
The core channel API which is asynchronous and event-driven abstraction of various transports such as a NIO Channel.


Interface Summary
Channel A nexus to a network socket or a component which is capable of I/O operations such as read, write, connect, and bind.
ChannelConfig A set of configuration properties of a Channel.
ChannelDownstreamHandler Handles or intercepts a downstream ChannelEvent, and sends a ChannelEvent to the next handler in a ChannelPipeline.
ChannelEvent An I/O event or I/O request associated with a Channel.
ChannelFactory The main interface to a transport that creates a Channel associated with a certain communication entity such as a network socket.
ChannelFuture The result of an asynchronous Channel I/O operation.
ChannelFutureListener Listens to the result of a ChannelFuture.
ChannelFutureProgressListener Listens to the progress of a time-consuming I/O operation such as a large file transfer.
ChannelHandler Handles or intercepts a ChannelEvent, and sends a ChannelEvent to the next handler in a ChannelPipeline.
ChannelHandlerContext Enables a ChannelHandler to interact with its ChannelPipeline and other handlers.
ChannelPipeline A list of ChannelHandlers which handles or intercepts ChannelEvents of a Channel.
ChannelPipelineFactory Creates a new ChannelPipeline for a new Channel.
ChannelSink Receives and processes the terminal downstream ChannelEvents.
ChannelStateEvent A ChannelEvent which represents the change of the Channel state.
ChannelUpstreamHandler Handles or intercepts an upstream ChannelEvent, and sends a ChannelEvent to the next handler in a ChannelPipeline.
ChildChannelStateEvent A ChannelEvent which represents the notification of the state of a child Channel.
ExceptionEvent A ChannelEvent which represents the notification of an exception raised by a ChannelHandler or an I/O thread.
FileRegion A region of a file that is sent via a Channel which supports zero-copy file transfer.
LifeCycleAwareChannelHandler A ChannelHandler that is notified when it is added to or removed from a ChannelPipeline.
MessageEvent A ChannelEvent which represents the transmission or reception of a message.
ReceiveBufferSizePredictor Predicts the number of readable bytes in the receive buffer of a Channel.
ReceiveBufferSizePredictorFactory Creates a new ReceiveBufferSizePredictor.
ServerChannel A Channel that accepts an incoming connection attempt and creates its child Channels by accepting them.
ServerChannelFactory A ChannelFactory that creates a ServerChannel.
WriteCompletionEvent A ChannelEvent which represents the notification of the completion of a write request on a Channel.

Class Summary
AbstractChannel A skeletal Channel implementation.
AbstractChannelSink A skeletal ChannelSink implementation.
AbstractServerChannel A skeletal server-side Channel implementation.
AdaptiveReceiveBufferSizePredictor The ReceiveBufferSizePredictor that automatically increases and decreases the predicted buffer size on feed back.
AdaptiveReceiveBufferSizePredictorFactory The ReceiveBufferSizePredictorFactory that creates a new AdaptiveReceiveBufferSizePredictor.
ChannelLocal<T> A global variable that is local to a Channel.
Channels A helper class which provides various convenience methods related with Channel, ChannelHandler, and ChannelPipeline.
CompleteChannelFuture A skeletal ChannelFuture implementation which represents a ChannelFuture which has been completed already.
DefaultChannelConfig The default SocketChannelConfig implementation.
DefaultChannelFuture The default ChannelFuture implementation.
DefaultChannelPipeline The default ChannelPipeline implementation.
DefaultChildChannelStateEvent The default ChildChannelStateEvent implementation.
DefaultExceptionEvent The default ExceptionEvent implementation.
DefaultServerChannelConfig The default ServerSocketChannelConfig implementation.
DefaultWriteCompletionEvent The default WriteCompletionEvent implementation.
DownstreamChannelStateEvent The default downstream ChannelStateEvent implementation.
DownstreamMessageEvent The default downstream MessageEvent implementation.
FailedChannelFuture The CompleteChannelFuture which is failed already.
FixedReceiveBufferSizePredictor The ReceiveBufferSizePredictor that always yields the same buffer size prediction.
FixedReceiveBufferSizePredictorFactory The ReceiveBufferSizePredictorFactory that returns a FixedReceiveBufferSizePredictor with the pre-defined configuration.
SimpleChannelDownstreamHandler A ChannelDownstreamHandler which provides an individual handler method for each event type.
SimpleChannelHandler A ChannelHandler which provides an individual handler method for each event type.
SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler A ChannelUpstreamHandler which provides an individual handler method for each event type.
StaticChannelPipeline A ChannelPipeline that might perform better at the cost of disabled dynamic insertion and removal of ChannelHandlers.
SucceededChannelFuture The CompleteChannelFuture which is succeeded already.
UpstreamChannelStateEvent The default upstream ChannelStateEvent implementation.
UpstreamMessageEvent The default upstream MessageEvent implementation.

Enum Summary
ChannelState The current or future state of a Channel.

Exception Summary
ChannelException A RuntimeException which is thrown when an I/O operation fails.
ChannelHandlerLifeCycleException A RuntimeException which is thrown when a LifeCycleAwareChannelHandler throws an Exception in its handler methods.
ChannelPipelineException A ChannelException which is thrown when a ChannelPipeline failed to process a ChannelEvent or when a ChannelPipelineFactory failed to initialize a ChannelPipeline.

Annotation Types Summary
ChannelHandler.Sharable Indicates that the same instance of the annotated ChannelHandler can be added to one or more ChannelPipelines multiple times without a race condition.
ChannelPipelineCoverage Deprecated. Use the ChannelHandler.Sharable annotation instead.

Package Description

The core channel API which is asynchronous and event-driven abstraction of various transports such as a NIO Channel.

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