setProperty(Property property)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Property
 MapNode SimpleJpaRepository.JpaNode.setProperties(Iterable<Property> properties, Iterable<Name> removedProperties)

Uses of Property in

Methods in that return Property
 Property Serializer.deserializeProperty(ObjectInputStream stream, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues)
          Deserialize the serialized property on the supplied object stream.

Methods in with parameters of type Property
 boolean Serializer.serializeProperty(ObjectOutputStream stream, Property property, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Serialize the property's values to the object stream.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Property
 void Serializer.deserializeAllProperties(ObjectInputStream stream, Collection<Property> properties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues)
          Deserialize the serialized properties on the supplied object stream.
 void Serializer.deserializeSomeProperties(ObjectInputStream stream, Collection<Property> properties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.LargeValues skippedLargeValues, Name... names)
          Deserialize the serialized properties on the supplied object stream.
 int Serializer.reserializeProperties(ObjectInputStream input, ObjectOutputStream output, Map<Name,Property> updatedProperties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.LargeValues removedLargeValues, Set<Name> createdProperties, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Deserialize the existing properties from the supplied input stream, update the properties, and then serialize the updated properties to the output stream.
 void Serializer.serializeProperties(ObjectOutputStream stream, int number, Iterable<Property> properties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Serialize the properties' values to the object stream.

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.connector.svn

Method parameters in org.modeshape.connector.svn with type arguments of type Property
protected  boolean SvnWorkspace.readNode(ExecutionContext context, String workspaceName, Path requestedPath, List<Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> children)

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.graph

Fields in org.modeshape.graph with type parameters of type Property
protected static Iterator<Property> Graph.EMPTY_PROPERTIES
protected static Iterator<Property> Location.NO_ID_PROPERTIES_ITERATOR
          Simple shared iterator instance that is used when there are no properties.
protected static Iterable<Property> Graph.NO_PROPERTIES

Methods in org.modeshape.graph that return Property
 Property Location.getIdProperty(Name name)
          Get the identification property with the supplied name, if there is such a property.
 Property Node.getProperty(Name name)
          Get the property with the supplied name.
 Property Graph.GraphNode.getProperty(Name name)
 Property Node.getProperty(String name)
          Get the property with the supplied name.
 Property Graph.GraphNode.getProperty(String nameStr)

Methods in org.modeshape.graph that return types with arguments of type Property
abstract  List<Property> Location.getIdProperties()
          Get the identification properties that (at least in part) define this location.
 Collection<Property> Node.getProperties()
          Get the properties on the node.
 Graph.On<Collection<Property>> Graph.getProperties()
          Request that the properties be read on the node defined via the on(...)
 Collection<Property> Graph.GraphNode.getProperties()
 Graph.OnMultiple<Map<Name,Property>> Graph.getProperties(Name... names)
          Request that the properties with the given names be read on the node defined via the on(...)
 Map<Name,Property> Node.getPropertiesByName()
          Get the map of properties keyed by the property names.
 Graph.On<Map<Name,Property>> Graph.getPropertiesByName()
          Request that the properties be read on the node defined via the on(...)
 Map<Name,Property> Graph.GraphNode.getPropertiesByName()
 Graph.OnMultiple<Property> Graph.getProperty(Name name)
          Request that the property with the given name be read on the node defined via the on(...)
 Graph.On<Property> Graph.getProperty(String name)
          Request that the property with the given name be read on the node defined via the on(...)
 Iterator<Property> Location.iterator()

