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6.11.1.  < rich:calendar > available since 3.1.0

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The <rich:calendar> component is used to create inputs for date and time and enter them inline or using pup-up calendar that allows to navigate through months and years.

The <rich:calendar> component can work properly in two ways of data loading defined by the "mode" attribute. The attribute has two possible values:

The <rich:calendar> could be represented on a page in two ways (a) the calendar itself without input field and button and (b) date input with button and popping-up calendar. This is defined with "popup" attribute, which is "true" by default. For popup rendering a "lazy" loading is implemented: a client side script method builds the popup after request is completed. Such improvement speeds up page loading time.

By default the <rich:calendar> is rendered as input filed with a button and calendar hidden in a pop-up. The button is represented with calendar pictogramm. This pictogramm could be easily changed with the help of "buttonIcon" and "buttonIconDisabled" attributes, which specify the icon for button enabled and disabled states respectively. To change the button appearance from icon to usual button define the value for the "buttonLabel" attribute. In this case "buttonIcon" and "buttonIconDisabled" attributes are ignored.

There are two attributes that specify the place where the popup calendar is rendered relative to the input field and icon: "jointPoint" and "direction" attributes. By default the pop-up calendar appears under input and aligned with it left border (see Fig. 6.211, b). Speaking in terms of RichFaces it means that <rich:calendar> jointPoint="bottom-left" and direction="bottom-right". There are four possible joint-points and four possible directions for each joint-point. Besides that, the values of "jointPoint" and "direction" could be set to "auto" that activates smart pop-up positioning.

Usage "currentDate" attribute isn't available in the popup mode.

With help of the "currentDate" attribute you can define month and year which will be displayed currently.

The "value" attribute stores selected date currently.

The difference between the value and currentDate attributes

The "todayControlMode" attribute defines the mode for "today" control. Possible values are:

  • "hidden" - in this mode "Today" button will not be displayed

  • "select" - (default) in this state "Today" button activation will scroll the calendar to the current date and it become selected date

  • "scroll" - in this mode "Today" activation will simply scroll the calendar to current month without changing selected day.

With the help of the "readonly" attribute you can make date, time and input field unavailable, but you can look through the next/previous month or the next/previous year.

In order to disable the component, use the "disabled" attribute. With its help both controls are disabled in the "popup" mode.

The "onchanged" attribute is used to define an event that is triggered from date selection, as shown in the example below:

<rich:calendar id="date" value="#{bean.dateTest}">
          <a4j:support event="onchanged" reRender="mainTable"/>

The "ondateselect" attribute is used to define an event that is triggered before date selection. It could be used for possibility of date selection canceling. See an example below:

<rich:calendar id="date" value="#{bean.dateTest}" ondateselect="if (!confirm('Are you sure to change date?')){return false;}"/>

The "ondateselected" attribute is used to define an event that is triggered after date selection.

"oncurrentdateselected" event is fired when the "next/previous month" or "next/previous year" button is pressed, and the value is applied.

"oncurrentdateselect" event is fired when the "next/previous month" or "next/previous year" button is pressed, but the value is not applied yet (you can change the logic of applying the value). Also this event could be used for possibility of "next/previous month" or "next/previous year" selection canceling. See an example below:


<rich:calendar id="date" value="#{bean.dateTest}" oncurrentdateselect="if (!confirm('Are you sure to change month(year)?')){return false;}"
          oncurrentdateselected="alert('month(year) select:';"/>

How to use these attributes see also on the RichFaces Users Forum.

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find in the corresponding section .

The "label" attribute is a generic attribute. The "label" attribute provides an association between a component, and the message that the component (indirectly) produced. This attribute defines the parameters of localized error and informational messages that occur as a result of conversion, validation, or other application actions during the request processing lifecycle. With the help of this attribute you can replace the last parameter substitution token shown in the messages. For example, {1} for "DoubleRangeValidator.MAXIMUM", {2} for "ShortConverter.SHORT".

The "defaultTime" attribute to set the default time value for the current date in two cases:

  • If time is not set

  • If another date is selected and the value of the "resetTimeOnDateSelect" attribute is set to "true"

The "enableManualInput" attribute enables/disables input field, so when enableManualInput = "false" , user can only pick the date manually and has no possibility to type in the date (default value is "false").

