
ModeShape JCR repositories have a pluggable authentication and authorization framework.


Interface Summary
AuthenticationProvider An interface used by a ModeShape Repository for authenticating users when they create new sessions using Repository.login(javax.jcr.Credentials, String) and related methods.
AuthorizationProvider An interface that can authorize access to specific resources within repositories.
JaasProvider.SubjectResolver An extension point for the JaasProvider class that allows for custom logic for finding the current JAAS Subject, if not already available via the Subject.getSubject(AccessController.getContext()) method.

Class Summary
AnonymousProvider An implementation of AuthenticationProvider that allows for anonymous authentication and role-based authorization of a supplied set of allowed roles.
AuthenticationProviders An implementation of AuthenticationProvider that represents an ordered list of other AuthenticationProvider implementations.
JaasProvider An implementation of AuthenticationProvider that uses a supplied JAAS policy to perform all authentication and role-based authorization.
JaccSubjectResolver A class that can resolve the current JAAS Subject using the JACC API.
SecurityContextProvider Deprecated. Use custom AuthenticationProvider implementations instead
ServletProvider An implementation of AuthenticationProvider that delegates to the HttpServletRequest referenced by the supplied ServletCredentials instances for all authentication and role-based authorization.

Package Description

ModeShape JCR repositories have a pluggable authentication and authorization framework. Out of the box, each repository is configured to support authenticating and authorizing using JAAS, HTTP servlet (if the servlet library is on the classpath), and (if configured) anonymous logins. In addition, Each repository can also be configured with customzied authenticators.

Creating a custom authenticator is a matter of properly implementing AuthenticationProvider and configuring the repository to use that class. Each authenticator is responsible for authenticating the supplied Credentials and returning an ExecutionContext that will represent the user, including its embedded SecurityContext (for simple role-based authorization) or AuthorizationProvider (for a combination of path- and role-based authorization).

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