Methods in org.modeshape.graph with parameters of type Property
 Next Graph.And.and(Property idProperty)
          Specify that another node should also be copied or moved.
 Graph.Create<Next> Graph.Create.and(Property property)
          Specify a property that should the new node should have.
 Graph.CreateAt<Next> Graph.CreateAt.and(Property property)
          Specify a property that should the new node should have.
 Graph.Move<T> Graph.MoveAction.and(Property from)
 Graph.Copy<T> Graph.CopyAction.and(Property from)
 Graph.Create<T> Graph.CreateAction.and(Property property)
 Next Graph.And.and(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Specify that another node should also be copied or moved.
 Next Graph.And.and(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Specify that another node should also be copied or moved.
 Graph.Create<Next> Graph.Create.and(Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Specify properties that should the new node should have.
 Graph.Create<Next> Graph.Create.and(Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Specify properties that should the new node should have.
 Graph.CreateAt<Next> Graph.CreateAt.and(Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Specify properties that should the new node should have.
 Graph.CreateAt<Next> Graph.CreateAt.and(Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Specify properties that should the new node should have.
 Graph.Move<T> Graph.MoveAction.and(Property firstFrom, Property... additionalFroms)
 Graph.Move<T> Graph.MoveAction.and(Property firstFrom, Property... additionalFroms)
 Graph.Copy<T> Graph.CopyAction.and(Property firstFrom, Property... additionalFroms)
 Graph.Copy<T> Graph.CopyAction.and(Property firstFrom, Property... additionalFroms)
 Graph.Create<T> Graph.CreateAction.and(Property property, Property... additionalProperties)
 Graph.Create<T> Graph.CreateAction.and(Property property, Property... additionalProperties)
 Next idProperty)
          Specify the unique identification property that identifies the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Next firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Next firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Next Graph.Before.before(Property parentIdProperty)
          Finish the request by specifying the location of the node before which the node should be copied/moved.
 T Graph.MoveAction.before(Property before)
 Next Graph.Before.before(Property firstParentIdProperty, Property... additionalParentIdProperties)
          Finish the request by specifying the location of the node before which the node should be copied/moved.
 Next Graph.Before.before(Property firstParentIdProperty, Property... additionalParentIdProperties)
          Finish the request by specifying the location of the node before which the node should be copied/moved.
 T Graph.MoveAction.before(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
 T Graph.MoveAction.before(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
 Graph.Clone<Graph> Graph.clone(Property idProperty)
          Begin the request to clone a node with the specified unique identification property into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Clone<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.clone(Property idProperty)
          Begin the request to clone a node with the specified unique identification property into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Clone<Graph> Graph.clone(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Begin the request to clone a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Clone<Graph> Graph.clone(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Begin the request to clone a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Clone<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.clone(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Begin the request to clone a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Clone<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.clone(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Begin the request to clone a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Copy<Graph> Graph.copy(Property idProperty)
          Begin the request to copy a node with the specified unique identification property into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Copy<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.copy(Property idProperty)
          Begin the request to copy a node with the specified unique identification property into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Copy<Graph> Graph.copy(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Begin the request to copy a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Copy<Graph> Graph.copy(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Begin the request to copy a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Copy<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.copy(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Begin the request to copy a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Copy<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.copy(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Begin the request to copy a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
static Location Location.create(Path path, Property idProperty)
          Create a location defined by a path and a single identification property.
 Graph.Create<Graph> Graph.create(Path at, Property property)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> Graph.Batch.create(Path at, Property property)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
static Location Location.create(Path path, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Create a location defined by a path and multiple identification properties.
static Location Location.create(Path path, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Create a location defined by a path and multiple identification properties.
 Graph.Create<Graph> Graph.create(Path at, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph> Graph.create(Path at, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> Graph.Batch.create(Path at, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> Graph.Batch.create(Path at, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
static Location Location.create(Property idProperty)
          Create a location defined by a single identification property.
static Location Location.create(Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Create a location defined by multiple identification properties.
static Location Location.create(Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Create a location defined by multiple identification properties.
 Graph.Create<Graph> Graph.create(String atPath, Property property)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> Graph.Batch.create(String atPath, Property property)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph> Graph.create(String atPath, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph> Graph.create(String atPath, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> Graph.Batch.create(String atPath, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> Graph.Batch.create(String atPath, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Conjunction<Graph> Graph.delete(Property idProperty)
          Request to delete the node with the given unique identification property.
 Graph.BatchConjunction Graph.Batch.delete(Property idProperty)
          Request to delete the node with the given unique identification property.
 Graph.Conjunction<Graph> Graph.delete(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to delete the node with the given identification properties.
 Graph.Conjunction<Graph> Graph.delete(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to delete the node with the given identification properties.
 Graph.BatchConjunction Graph.Batch.delete(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to delete the node with the given identification properties.
 Graph.BatchConjunction Graph.Batch.delete(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to delete the node with the given identification properties.
 Node Graph.getNodeAt(Property idProperty)
          Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier property.
 Node Graph.getNodeAt(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier properties.
 Node Graph.getNodeAt(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier properties.
