RichFaces UI Components UI 4.2.2.Final

Package org.richfaces.component

Interface Summary

Class Summary
AbstractAccordion The <rich:accordion> is a series of panels stacked on top of each other, each collapsed such that only the header of the panel is showing.
AbstractAccordionItem The <rich:accordionItem> component is a panel for use with the <rich:accordion> component.
AbstractAjaxFunction The <a4j:jsFunction> component performs Ajax requests directly from JavaScript code and retrieves server-side data.
AbstractAjaxLog The <a4j:log> component generates JavaScript that opens a debug window, logging application information such as requests, responses, and DOM changes.
AbstractAjaxStatus The <a4j:status> component displays the status of current Ajax requests.
AbstractAttachQueue The <a4j:attachQueue> behavior is used together with a <a4j:queue> component to further customize queuing for particular components and behaviors.
AbstractAutocomplete The <rich:autocomplete> component is an auto-completing input-box with built-in Ajax capabilities.
AbstractCalendar The <rich:calendar> component allows the user to enter a date and time through an in-line or pop-up calendar.
AbstractCollapsiblePanel The <rich:collapsiblePanel> component is a collapsible panel that shows or hides content when the header bar is activated.
AbstractCollapsibleSubTable The <rich:collapsibleSubTable> component acts as a child element to a <rich:dataTable> component.
AbstractCollapsibleSubTableToggler The <rich:collapsibleSubTableToggler> component provides a toggle control for the user to expand and collapse sub-tables.
AbstractColumn The <rich:column> component facilitates columns in a table.
AbstractColumnGroup The <rich:columnGroup> component combines multiple columns in a single row to organize complex parts of a table.
AbstractCommandButton The <a4j:commandButton> component is similar to the JavaServer Faces (JSF) <h:commandButton> component, but additionally includes Ajax support.
AbstractCommandLink The <a4j:commandLink> component is similar to the JavaServer Faces (JSF) <h:commandLink> component, except that it includes plugged-in Ajax behavior.
AbstractContextMenu The <rich:contextMenu> component is used for creating a hierarchical context menu that are activated on events like onmouseover, onclick etc.
AbstractDataGrid The <rich:dataGrid> component is used to arrange data objects in a grid.
AbstractDataScroller The <rich:dataScroller> component is used for navigating through multiple pages of tables or grids.
AbstractDataTable The <rich:dataTable> component is used to render a table, including the table's caption.
AbstractDragIndicator The <rich:dragIndicator> component defines a graphical element to display under the mouse cursor during a drag-and-drop operation.
AbstractDragSource The <rich:dragSource> component can be added to a component to indicate it is capable of being dragged by the user.
AbstractDropDownMenu The <rich:dropDownMenu> component is used for creating a drop-down, hierarchical menu.
AbstractDropTarget The <rich:dropTarget> component can be added to a component so that the component can accept dragged items.
AbstractEditor The <rich:editor> component is used for creating a WYSIWYG editor on a page.
AbstractExtendedDataTable The <rich:extendedDataTable> component builds on the functionality of the <rich:dataTable> component, adding features such as scrolling for the table body (both horizontal and vertical), Ajax loading for vertical scrolling, frozen columns, row selection, and rearranging of columns.
AbstractFileUpload The <rich:fileUpload> component allows the user to upload files to a server.
AbstractGraphValidator The <rich:graphValidator> component is used to wrap a set of input components related to one object.
AbstractHotKey The <rich:hotKey> component allows registering hot keys on the page or particular elements and defining client side processing functions for these keys.
AbstractInplaceInput The <rich:inplaceInput> component allows information to be entered in-line in blocks of text, improving readability of the text.
AbstractInplaceSelect The <rich:inplaceSelect> component is similar to the <rich:inplaceInput> component, except that the <rich:inplaceSelect> component uses a drop-down selection box to enter text instead of a regular text field.
AbstractJQuery The <rich:jQuery> component applies styles and custom behavior to both JSF (JavaServer Faces) objects and regular DOM (Document Object Model) objects.
AbstractList The <rich:list> component renders a list of items.
AbstractMediaOutput The <a4j:mediaOutput> component is used for generating images, video, sounds, and other resources defined on the fly.
AbstractMenuGroup The <rich:menuGroup> component represents an expandable sub-menu in a menu control.
AbstractMenuItem The <rich:menuItem> component represents a single item in a menu control.
AbstractMenuSeparator The <rich:menuSeparator> component represents a separating divider in a menu control.
AbstractMessage The <rich:message> component renders a single FacesMessage message instance added for the component.
AbstractMessages The <rich:messages> components works similarly to the <rich:message> component, but can display all the validation messages added for the current view instead of just a single message.
