ModeShape Distribution 3.2.0.Final

Interface MutableArray

All Superinterfaces:
Array, Collection<Object>, Document, Iterable<Object>, List<Object>, MutableDocument, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MutableArray
extends Array, MutableDocument

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.infinispan.schematic.document.Array
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.infinispan.schematic.document.Document
Document.Field, Document.ValueTransformer
Method Summary
 boolean addAllValues(Collection<?> values)
          Modifiable method that adds the supplied values at the end of this array.
 boolean addAllValues(int index, Collection<?> values)
          Modifiable method that adds the supplied values at the supplied index, shifting any existing values to the next higher index value.
 void addValue(int index, Object value)
          Modifiable method that adds the supplied value at the supplied index, shifting any existing values to the next higher index value.
 int addValue(Object value)
          Modifiable method that adds the supplied value.
 boolean addValueIfAbsent(Object value)
          Modifiable method that adds the supplied value if not already in the array.
 void removeAll()
          Modifiable method that removes all of the values from this array.
 List<Array.Entry> removeAllValues(Collection<?> values)
          Modifiable method that removes all of the supplied values from this array.
 Object removeValue(int index)
          Modifiable method that removes the value at the supplied index.
 boolean removeValue(Object value)
          Modifiable method that removes the supplied value.
 List<Array.Entry> retainAllValues(Collection<?> values)
          Modifiable method that removes all of the values in this array except the supplied values.
 Object setValue(int index, Object value)
          Modifiable method that sets the supplied value at the given index.
Methods inherited from interface org.infinispan.schematic.document.Array
clone, getEntries
Methods inherited from interface java.util.List
add, add, addAll, addAll, clear, contains, containsAll, equals, get, hashCode, indexOf, isEmpty, iterator, lastIndexOf, listIterator, listIterator, remove, remove, removeAll, retainAll, set, size, subList, toArray, toArray
Methods inherited from interface org.infinispan.schematic.internal.document.MutableDocument
put, putAll, putAll, remove
Methods inherited from interface org.infinispan.schematic.document.Document
containsAll, containsField, fields, get, getArray, getBinary, getBoolean, getBoolean, getCode, getCodeWithScope, getDocument, getDouble, getDouble, getInteger, getInteger, getLong, getLong, getMaxKey, getMinKey, getNumber, getNumber, getObjectId, getPattern, getString, getString, getSymbol, getType, getUuid, getUuid, isEmpty, isNull, isNullOrMissing, keySet, size, toMap, with, with, with, withVariablesReplaced, withVariablesReplacedWithSystemProperties

Method Detail


boolean addValueIfAbsent(Object value)
Modifiable method that adds the supplied value if not already in the array. This method should not be called by client code.

value - the value to be added
true if the value was added, or false if the value was already in the array.


int addValue(Object value)
Modifiable method that adds the supplied value. This method should not be called by client code.

value - the value to be added
the index at which the value was added, or -1 if the value could not be added


void addValue(int index,
              Object value)
Modifiable method that adds the supplied value at the supplied index, shifting any existing values to the next higher index value. This method should not be called by client code.

index - the index
value - the value to be added


Object setValue(int index,
                Object value)
Modifiable method that sets the supplied value at the given index. This method should not be called by client code.

index - the index
value - the value to be added
true if the value was added, or false if it could not be added


boolean removeValue(Object value)
Modifiable method that removes the supplied value. This method should not be called by client code.

value - the value to be removed
true if the value was removed, or false if the value was not in the array


Object removeValue(int index)
Modifiable method that removes the value at the supplied index. This method should not be called by client code.

index - the index of the value to be removed
the value that was at the index


boolean addAllValues(Collection<?> values)
Modifiable method that adds the supplied values at the end of this array. This method should not be called by client code.

values - the values to be added
true if this array changed as a result of the operation


boolean addAllValues(int index,
                     Collection<?> values)
Modifiable method that adds the supplied values at the supplied index, shifting any existing values to the next higher index value. This method should not be called by client code.

index - the index at which the values are to be inserted
values - the values to be added
true if this array changed as a result of the operation


void removeAll()
Modifiable method that removes all of the values from this array. This method should not be called by client code.

Specified by:
removeAll in interface MutableDocument


List<Array.Entry> removeAllValues(Collection<?> values)
Modifiable method that removes all of the supplied values from this array. This method should not be called by client code.

values - the values to be removed
the entries that were removed; never null but possibly empty if this array was not modified by this operation


List<Array.Entry> retainAllValues(Collection<?> values)
Modifiable method that removes all of the values in this array except the supplied values. This method should not be called by client code.

values - the values to be kept, while all others are removed
the entries that were removed; never null but possibly empty if this array was not modified by this operation

ModeShape Distribution 3.2.0.Final

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