 Next Graph.Into.into(Property parentIdProperty)
          Finish the request by specifying the location of the parent into which the node should be copied/moved.
 Next Graph.ImportInto.into(Property idProperty)
          Finish the import by specifying the Location.create into which the node should be copied/moved.
 T Graph.MoveAction.into(Property into)
 T Graph.CopyAction.into(Property into)
 Graph.WithUuids<T> Graph.CloneTargetAction.into(Property into)
 Next Graph.Into.into(Property firstParentIdProperty, Property... additionalParentIdProperties)
          Finish the request by specifying the location of the parent into which the node should be copied/moved.
 Next Graph.Into.into(Property firstParentIdProperty, Property... additionalParentIdProperties)
          Finish the request by specifying the location of the parent into which the node should be copied/moved.
 Next Graph.ImportInto.into(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Finish the import by specifying the Location.create into which the node should be copied/moved.
 Next Graph.ImportInto.into(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Finish the import by specifying the Location.create into which the node should be copied/moved.
 T Graph.MoveAction.into(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
 T Graph.MoveAction.into(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
 T Graph.CopyAction.into(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
 T Graph.CopyAction.into(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
 Graph.WithUuids<T> Graph.CloneTargetAction.into(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
 Graph.WithUuids<T> Graph.CloneTargetAction.into(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>>> Graph.lock(Property idProperty)
          Request to lock the node with the given unique identification property.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.BatchConjunction>> Graph.Batch.lock(Property idProperty)
          Request to lock the node with the given unique identification property.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>>> Graph.lock(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to lock the node with the given identification properties.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>>> Graph.lock(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to lock the node with the given identification properties.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.BatchConjunction>> Graph.Batch.lock(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to lock the node with the given identification properties.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.BatchConjunction>> Graph.Batch.lock(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to lock the node with the given identification properties.
 Graph.Move<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>> Graph.move(Property idProperty)
          Begin the request to move a node with the specified unique identification property into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Move<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.move(Property idProperty)
          Begin the request to move a node with the specified unique identification property into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Move<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>> Graph.move(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Begin the request to move a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Move<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>> Graph.move(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Begin the request to move a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Move<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.move(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Begin the request to move a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Move<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.move(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Begin the request to move a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Next Graph.CreateNode.node(String nodeName, Property... properties)
          Specify the name of the node that is to be created.
 Next Graph.Of.of(Property idProperty)
          Specify the unique identification property that identifies the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Next Graph.Of.of(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Next Graph.Of.of(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Next Graph.On.on(Property idProperty)
          Specify the unique identification property that identifies the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Next Graph.On.on(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Next Graph.On.on(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Graph.BatchConjunction idProperty)
          Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier property.
 Graph.BatchConjunction firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier properties.
 Graph.BatchConjunction firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier properties.
 Graph.On<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>> Graph.set(Property... properties)
          Set the properties on a node.
 Graph.On<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.set(Property... properties)
          Set the properties on a node.
 Next Graph.BlockOfChildren.startingAfter(Property idPropertyOfPreviousSibling)
          Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
 Next Graph.BlockOfChildren.startingAfter(Property firstIdPropertyOfPreviousSibling, Property... additionalIdPropertiesOfPreviousSibling)
          Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
 Next Graph.BlockOfChildren.startingAfter(Property firstIdPropertyOfPreviousSibling, Property... additionalIdPropertiesOfPreviousSibling)
          Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
 Next Graph.Under.under(Property idProperty)
          Specify the unique identification property that identifies the node under which the request is to operate.
 Next Graph.Under.under(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node under which the request is to operate.
 Next Graph.Under.under(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node under which the request is to operate.
 Graph.Conjunction<Graph> Graph.unlock(Property idProperty)
          Request to unlock the node with the given unique identification property.
 Graph.BatchConjunction Graph.Batch.unlock(Property idProperty)
          Request to unlock the node with the given unique identification property.
 Graph.Conjunction<Graph> Graph.unlock(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to unlock the node with the given identification properties.
 Graph.Conjunction<Graph> Graph.unlock(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to unlock the node with the given identification properties.
 Graph.BatchConjunction Graph.Batch.unlock(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to unlock the node with the given identification properties.
 Graph.BatchConjunction Graph.Batch.unlock(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to unlock the node with the given identification properties.
abstract  Location Location.with(Property newIdProperty)
          Create a copy of this location that adds the supplied identification property.
 Graph.Create<Next> Graph.Create.with(Property property)
          Specify a property that should the new node should have.
 Graph.CreateAt<Next> Graph.CreateAt.with(Property property)
          Specify a property that should the new node should have.
 Graph.Create<T> Graph.CreateAction.with(Property property)
 Graph.Create<Next> Graph.Create.with(Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Specify properties that should the new node should have.
 Graph.Create<Next> Graph.Create.with(Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Specify properties that should the new node should have.
 Graph.CreateAt<Next> Graph.CreateAt.with(Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Specify properties that should the new node should have.
 Graph.CreateAt<Next> Graph.CreateAt.with(Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Specify properties that should the new node should have.
 Graph.Create<T> Graph.CreateAction.with(Property property, Property... additionalProperties)
 Graph.Create<T> Graph.CreateAction.with(Property property, Property... additionalProperties)

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph with type arguments of type Property
 Next Graph.And.and(Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Specify that another node should also be copied or moved.
 Graph.Create<Next> Graph.Create.and(Iterable<Property> properties)
          Specify property that should the new node should have.
 Graph.CreateAt<Next> Graph.CreateAt.and(Iterable<Property> properties)
          Specify property that should the new node should have.
 Graph.Move<T> Graph.MoveAction.and(Iterable<Property> idPropertiesFrom)
 Graph.Copy<T> Graph.CopyAction.and(Iterable<Property> idProperties)
 Graph.Create<T> Graph.CreateAction.and(Iterable<Property> properties)
 Next<Property> idProperties)
          Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Graph.Clone<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.clone(Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Begin the request to clone a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Copy<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.copy(Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Begin the request to copy a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
static Location Location.create(Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Create a location defined by a path and an iterator over identification properties.
static Location Location.create(List<Property> idProperties)
          Create a location defined by multiple identification properties.
static Location Location.create(Path path, Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Create a location defined by a path and an iterator over identification properties.
 Graph.Create<Graph> Graph.create(Path at, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> Graph.Batch.create(Path at, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.BatchConjunction Graph.Batch.delete(Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Request to delete the node with the given identification properties.
 Node Graph.getNodeAt(Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier properties.
 Next Graph.ImportInto.into(Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Finish the import by specifying the Location.create into which the node should be copied/moved.
 Graph.Move<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.move(Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Begin the request to move a node with the specified identification properties into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Next Graph.CreateNode.node(String nodeName, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Specify the name of the node that is to be created.
 Next Graph.CreateNode.node(String nodeName, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Specify the name of the node that is to be created.
 Next Graph.Of.of(Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Next Graph.On.on(Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Specify the unique identification properties that identify the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Graph.BatchConjunction<Property> idProperties)
          Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier properties.
 Graph.On<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.set(Iterable<Property> properties)
          Set the properties on a node.
protected abstract  T Graph.CreateAction.submit(Location parent, String workspaceName, Name childName, Collection<Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
 Graph.Create<Next> Graph.Create.with(Iterable<Property> properties)
          Specify property that should the new node should have.
 Graph.CreateAt<Next> Graph.CreateAt.with(Iterable<Property> properties)
          Specify property that should the new node should have.
 Graph.Create<T> Graph.CreateAction.with(Iterable<Property> properties)

