Package org.modeshape.jcr

The ModeShape implementation of the JCR API.


Interface Summary
JcrConfiguration.AuthenticatorDefinition<ReturnType> Interface used to set up and define a authentication provider instance.
JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition<ReturnType> Interface used to define a JCR Repository that's accessible from the JcrEngine.
ModeShapePermissions The set of constants that can be used for action literals with the Session.checkPermission(String, String) method.
ModeShapeRoles ModeShape currently defines three roles: readonly, readwrite, and admin.

Class Summary
CndNodeTypeReader Deprecated. Use NodeTypeManager.registerNodeTypes(, boolean) instead
JackrabbitXmlNodeTypeReader Deprecated. Use NodeTypeManager.registerNodeTypes(, boolean) instead
JcrBinary An implementation of JCR 2.0 Binary that wraps a graph Binary value object.
JcrConfiguration A configuration builder for a JcrEngine.
JcrEngine The basic component that encapsulates the ModeShape services, including the Repository instances.
JcrI18n The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.jcr* packages.
JcrLexicon Lexicon of names from the standard JCR "" namespace.
JcrLockManager A per-session lock manager for a given workspace.
JcrMixLexicon Lexicon of names from the standard JCR "" namespace.
JcrNodeTypeManager Local implementation of @{link NodeTypeManager}.
JcrNodeTypeTemplate ModeShape implementation of the JCR NodeTypeTemplate interface
JcrNtLexicon Lexicon of names from the standard JCR "" namespace.
JcrRepository Creates JCR sessions to an underlying repository (which may be a federated repository).
JcrRepository.DefaultOption The default values for each of the JcrRepository.Option.
JcrRepository.QueryLanguage The set of supported query language string constants.
JcrRepository.RebuildQueryIndexOnStartupOption The possible values for the JcrRepository.Option.REBUILD_QUERY_INDEX_ON_STARTUP option.
JcrRepository.VersionHistoryOption The possible values for the JcrRepository.Option.VERSION_HISTORY_STRUCTURE option.
JcrRepositoryFactory Service provider for the JCR2 RepositoryFactory interface.
JcrSecurityContextCredentials Deprecated. Use SecurityContextCredentials instead
JcrSvLexicon Lexicon of names from the standard JCR "" namespace.
JcrTools Utility methods for working with JCR nodes.
JcrValue ModeShape implementation of a JCR Value.
JndiRepositoryFactory The JndiRepositoryFactory class provides a means of initializing and accessing repositories in a JNDI tree.
ModeShapeIntLexicon A lexicon of internal and implementation-specific information
ModeShapeLexicon A lexicon of names used within ModeShape.
Profiler A profiling utility for recording various activities.
PropertyTypeUtil A utility for working with JCR property types and ModeShape property types.
SystemFunctions A set of SystemFunctions.VersionHistoryFunction implementations that can be used with the Graph API.
SystemFunctions.CreateVersionNodeFunction The Function implementation that efficiently updates the JCR version history and storage with a new version of a node being checked in.
SystemFunctions.InitializeVersionHistoryFunction The Function implementation that efficiently ensures that the JCR version history and storage for a node exist.
SystemFunctions.VersionHistoryFunction An abstract Function subclass that contains some helper methods related to version storage and version history.

Enum Summary
JcrRepository.Option The available options for the JcrRepository.

Exception Summary
JcrConfigurationException A runtime exception that denotes an error within the configuration for ModeShape.

Package org.modeshape.jcr Description

The ModeShape implementation of the JCR API. To use, first create a JcrConfiguration to represent the desired configuration, and then use the configuration to build a JcrEngine instance. This engine must be started, used to obtain JCR Repository instances, and then shutdown when no longer needed.

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