Class NioClientSocketChannelFactory

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
ChannelFactory, ClientSocketChannelFactory, ExternalResourceReleasable

public class NioClientSocketChannelFactory
extends Object
implements ClientSocketChannelFactory

A ClientSocketChannelFactory which creates a client-side NIO-based SocketChannel. It utilizes the non-blocking I/O mode which was introduced with NIO to serve many number of concurrent connections efficiently.

How threads work

There are two types of threads in a NioClientSocketChannelFactory; one is boss thread and the other is worker thread.

Boss thread

One NioClientSocketChannelFactory has one boss thread. It makes a connection attempt on request. Once a connection attempt succeeds, the boss thread passes the connected Channel to one of the worker threads that the NioClientSocketChannelFactory manages.

Worker threads

One NioClientSocketChannelFactory can have one or more worker threads. A worker thread performs non-blocking read and write for one or more Channels in a non-blocking mode.

Life cycle of threads and graceful shutdown

All threads are acquired from the Executors which were specified when a NioClientSocketChannelFactory was created. A boss thread is acquired from the bossExecutor, and worker threads are acquired from the workerExecutor. Therefore, you should make sure the specified Executors are able to lend the sufficient number of threads. It is the best bet to specify a cached thread pool.

Both boss and worker threads are acquired lazily, and then released when there's nothing left to process. All the related resources such as Selector are also released when the boss and worker threads are released. Therefore, to shut down a service gracefully, you should do the following:

  1. close all channels created by the factory usually using ChannelGroup.close(), and
  2. call releaseExternalResources().
Please make sure not to shut down the executor until all channels are closed. Otherwise, you will end up with a RejectedExecutionException and the related resources might not be released properly.

$Rev: 2200 $, $Date: 2010-02-23 14:42:39 +0900 (Tue, 23 Feb 2010) $
The Netty Project, Trustin Lee

Constructor Summary
NioClientSocketChannelFactory(Executor bossExecutor, Executor workerExecutor)
          Creates a new instance.
NioClientSocketChannelFactory(Executor bossExecutor, Executor workerExecutor, int workerCount)
          Creates a new instance.
Method Summary
 SocketChannel newChannel(ChannelPipeline pipeline)
          Creates and opens a new Channel and attaches the specified ChannelPipeline to the new Channel.
 void releaseExternalResources()
          Releases the external resources that this factory depends on to function.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NioClientSocketChannelFactory(Executor bossExecutor,
                                     Executor workerExecutor)
Creates a new instance. Calling this constructor is same with calling NioClientSocketChannelFactory(Executor, Executor, int) with 2 * the number of available processors in the machine. The number of available processors is obtained by Runtime.availableProcessors().

bossExecutor - the Executor which will execute the boss thread
workerExecutor - the Executor which will execute the I/O worker threads


public NioClientSocketChannelFactory(Executor bossExecutor,
                                     Executor workerExecutor,
                                     int workerCount)
Creates a new instance.

bossExecutor - the Executor which will execute the boss thread
workerExecutor - the Executor which will execute the I/O worker threads
workerCount - the maximum number of I/O worker threads
Method Detail


public SocketChannel newChannel(ChannelPipeline pipeline)
Description copied from interface: ChannelFactory
Creates and opens a new Channel and attaches the specified ChannelPipeline to the new Channel.

Specified by:
newChannel in interface ChannelFactory
Specified by:
newChannel in interface ClientSocketChannelFactory
pipeline - the ChannelPipeline which is going to be attached to the new Channel
the newly open channel


public void releaseExternalResources()
Description copied from interface: ChannelFactory
Releases the external resources that this factory depends on to function. An external resource is a resource that this factory didn't create by itself. For example, Executors that you specified in the factory constructor are external resources. You can call this method to release all external resources conveniently when the resources are not used by this factory or any other part of your application. An unexpected behavior will be resulted in if the resources are released when there's an open channel which is managed by this factory.

Specified by:
releaseExternalResources in interface ChannelFactory
Specified by:
releaseExternalResources in interface ExternalResourceReleasable

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