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base that return Property
 Property PathNode.getProperty(Name name)
          Returns the property with the supplied name.
 Property Node.getProperty(Name name)
          Returns the property with the supplied name.
 Property MapNode.getProperty(Name name)
          Returns the property with the supplied name.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base that return types with arguments of type Property
 Map<Name,Property> PathNode.getProperties()
          Returns properties of this node.
 Map<Name,Property> Node.getProperties()
          Returns properties of this node.
 Map<Name,Property> MapNode.getProperties()
          Returns properties of this node.
 Map<Name,Property> PathNode.Changes.getProperties(boolean createIfMissing)
 Map<Name,Property> MapNode.Changes.getProperties(boolean createIfMissing)
 Map<Name,Property> PathNode.Changes.getUnmodifiableProperties()
 Map<Name,Property> MapNode.Changes.getUnmodifiableProperties()

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base with parameters of type Property
 PathNode PathNode.withProperty(Property property)
          Create a copy of this node except with the new property.
 MapNode MapNode.withProperty(Property property)
          Create a copy of this node except with the new property.

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base with type arguments of type Property
 NodeType Transaction.addChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, Name name, int index, UUID uuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Creates a new child node under the supplied parent, where the new child will have the specified name, properties, and (optionally) UUID.
 NodeType PathTransaction.addChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, Name name, int index, UUID uuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Creates a new child node under the supplied parent, where the new child will have the specified name, properties, and (optionally) UUID.
 NodeType MapTransaction.addChild(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType parent, Name name, int index, UUID uuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Creates a new child node under the supplied parent, where the new child will have the specified name, properties, and (optionally) UUID.
protected abstract  NodeType PathTransaction.createNode(Path.Segment name, Path parentPath, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied name and parent path.
protected  NodeType MapTransaction.createNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parentUuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied UUID.
 void PathNode.Changes.setProperties(Map<Name,Property> properties)
 void MapNode.Changes.setProperties(Map<Name,Property> properties)
 NodeType Transaction.setProperties(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType node, Iterable<Property> propertiesToSet, Iterable<Name> propertiesToRemove, boolean removeAllExisting)
          Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name.
 NodeType PathTransaction.setProperties(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType node, Iterable<Property> propertiesToSet, Iterable<Name> propertiesToRemove, boolean removeAllExisting)
          Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name.
 NodeType MapTransaction.setProperties(WorkspaceType workspace, NodeType node, Iterable<Property> propertiesToSet, Iterable<Name> propertiesToRemove, boolean removeAllExisting)
          Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name.
 PathNode PathNode.withProperties(Iterable<Property> propertiesToSet, Iterable<Name> propertiesToRemove, boolean removeAllExisting)
          Create a copy of this node except with the changes to the properties.
 MapNode MapNode.withProperties(Iterable<Property> propertiesToSet, Iterable<Name> propertiesToRemove, boolean removeAllExisting)
          Create a copy of this node except with the changes to the properties.

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.base with type arguments of type Property
MapNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Iterable<Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node instance.
MapNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node instance.
MapNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children, int version)
          Create a new node instance.
PathNode(UUID uuid, Path parent, Path.Segment name, Iterable<Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> children)
          Create a new node instance.
PathNode(UUID uuid, Path parent, Path.Segment name, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> children)
          Create a new node instance.
PathNode(UUID uuid, Path parent, Path.Segment name, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> children, int version)
          Create a new node instance.

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory with type arguments of type Property
protected  InMemoryNode InMemoryTransaction.createNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parentUuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new instance of the node, given the supplied UUID.

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.inmemory with type arguments of type Property
InMemoryNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Iterable<Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new in-memory node.
InMemoryNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new in-memory node.

Uses of Property in

Methods in that return Property
 Property MapNode.getProperty(ExecutionContext context, String name)
          Returns the named property
 Property DefaultMapNode.getProperty(ExecutionContext context, String name)
          Returns the named property
 Property MapNode.getProperty(Name name)
          Returns the named property
 Property DefaultMapNode.getProperty(Name name)
          Returns the named property

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Property
 Map<Name,Property> MapNode.getProperties()
          Returns a map of property names to the property for the given name
 Map<Name,Property> DefaultMapNode.getProperties()

Methods in with parameters of type Property
 MapNode MapNode.setProperty(Property property)
          Sets the property with the given name, overwriting any previous property for the given name
 MapNode DefaultMapNode.setProperty(Property property)
          Sets the property with the given name, overwriting any previous property for the given name

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Property
 MapNode MapWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode parentNode, Name name, UUID uuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new node with the supplied name, as a child of the supplied parent.
 MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode parentNode, Name name, UUID uuid, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new node with the supplied name, as a child of the supplied parent.
 MapNode MapWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, String pathToNewNode, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a node at the supplied path.
 MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, String pathToNewNode, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a node at the supplied path.
 MapNode MapNode.setProperties(Iterable<Property> properties, Iterable<Name> removedProperties)
          Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name This bulk mutator should be used when multiple properties are being set in order to allow underlying implementations to optimize their access to their respective persistent storage mechanism.
 MapNode DefaultMapNode.setProperties(Iterable<Property> properties, Iterable<Name> removedPropertyNames)

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path that return Property
 Property PathNode.getProperty(ExecutionContext context, String name)
          Returns the named property
 Property DefaultPathNode.getProperty(ExecutionContext context, String name)
 Property PathNode.getProperty(Name name)
          Returns the named property
 Property DefaultPathNode.getProperty(Name name)

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path that return types with arguments of type Property
 Map<Name,Property> PathNode.getProperties()
          Returns a map of property names to the property for the given name
 Map<Name,Property> DefaultPathNode.getProperties()

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path with type arguments of type Property
 PathNode WritablePathWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, PathNode parentNode, Name name, Map<Name,Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Create a new node with the supplied name, as a child of the supplied parent.
 PathNode WritablePathWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, String pathToNewNode, Map<Name,Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Create a node at the supplied path.
 PathNode AbstractWritablePathWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, String pathToNewNode, Map<Name,Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
 PathNode WritablePathWorkspace.setProperties(ExecutionContext context, Path nodePath, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name.