AbstractNotify The <rich:notify> component serves for advanced user interaction, using notification boxes to give the user instant feedback on what's happening within the application.
AbstractNotifyMessage The <rich:notifyMessage> component is built on top of <rich:notify>, the difference is in usage.
AbstractNotifyMessages The <rich:notifyMessages> component is the same as the <rich:notifyMessage> component, but each of the available messages generates one notification.
AbstractNotifyStack Notifications emited by <rich:notify>, <rich:notifyMessage> and <rich:notifyMessages> are displayed in top-right corner of the screen by default.
AbstractOrderingList The <rich:orderingList> is a component for ordering items in a list (client-side).
AbstractOutputPanel The <a4j:outputPanel> component is used to group together components in to update them as a whole, rather than having to specify the components individually.
AbstractPanel The <rich:panel> component is a bordered panel with an optional header.
AbstractPanelMenu The <rich:panelMenu> component is used in conjunction with <rich:panelMenuItem> and <rich:panelMenuGroup> to create an expanding, hierarchical menu.
AbstractPanelMenuGroup The <rich:panelMenuGroup> component defines a group of <rich:panelMenuItem> components inside a <rich:panelMenu>.
AbstractPanelMenuItem The <rich:panelMenuItem> component represents a single item inside a <rich:panelMenuGroup> component, which is in turn part of a <rich:panelMenu> component.
AbstractParameter The <a4j:param> behavior combines the functionality of the JavaServer Faces (JSF) components <f:param> and <f:actionListener>.
AbstractPickList The <rich:pickList> is a component for selecting items from a list.
AbstractPoll The <a4j:poll> component allows periodical sending of Ajax requests to the server.
AbstractPopupPanel The <rich:popupPanel> component provides a pop-up panel or window that appears in front of the rest of the application.
AbstractProgressBar The <rich:progressBar> component displays a progress bar to indicate the status of a process to the user.
AbstractPush The <a4j:push> component performs real-time updates on the client side from events triggered at the server side.
AbstractQueue The <a4j:queue> component manages the JSF queue of Ajax requests.
AbstractRegion The <a4j:region> component specifies a part of the JSF component tree to be processed on the server.
AbstractSelect The <rich:select> component provides a drop-down list box for selecting a single value from multiple options.
AbstractTab The <rich:tab> component represents an individual tab inside a <rich:tabPanel> component, including the tab's content.
AbstractTabPanel The <rich:tabPanel> component provides a set of tabbed panels for displaying one panel of content at a time.
AbstractTogglePanel The <rich:togglePanel> component is used as a base for the other switchable components, the <rich:accordion> component and the <rich:tabPanel> component.
AbstractTogglePanelItem The <rich:togglePanelItem> component is a switchable panel for use with the <rich:togglePanel> component.
AbstractToolbar The <rich:toolbar> component is a horizontal toolbar.
AbstractToolbarGroup The <rich:toolbarGroup> component is a child component of the <rich:toolbar> component.
AbstractTooltip The <rich:tooltip> component provides an informational tool-tip.
AbstractTree The <rich:tree> component provides a hierarchical tree control.
AbstractTreeModelAdaptor The <rich:treeModelAdaptor> component takes an object which implements the Map or Iterable interfaces.
AbstractTreeNode The component is a child component of the component.
SavedState This class keep values of EditableValueHolder row-sensitive fields.
UIAccordion The <rich:accordion> is a series of panels stacked on top of each other, each collapsed such that only the header of the panel is showing.
UIAccordionItem The <rich:accordionItem> component is a panel for use with the <rich:accordion> component.
UIAjaxLog The <a4j:log> component generates JavaScript that opens a debug window, logging application information such as requests, responses, and DOM changes.
UIAttachQueue The <a4j:attachQueue> behavior is used together with a <a4j:queue> component to further customize queuing for particular components and behaviors.
UIAutocomplete The <rich:autocomplete> component is an auto-completing input-box with built-in Ajax capabilities.
UICalendar The <rich:calendar> component allows the user to enter a date and time through an in-line or pop-up calendar.
UICollapsiblePanel The <rich:collapsiblePanel> component is a collapsible panel that shows or hides content when the header bar is activated.
UICollapsibleSubTable The <rich:collapsibleSubTable> component acts as a child element to a <rich:dataTable> component.
UICollapsibleSubTableToggleControl The <rich:collapsibleSubTableToggler> component provides a toggle control for the user to expand and collapse sub-tables.
UIColumn The <rich:column> component facilitates columns in a table.
UIColumnGroup The <rich:columnGroup> component combines multiple columns in a single row to organize complex parts of a table.
UICommandButton The <a4j:commandButton> component is similar to the JavaServer Faces (JSF) <h:commandButton> component, but additionally includes Ajax support.