The <rich:calendar> component allows to use "header" , "footer" , "optionalHeader" , "optionalFooter" facets. The following elements are available in these facets: {currentMonthControl}, {nextMonthControl}, {nextYearControl}, {previousYearControl}, {previousMonthControl}, {todayControl}, {selectedDateControl}. These elements could be used for labels output.

Also you can use "weekNumber" facet with available {weekNumber}, {elementId} elements and "weekDay" facet with {weekDayLabel}, {weekDayLabelShort}, {weekDayNumber}, {isWeekend}, {elementId} elements. {weekNumber}, {weekDayLabel}, {weekDayLabelShort}, {weekDayNumber} elements could be used for labels output, {isWeekend}, {elementId} - for additional processing in JavaScript code.

These elements are shown on the picture below.

Simple example of usage is placed below.


<!-- Styles for cells -->

<rich:calendar id="myCalendar" popup="true" locale="#{calendarBean.locale}" value="#{}"
                            preloadRangeBegin="#{}" preloadRangeEnd="#{}" cellWidth="40px" cellHeight="40px">

    <!-- Customization with usage of facets and accessible elements -->
    <f:facet name="header">
        <h:panelGrid columns="2" width="100%" columnClasses="width100, fake">
            <h:outputText value="{selectedDateControl}" />
            <h:outputText value="{todayControl}"  style="font-weight:bold; text-align:left"/>
    <f:facet name="weekDay">
        <h:panelGroup style="width:60px; overflow:hidden;" layout="block">
            <h:outputText value="{weekDayLabelShort}"/>
    <f:facet name="weekNumber">
            <h:outputText value="{weekNumber}" style="color:red"/>
     <f:facet name="footer">
        <h:panelGrid columns="3" width="100%" columnClasses="fake, width100 talign">
            <h:outputText value="{previousMonthControl}" style="font-weight:bold;"/>
            <h:outputText value="{currentMonthControl}" style="font-weight:bold;"/>
            <h:outputText value="{nextMonthControl}" style="font-weight:bold;"/>
    <h:outputText value="{day}"></h:outputText>

This is a result:

As it's shown on the picture above {selectedDateControl}, {todayControl} elements are placed in the "header" facet, {previousMonthControl}, {currentMonthControl}, {nextMonthControl} - in the "footer" facet, {weekDayLabelShort} - in the "weekDay" facet, {nextYearControl}, {previousYearControl} are absent. Numbers of weeks are red colored.

It is possible to show and manage date. Except scrolling controls you can use quick month and year selection feature. It's necessary to click on its field, i.e. current month control, and choose required month and year.

Also the <rich:calendar> component allows to show and manage time. It's necessary to define time in a pattern (for example, it could be defined as "d/M/yy HH:mm"). Then after you choose some data in the calendar, it becomes possible to manage time for this date. For time editing it's necessary to click on its field (see a picture below). To clean the field click on the "Clean".

It's possible to handle events for calendar from JavaScript code. A simplest example of usage JavaScript API is placed below:


<rich:calendar value="#{calendarBean.selectedDate}" id="calendarID"
                        showApplyButton="#{calendarBean.showApply}" style="width:200px"/>
<a4j:commandLink onclick="$('formID:calendarID').component.doExpand(event)" value="Expand"/>

Also the discussion about this problem can be found on the RichFaces Users Forum.

The <rich:calendar> component provides the possibility to use internationalization method to redefine and localize the labels. You could use application resource bundle and define RICH_CALENDAR_APPLY_LABEL, RICH_CALENDAR_TODAY_LABEL, RICH_CALENDAR_CLOSE_LABEL, RICH_CALENDAR_OK_LABEL, RICH_CALENDAR_CLEAN_LABEL, RICH_CALENDAR_CANCEL_LABEL there.

You could also pack org.richfaces.renderkit.calendar resource bundle with your JARs defining the same properties.


Only for Internet Explorer 6 and later. To make <rich:calendar> inside <rich:modalPanel> rendered properly, enable the standards-compliant mode. Explore !DOCTYPE reference at MSDN to find out how to do this.

Table of <rich:calendar> attributes.