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path with type arguments of type Property
DefaultPathNode(Path path, UUID uuid, Iterable<Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> childSegments)
DefaultPathNode(Path path, UUID uuid, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> childSegments)

Uses of Property in

Methods in with parameters of type Property
 void GraphBatchDestination.create(NodeConflictBehavior behavior, Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes, using the supplied behavior in case of a node conflict.
 void GraphBatchDestination.create(NodeConflictBehavior behavior, Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes, using the supplied behavior in case of a node conflict.
 void Destination.create(NodeConflictBehavior behavior, Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes, using the supplied behavior in case of a node conflict.
 void Destination.create(NodeConflictBehavior behavior, Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes, using the supplied behavior in case of a node conflict.
 void GraphBatchDestination.create(Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void GraphBatchDestination.create(Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void Destination.create(Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void Destination.create(Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void GraphBatchDestination.setProperties(Path path, Property... properties)
          Sets the given properties on the node at the supplied path.
 void Destination.setProperties(Path path, Property... properties)
          Sets the given properties on the node at the supplied path.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Property
 void GraphBatchDestination.create(Path path, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void Destination.create(Path path, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void GraphBatchDestination.setProperties(Path path, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Sets the given properties on the node at the supplied path.
 void Destination.setProperties(Path path, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Sets the given properties on the node at the supplied path.

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.graph.observe

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.observe that return types with arguments of type Property
 Set<Property> NetChangeObserver.NetChange.getAddedOrModifiedProperties()
          Get the combination of added and modified properties.
 Set<Property> NetChangeObserver.NetChange.getAddedProperties()
 Set<Property> NetChangeObserver.NetChange.getModifiedProperties()

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.observe with type arguments of type Property
NetChangeObserver.NetChange(String workspaceName, Location location, EnumSet<NetChangeObserver.ChangeType> eventTypes, Set<Property> addedProperties, Set<Property> modifiedProperties, Set<Name> removedProperties, Location movedFrom, Location movedBefore, boolean isReorder)
NetChangeObserver.NetChange(String workspaceName, Location location, EnumSet<NetChangeObserver.ChangeType> eventTypes, Set<Property> addedProperties, Set<Property> modifiedProperties, Set<Name> removedProperties, Location movedFrom, Location movedBefore, boolean isReorder)

Uses of Property in

Methods in that return Property
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, Iterable<?> values)
          Create a property with the supplied name and values
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, Iterator<?> values)
          Create a property with the supplied name and values
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, Object... values)
          Create a property with the supplied name and values
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, Path value)
          Create a property with the supplied name and Path value.
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, PropertyType desiredType, Iterable<?> values)
          Create a property with the supplied name and values
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, PropertyType desiredType, Iterator<?> values)
          Create a property with the supplied name and values
 Property PropertyFactory.create(Name name, PropertyType desiredType, Object... values)
          Create a property with the supplied name and values

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.graph.request

Fields in org.modeshape.graph.request with type parameters of type Property
protected  Map<Name,Property> BatchRequestBuilder.NodeChange.pendingProperties

