JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 8. Overlord S-RAMP Command Line

8.1. Connecting to S-RAMP server
8.2. Browsing the S-RAMP repository
8.3. Updating artifact MetaData
8.3.1. Properties
8.3.2. Custom Properties
8.3.3. Classifications
8.4. Querying the S-RAMP Repository using XPath2 Syntax

Using the S-RAMP cmdline tool s-ramp.sh

In the bin directory of the distribution you can find the s-ramp.sh. Run this command to fire up the shell

           _____       ______  ___ ___  ________
          /  ___|      | ___ \/ _ \|  \/  | ___ \
          \ `--. ______| |_/ / /_\ \ .  . | |_/ /
           `--. \______|    /|  _  | |\/| |  __/
          /\__/ /      | |\ \| | | | |  | | |
          \____/       \_| \_\_| |_|_|  |_|_|

  JBoss S-RAMP Kurt Stam and Eric Wittmann, Licensed under the
  Apache License, V2.0, Copyright 2012

The shell supports auto-completion and keeps a command history for duration of the session.

To connect the shell to the server type connect and hit the tab key. It should auto-complete to say s-ramp:connect http://localhost:8080/s-ramp-server and when hitting the return key the cursor should go from red to green. Of course you will need to update the server and port information if your S-RAMP repository runs elsewhere.

To browse the artifacts in the repository run the following query:

s-ramp> s-ramp:query /s-ramp
Querying the S-RAMP repository:
Atom Feed (9 entries)
  Idx                    Type Name
  ---                    ---- ----
    1           ImageDocument user-properties.png
    2                Document overlord.demo.CheckDeployment-taskform.flt
    3         BrmsPkgDocument SRAMPPackage.pkg
    4           ImageDocument overlord.demo.SimpleReleaseProcess-image.png
    5           ImageDocument run-build-install.png
    6                Document overlord.demo.SimpleReleaseProcess-taskform.flt
    7           ImageDocument audio-input-microphone-3.png
    8            BpmnDocument overlord.demo.SimpleReleaseProcess.bpmn
    9            TextDocument HttpClientWorkDefinitions.wid

To obtain the metaData of overlord.demo.SimpleReleaseProcess.bpmn, which is number 8 in the list, issue

s-ramp> s-ramp:getMetaData feed:8
Meta Data for: 31b3acbc-cda8-4856-9e34-d3e645283035
  -- Core S-RAMP Info --
  Type: BpmnDocument
  Model: ext
  UUID: 31b3acbc-cda8-4856-9e34-d3e645283035
  Name: overlord.demo.SimpleReleaseProcess.bpmn
  Derived: false
  Created By: <anonymous>
  Created On: 2013-03-08T14:00:37.036-05:00
  Modified By: <anonymous>
  Modified On: 2013-03-18T14:58:46.328-04:00

TBD - reference to generic section on XPath2 query syntax

S-RAMP supports an XPath2 Syntax for querying. For example to obtain all WSDL models in the repository use

s-ramp> s-ramp:query /s-ramp/wsdl/WsdlDocument
Querying the S-RAMP repository:
Atom Feed (1 entries)
  Idx                    Type Name
  ---                    ---- ----
    1            WsdlDocument OrderService.wsdl

When this WSDL file was uploaded derived information was extracted from it and stored a WSDL model. TO see the various data structures it derived simply hit the tab on s-ramp:query /s-ramp/wsdl

s-ramp> s-ramp:query /s-ramp/wsdl/
Binding                  BindingOperation         BindingOperationFault    BindingOperationInput    BindingOperationOutput
Fault                    Message                  Operation                OperationInput           OperationOutput
Part                     Port                     PortType                 WsdlDocument             WsdlExtension

Note that derived data is read only, and cannot be updated by the user.

To obtain all Operations in this WSDL use

s-ramp:query /s-ramp/wsdl/Operation
Querying the S-RAMP repository:
Atom Feed (1 entries)
  Idx                    Type Name
  ---                    ---- ----
    1               Operation submitOrder

You can narrow this query down even more by adding that the name needs to start with submit

s-ramp:query "/s-ramp/wsdl/Operation[xp2:matches(@name, 'submit.*')]"
Querying the S-RAMP repository:
    /s-ramp/wsdl/Operation[xp2:matches(@name, 'submit.*')]
Atom Feed (1 entries)
  Idx                    Type Name
  ---                    ---- ----
    1               Operation submitOrder

don’t forget to use the surrounding quotes, and a . after submit as required by XPath2.