Class DiskNode

  extended by org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
      extended by org.modeshape.connector.disk.DiskNode
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Node

public class DiskNode
extends MapNode

A specialization of the MapNode.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
Constructor Summary
DiskNode(UUID uuid)
          Create a new node for storage on a disk.
DiskNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Iterable<Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage on a disk..
DiskNode(UUID uuid, Path.Segment name, UUID parent, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<UUID> children)
          Create a new node for storage on a disk.
Method Summary
 DiskNode clone()
           This method never clones the changes.
 DiskNode freeze()
          Return the frozen node with all internal state reflective of any changes.
Methods inherited from class org.modeshape.graph.connector.base.MapNode
equals, getChildren, getName, getParent, getProperties, getProperty, getUuid, getVersion, hasChanges, hashCode, newChanges, toString, withChild, withChild, withName, withoutChild, withoutChildren, withoutProperties, withoutProperty, withParent, withProperties, withProperty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DiskNode(UUID uuid,
                Path.Segment name,
                UUID parent,
                Map<Name,Property> properties,
                List<UUID> children)
Create a new node for storage on a disk.

uuid - the desired UUID; never null
name - the name of the new node; may be null if the name is not known and there is no parent
parent - the UUID of the parent node; may be null if this is the root node and there is no name
properties - the properties; may be null if there are no properties
children - the list of child nodes; may be null


public DiskNode(UUID uuid,
                Path.Segment name,
                UUID parent,
                Iterable<Property> properties,
                List<UUID> children)
Create a new node for storage on a disk..

uuid - the desired UUID; never null
name - the name of the new node; may be null if the name is not known and there is no parent
parent - the UUID of the parent node; may be null if this is the root node and there is no name
properties - the properties; may be null if there are no properties
children - the list of child nodes; may be null


public DiskNode(UUID uuid)
Create a new node for storage on a disk.

uuid - the desired UUID; never null
Method Detail


public DiskNode freeze()
Return the frozen node with all internal state reflective of any changes. If this node has no changes, this method simply returns this same node. Otherwise, this method creates a new node that has no changes and that mirrors this node's current state, and this new node will have an incremented version number.

freeze in class MapNode
the unfrozen node; never null
See Also:


public DiskNode clone()

This method never clones the changes.

This method never clones the changes.

clone in class MapNode
See Also:

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