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request that return Property
 Property ReadNodeRequest.addProperty(Property property)
          Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
 Property ReadAllPropertiesRequest.addProperty(Property property)
          Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
 Property UpdateValuesRequest.getActualProperty()
          Get the actual node property that was created or updated.
 Property ReadPropertyRequest.getProperty()
          Get the property that was read.
          Get the property that is being set.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request that return types with arguments of type Property
 Collection<Property> ReadNodeRequest.getProperties()
          Get the properties that were read from the RepositoryConnection.
 Collection<Property> ReadAllPropertiesRequest.getProperties()
          Get the properties that were read from the RepositoryConnection.
 Map<Name,Property> ReadNodeRequest.getPropertiesByName()
          Get the properties that were read from the RepositoryConnection.
 Map<Name,Property> ReadAllPropertiesRequest.getPropertiesByName()
          Get the properties that were read from the RepositoryConnection.
 Map<Name,Property> ReadBranchRequest.getPropertiesFor(Location location)
          Get the nodes that make up this branch.
 Iterator<Property> ReadAllPropertiesRequest.iterator()
 Iterator<Property> CreateNodeRequest.iterator()
          Get the map of properties for the node, keyed by property name.
          Get the properties for the node.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request with parameters of type Property
 void ReadNodeRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property idProperty)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
 void ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property idProperty)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
 void ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property idProperty)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
 void ReadAllChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property idProperty)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
 void ReadNodeRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadNodeRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadAllChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadAllChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void DeleteChildrenRequest.addDeletedChild(Path pathToChild, Property idProperty)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
 void DeleteChildrenRequest.addDeletedChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void DeleteChildrenRequest.addDeletedChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadNodeRequest.addProperties(Property... properties)
          Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
 void ReadAllPropertiesRequest.addProperties(Property... properties)
          Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
 Property ReadNodeRequest.addProperty(Property property)
          Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
 Property ReadAllPropertiesRequest.addProperty(Property property)
          Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
 CreateNodeRequest RequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property[] properties)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property[] properties)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 CreateNodeRequest RequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property[] properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property[] properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 void UpdateValuesRequest.setActualProperty(Property property, boolean created)
          Record that the property did not exist prior to the processing of this request and was actually created by this request.
 void ReadBranchRequest.setProperties(Location node, Property... properties)
          Add a node that was read from the RepositoryConnection.
 Request RequestBuilder.setProperties(Location on, String workspaceName, Property... properties)
          Add a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.setProperties(Location on, String workspaceName, Property... properties)
          Add a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.
 SetPropertyRequest RequestBuilder.setProperty(Location on, String workspaceName, Property property)
          Add a request to update the property on the node at the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.setProperty(Location on, String workspaceName, Property property)
          Add a request to update the property on the node at the supplied location.
 void ReadPropertyRequest.setProperty(Property property)
          Set the property on the node as read from the RepositoryConnection

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph.request with type arguments of type Property
 void ReadNodeRequest.addProperties(Iterable<Property> properties)
          Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
 void ReadAllPropertiesRequest.addProperties(Iterable<Property> properties)
          Add a property that was read from the RepositoryConnection
 CreateNodeRequest RequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 CreateNodeRequest RequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 void ReadBranchRequest.setProperties(Location node, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Add a node that was read from the RepositoryConnection.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.setProperties(Location on, String workspaceName, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Add a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.request with parameters of type Property
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior, Property... properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property... properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
SetPropertyRequest(Location on, String workspaceName, Property property)
          Create a request to set the property on the node at the supplied location.

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.request with type arguments of type Property
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
UpdatePropertiesRequest(Location on, String workspaceName, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Create a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.
UpdatePropertiesRequest(Location on, String workspaceName, Map<Name,Property> properties, boolean removeOtherProperties)
          Create a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.graph.request.processor

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph.request.processor with type arguments of type Property
protected  boolean RequestProcessor.includeChildrenInSubgraph(Location location, Map<Name,Property> properties, boolean topOfSubgraph)
          This method is called from RequestProcessor.process(ReadBranchRequest) when determining whether particular nodes should be included in subgraph reads.

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.graph.sequencer

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.sequencer that return Property
 Property StreamSequencerContext.getInputProperty(Name name)
          Return the property with the supplied name from the input node containing the content being sequenced.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.sequencer that return types with arguments of type Property
 Set<Property> StreamSequencerContext.getInputProperties()
          Return the set of properties from the input node containing the content being sequenced.

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.sequencer with type arguments of type Property
StreamSequencerContext(ExecutionContext context, Path inputPath, Set<Property> inputProperties, String mimeType, Problems problems)

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.graph.session

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.session that return Property
 Property GraphSession.PropertyInfo.getProperty()
          Get the Graph API property object containing the values.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.session with parameters of type Property
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.createChild(Name name, Collection<Property> idProperties, Property... remainingProperties)
          Create a new child node with the supplied name and multiple initial properties.
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.createChild(Name name, Property... properties)
          Create a new child node with the supplied name and multiple initial properties.
 GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.setProperty(Property property, boolean isMultiValued, PropertyPayload payload)
          Set the supplied property information on this node.

