Uses of Class

Packages that use SearchEngineIndexer A small framework for a search engine component. 

Uses of SearchEngineIndexer in

Methods in that return SearchEngineIndexer
 SearchEngineIndexer SearchEngineIndexer.index(String workspaceName)
          Index all of the content in the named workspace within the source.
 SearchEngineIndexer SearchEngineIndexer.index(String workspaceName, Location location)
          Crawl and index the full subgraph content starting at the supplied location in the named workspace.
 SearchEngineIndexer SearchEngineIndexer.index(String workspaceName, Location location, int depth)
          Crawl and index the content starting at the supplied location in the named workspace, to the designated depth.
 SearchEngineIndexer SearchEngineIndexer.index(String workspaceName, Path path)
          Crawl and index the full subgraph content starting at the supplied path in the named workspace.
 SearchEngineIndexer SearchEngineIndexer.index(String workspaceName, Path path, int depth)
          Crawl and index the content starting at the supplied path in the named workspace, to the designated depth.
 SearchEngineIndexer SearchEngineIndexer.indexAllWorkspaces()
          Index (or re-index) all of the content in all of the workspaces within the source.
 SearchEngineIndexer SearchEngineIndexer.reindex(String workspaceName, boolean forceIndexRebuild)
          Re-index all of the content in the named workspace within the source.

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