Table 6.165. Style classes (selectors) with the corresponding skin parameters

Class (selector) nameDescriptionSkin ParameterCSS properties mapped
.rich-calendar-exteriorDefines styles for a popup element exteriorpanelBorderColorborder-color
.rich-calendar-header-optionalDefines styles for a headerpanelBorderColorborder-bottom-color
.rich-calendar-headerDefines styles for an optional headerpanelBorderColorborder-bottom-color
.rich-calendar-cellDefines styles for cells with dayspanelBorderColorborder-bottom-color, border-right-color
.rich-calendar-toolDefines styles for toolbarsheaderBackgroundColorbackground-color
.rich-calendar-monthDefines styles for names of monthsheaderBackgroundColorbackground-color
.rich-calendar-daysDefines styles for names of working days in a headerpanelBorderColorborder-bottom-color, border-right-color
.rich-calendar-weekDefines styles for weeks numberspanelBorderColorborder-bottom-color, border-right-color
.rich-calendar-hollyDefines styles for holidaycalendarHolidaysBackgroundColorbackground-color
.rich-calendar-todayDefines styles for cell with a current datecalendarCurrentBackgroundColorbackground-color
.rich-calendar-selectDefines styles for a selected dayheaderBackgroundColorbackground-color
.rich-calendar-hoverDefines styles for a hovered daycalendarSpecBackgroundColorbackground-color
.rich-calendar-toolfooterDefines styles for a tollbar items in the footeradditionalBackgroundColorbackground
.rich-calendar-tool-btn-hoverDefines styles for a toolbar button hoveredcalendarWeekBackgroundColorbackground-color
panelBorderColorborder-right-color, border-bottom-color
.rich-calendar-tool-btn-pressDefines styles for a toolbar button pressedpanelBorderColorborder-color
tableBackgroundColorborder-right-color, border-bottom-color
.rich-calendar-footerDefines styles for a footerpanelBorderColorborder-right-color, border-top-color
.rich-calendar-footer-optionalDefines styles for an optional footerpanelBorderColorborder-right-color, border-top-color
.rich-calendar-editor-shadowDefines styles for the calendar editor shadowtableBackgroundColorbackground
.rich-calendar-time-layoutDefines styles for a popup element during time selectionpanelBorderColorborder-color
.rich-calendar-date-layoutDefines styles for a popup element during quick month/year selectionpanelBorderColorborder-color
.rich-calendar-time-layout inputDefines styles for the input fields in the popup element during time selectiongeneralSizeFontfont-size
.rich-calendar-date-layout-cancelDefines styles for the "Cancel" buttonadditionalBackgroundColorbackground
.rich-calendar-date-layout-okDefines styles for the "Ok" buttonadditionalBackgroundColorbackground
.rich-calendar-date-layout-splitDefines styles for a wrapper <td> element for month items near split linepanelBorderColorborder-right-color
.rich-calendar-time-btnDefines styles for a button in the popup element for time sectiontableBackgroundColorborder-color
panelBorderColorborder-right-color, border-bottom-color
.rich-calendar-time-btn-pressDefines styles for a pressed button in the popup element for time sectiontableBackgroundColorborder-right-color, border-bottom-color
.rich-calendar-spinner-buttonsDefines styles for a wrapper <td> element for spinner buttons in the popup element for time selectionheaderBackgroundColorbackground-color, border-color
.rich-calendar-spinner-input-containerDefines styles for a wrapper <td> element of a spinner input field in the popup element for time selectioncontrolBackgroundColorbackground-color
subBorderColorborder-right-color, border-bottom-color
.rich-calendar-spinner-inputDefines styles for a spinner input field in the popup element for time sectionbuttonSizeFontfont-size
.rich-calendar-editor-layout-shadowDefines styles for the layout shadow of the calendar editorshadowBackgroundColorbackground-color
.rich-calendar-editor-btn-overDefines styles for the calendar editor button when the pointer is moved ontopanelBorderColorborder-color
.rich-calendar-editor-btn-selectedDefines styles for the calendar editor button selectedcalendarCurrentBackgroundColorbackground-color
.rich-calendar-editor-tool-overDefines styles for a hovered toolbar items in the calendar editoradditionalBackgroundColorbackground
panelBorderColorborder-right-color, border-bottom-color
.rich-calendar-editor-tool-pressDefines styles for a pressed toolbar items in the calendar editoradditionalBackgroundColorbackground
tableBackgroundColorborder-right-color, border-bottom-color

You can find all necessary information about style classes redefinition in Definition of Custom Style Classes section.

On the component LiveDemo page you can see the example of <rich:calendar> usage and sources for the given example.

How to use JavaScript API see on the RichFaces Users Forum.