Method parameters in org.modeshape.graph.session with type arguments of type Property
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.createChild(Name name, Collection<Property> idProperties)
          Create a new child node with the supplied name and multiple initial identification properties.
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.Node.createChild(Name name, Collection<Property> idProperties, Property... remainingProperties)
          Create a new child node with the supplied name and multiple initial properties.
 Location GraphSession.immediateCreateOrReplace(Path path, Collection<Property> properties)
          Create a new node at the supplied location, appending to any existing node at that path.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.session with parameters of type Property
GraphSession.PropertyInfo(Property property, boolean multiValued, GraphSession.Status status, PropertyPayload payload)

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.graph.text

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.text that return Property
 Property TextExtractorContext.getInputProperty(Name name)
          Return the property with the supplied name from the input node containing the content being sequenced.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.text that return types with arguments of type Property
 Set<Property> TextExtractorContext.getInputProperties()
          Return the set of properties from the input node containing the content being sequenced.

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.text with type arguments of type Property
TextExtractorContext(ExecutionContext context, Path inputPath, Set<Property> inputProperties, String mimeType, Problems problems)

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.graph.xml

Fields in org.modeshape.graph.xml with type parameters of type Property
protected  List<Property>
          A temporary list used to store the properties for a single node.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.xml that return Property
protected  Property XmlHandler.createProperty(Name propertyName, Collection<Object> values)
          Create a property with the given name and values, obtained from an attribute name and value in the XML content.
protected  Property XmlHandler.createProperty(Name propertyName, Object value)
          Create a property with the given name and value, obtained from an attribute name and value in the XML content.

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.jcr

Methods in org.modeshape.jcr that return Property
protected  Property SystemFunctions.VersionHistoryFunction.createPropertyIfDifferent(Map<Name,Property> properties, Name name, Object expectedValue, PropertyFactory propFactory, ValueFactory<?> valueFactory)
          A utility method that will create a new Property instance if there is not already an existing single-valued property with the supplied name and expected values.

Method parameters in org.modeshape.jcr with type arguments of type Property
protected  Property SystemFunctions.VersionHistoryFunction.createPropertyIfDifferent(Map<Name,Property> properties, Name name, Object expectedValue, PropertyFactory propFactory, ValueFactory<?> valueFactory)
          A utility method that will create a new Property instance if there is not already an existing single-valued property with the supplied name and expected values.

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.repository

Methods in org.modeshape.repository that return Property
 Property ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition.getGlobalProperty(Name name)
          Read a global configuration property.
 Property ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable.getProperty(Name beanPropertyName)
 Property ModeShapeConfiguration.SourceBuilder.getProperty(Name name)
 Property ModeShapeConfiguration.SetProperties.getProperty(String beanPropertyName)
          Get the property.
 Property ModeShapeConfiguration.GraphReturnable.getProperty(String beanPropertyName)

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd with parameters of type Property
 void CndSequencer.OutputDestination.create(NodeConflictBehavior behavior, Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes, using the supplied behavior in case of a node conflict.
 void CndSequencer.OutputDestination.create(NodeConflictBehavior behavior, Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes, using the supplied behavior in case of a node conflict.
 void CndSequencer.OutputDestination.create(Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void CndSequencer.OutputDestination.create(Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void CndSequencer.OutputDestination.setProperties(Path path, Property... properties)
          Sets the given properties on the node at the supplied path.

Method parameters in org.modeshape.sequencer.cnd with type arguments of type Property
 void CndSequencer.OutputDestination.create(Path path, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void CndSequencer.OutputDestination.setProperties(Path path, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Sets the given properties on the node at the supplied path.

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node that return Property
 Property AstNode.getProperty(Name name)
          Get the property with the supplied name.
 Property AstNode.removeProperty(Name name)
          Remove and return the property with the supplied name.

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node that return types with arguments of type Property
 List<Property> AstNode.getProperties()
          Return the list of properties for this node.

Uses of Property in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid that return Property
protected  Property name, Object... values)
protected  Property name, PropertyType type, Object... values)

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.teiid with parameters of type Property
protected  List<UUID> XmiGraphReader.references(Property property)
          Extracts the "mmuuid" values from the property if the property is indeed an XMI reference to local objects.

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