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JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

6.14.4.  < rich:virtualEarth > available since 3.1.0

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The component presents the Microsoft Virtual Earth map in the JSF applications.

Here are the main settings of initial rendering performed with a component map that are accessible with the following attributes:

For example, the city of Paris is shown after rendering with the following initial settings: lat = "48.833" , lng = "2.40" and zoom = "11" .

Code for this example is placed below:

<rich:virtualEarth  style="width:800px;" id="vm" lat="48.833" lng="2.40" dashboardSize="Normal"  zoom="11" mapStyle="Hybrid" var="map" />

To set all these parameters and perform some activity (Zoom In/Out etc.) is possible with your JavaScript, i.e. declare a name of an object on a map in the "var" attribute and then call the object directly with API Microsoft Virtual Earth map .

For example, to approximate a map for var = "map" declared inside the component, call map.ZoomIn() on an event.

Moreover, to add e.g. some JavaScript effects, events defined on it are used.

  • onmouseover

  • onclick

  • onmouseout

  • etc.


Virtual Earth does not support XHTML format of the page. Thus, if you use Facelets and JSF 1.2, do not forget to put the following tags somewhere on the page:

<f:view contentType="text/html">...</f:view>

Table of <rich:virtualEarth> attributes.

Visit the VirtualEarth page at RichFaces LiveDemo for examples of component usage and their sources.

Useful articles: