JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 51. MicroProfile Rest Client

51.1. Client proxies
51.2. Beyond RESTEasy

As the microservices style of system architecture (see, for example, Microservices by Martin Fowler) gains increasing traction, new API standards are coming along to support it. One set of such standards comes from the Microprofile Project supported by the Eclipse Foundation, and among those is one, MicroProfile Rest Client, of particular interest to RESTEasy and JAX-RS. In fact, it is intended to be based on, and consistent with, JAX-RS, and it includes ideas already implemented in RESTEasy. For a more detailed description of MicroProfile Rest Client, see https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-rest-client. In particular, the API code is in https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-rest-client/tree/master/api. and the specification is in https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-rest-client/tree/master/spec.

One of the central ideas in MicroProfile Rest Client is a version of distributed object communication, a concept implemented in, among other places, CORBA, Java RMI, the JBoss Remoting project, and RESTEasy. Consider the resource

public class TestResource {

   String test() {
      return "test";

The JAX-RS native way of accessing TestResource looks like

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
String response = client.target("http://localhost:8081/test").request().get(String.class);

The call to TestResource.test() is not particularly onerous, but calling test() directly allows a more natural syntax. That is exactly what Microprofile Rest Client supports:

public interface TestResourceIntf {

   public String test();
TestResourceIntf service = MicroprofileClientBuilderResolver.instance()
String s = service.test();

The first four lines of executable code are spent creating a proxy, service, that implements TestResourceIntf, but once that is done, calls on TestResource can be made very naturally in terms of TestResourceIntf, as illustrated by the call service.test().

Beyond the natural syntax, another advantage of proxies is the way the proxy construction process quietly gathers useful information from the implemented interface and makes it available for remote invocations. Consider a more elaborate version of TestResourceIntf:

public interface TestResourceIntf2 {

   public String test(@PathParam("path") String path, @QueryParam("query") String query, String entity);

Calling service.test("p", "q", "e") results in an HTTP message that looks like

POST /resource/test/p/?query=q HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 1


The HTTP verb is derived from the @POST annotation, the request URI is derived from the two instances of the @Path annotation (one on the class, one on the method) plus the first and second parameters of test(), the Accept header is derived from the @Produces annotation, and the Content-Type header is derived from the @Consumes annotation,

Using the JAX-RS API, service.test("p", "q", "e") would look like the more verbose

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
String response = client.target("http://localhost:8081/resource/test/p")
                     .queryParam("query", "q")
                     .post(Entity.entity("e", "text/plain"), String.class);

One other basic facility offered by MicroProfile Rest Client is the ability to configure the client environment by registering providers:

TestResourceIntf service = MicroprofileClientBuilderResolver.instance()

Naturally, the registered providers should be relevant to the client environment, rather than, say, a ContainerResponseFilter.


So far, the MicroProfile Rest Client should look familiar to anyone who has used the RESTEasy client proxy facility (Section ""RESTEasy Proxy Framework"). The construction in the previous listing would look like

ResteasyClient client = (ResteasyClient) ResteasyClientBuilder.newClient();
TestResourceIntf service = client.target("http://localhost:8081/")

in RESTEasy.

There are a few concepts in MicroProfile Rest Client that do not appear in RESTEasy.

MicroProfile Rest Client mandates that implementations must support CDI injection of proxies. At first, the concept might seem odd in that CDI is more commonly available on the server side. However, the idea is very consistent with the microservices philosophy. If an application is composed of a number of small services, then it is to be expected that services will often act as clients to other services.

CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) is a fairly rich subject and beyond the scope of this Guide. For more information, see JSR 365: Contexts and Dependency Injection for JavaTM 2.0 (the specification), Java EE 7 Tutorial, or WELD - CDI Reference Implementation.

The fundamental thing to know about CDI injection is that annotating a variable with javax.inject.Inject will lead the CDI runtime (if it is present and enabled) to create an object of the appropriate type and assign it to the variable. For example, in

   public interface Book {
      public String getTitle();
      public void setTitle(String title);

   public class BookImpl implements Book {
      private String title;

      public String getTitle() {
         return title;
      public void setTitle(String title) {
         this.title = title;
   public class Author {
      @Inject private Book book; 
      public Book getBook() {
         return book;

The CDI runtime will create an instance of BookImpl and assign it to the private field book when an instance of Author is created;

In this example, the injection is done because BookImpl is assignable to book, but greater discrimination can be imposed by annotating the interface and the field with qualifier annotations. For the injection to be legal, every qualifier on the field must be present on the injected interface. For example:

   @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.FIELD})
   public @interface Text {}
   @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.FIELD})
   public @interface Graphic {}
   public class TextBookImpl extends BookImpl { }
   public class GraphicNovelImpl extends BookImpl { }
   public class Genius {
      @Inject @Graphic Book book;

Here, the class TextBookImpl is annotated with the @Text qualifier and GraphicNovelImpl is annotated with @Graphic. It follows that an instance of GraphicNovelImpl is eligible for assignment to the field book in the Genius class, but an instance of TextBookImpl is not.

Now, in MicroProfile Rest Client, any interface that is to be managed as a CDI bean must be annotated with @RegisterRestClient:

   public static class TestResourceImpl {

      @Inject TestDataBase db;
      public String test(@PathParam("path") String path, @QueryParam("query") String query, String entity) {
         return db.getByName(query);

   public interface TestDataBase {
      public String getByName(String name);

Here, the MicroProfile Rest Client implementation creates a proxy for a TestDataBase service, allowing easy access by TestResourceImpl. Notice, though, that there's no indication of where the TestDataBase implementation lives. That information can be supplied externally with the system variable

            <fqn of TestDataBase>/mp-rest/url=<URL>

For example,


indicates that an implementation of com.bluemonkeydiamond.TestDatabase can be accessed at https://localhost:8080/webapp.