UICommandLink The <a4j:commandLink> component is similar to the JavaServer Faces (JSF) <h:commandLink> component, except that it includes plugged-in Ajax behavior.
UIContextMenu The <rich:contextMenu> component is used for creating a hierarchical context menu that are activated on events like onmouseover, onclick etc.
UIDataAdaptor Base class for iterable components, like dataTable, Tomahawk dataList, Facelets repeat, tree etc., with support for partial rendering on AJAX responces for one or more selected iterations.
UIDataGrid The <rich:dataGrid> component is used to arrange data objects in a grid.
UIDataScroller The <rich:dataScroller> component is used for navigating through multiple pages of tables or grids.
UIDataTable The <rich:dataTable> component is used to render a table, including the table's caption.
UIDragIndicator The <rich:dragIndicator> component defines a graphical element to display under the mouse cursor during a drag-and-drop operation.
UIDragSource The <rich:dragSource> component can be added to a component to indicate it is capable of being dragged by the user.
UIDropDownMenu The <rich:dropDownMenu> component is used for creating a drop-down, hierarchical menu.
UIDropTarget The <rich:dropTarget> component can be added to a component so that the component can accept dragged items.
UIEditor The <rich:editor> component is used for creating a WYSIWYG editor on a page.
UIExtendedDataTable The <rich:extendedDataTable> component builds on the functionality of the <rich:dataTable> component, adding features such as scrolling for the table body (both horizontal and vertical), Ajax loading for vertical scrolling, frozen columns, row selection, and rearranging of columns.
UIFileUpload The <rich:fileUpload> component allows the user to upload files to a server.
UIFunction The <a4j:jsFunction> component performs Ajax requests directly from JavaScript code and retrieves server-side data.
UIGraphValidator The <rich:graphValidator> component is used to wrap a set of input components related to one object.
UIHashParameter The <rich:hashParam> component allows client-side parameters to be grouped into a hash map.
UIHotKey The <rich:hotKey> component allows registering hot keys on the page or particular elements and defining client side processing functions for these keys.
UIInplaceInput The <rich:inplaceInput> component allows information to be entered in-line in blocks of text, improving readability of the text.
UIInplaceSelect The <rich:inplaceSelect> component is similar to the <rich:inplaceInput> component, except that the <rich:inplaceSelect> component uses a drop-down selection box to enter text instead of a regular text field.
UIJQuery The <rich:jQuery> component applies styles and custom behavior to both JSF (JavaServer Faces) objects and regular DOM (Document Object Model) objects.
UIList The <rich:list> component renders a list of items.
UIMediaOutput The <a4j:mediaOutput> component is used for generating images, video, sounds, and other resources defined on the fly.
UIMenuGroup The <rich:menuGroup> component represents an expandable sub-menu in a menu control.
UIMenuItem The <rich:menuItem> component represents a single item in a menu control.
UIMenuSeparator The <rich:menuSeparator> component represents a separating divider in a menu control.
UINotify The <rich:notify> component serves for advanced user interaction, using notification boxes to give the user instant feedback on what's happening within the application.
UINotifyMessage The <rich:notifyMessage> component is built on top of <rich:notify>, the difference is in usage.
UINotifyMessages The <rich:notifyMessages> component is the same as the <rich:notifyMessage> component, but each of the available messages generates one notification.
UINotifyStack Notifications emited by <rich:notify>, <rich:notifyMessage> and <rich:notifyMessages> are displayed in top-right corner of the screen by default.
UIOrderingList The <rich:orderingList> is a component for ordering items in a list (client-side).
UIOutputPanel The <a4j:outputPanel> component is used to group together components in to update them as a whole, rather than having to specify the components individually.
UIPanel The <rich:panel> component is a bordered panel with an optional header.
UIPanelMenu The <rich:panelMenu> component is used in conjunction with <rich:panelMenuItem> and <rich:panelMenuGroup> to create an expanding, hierarchical menu.
UIPanelMenuGroup The <rich:panelMenuGroup> component defines a group of <rich:panelMenuItem> components inside a <rich:panelMenu>.
UIPanelMenuItem The <rich:panelMenuItem> component represents a single item inside a <rich:panelMenuGroup> component, which is in turn part of a <rich:panelMenu> component.
UIParameter The <a4j:param> behavior combines the functionality of the JavaServer Faces (JSF) components <f:param> and <f:actionListener>.
UIPickList The <rich:pickList> is a component for selecting items from a list.
UIPoll The <a4j:poll> component allows periodical sending of Ajax requests to the server.
UIPopupPanel The <rich:popupPanel> component provides a pop-up panel or window that appears in front of the rest of the application.
UIProgressBar The <rich:progressBar> component displays a progress bar to indicate the status of a process to the user.
UIPush The <a4j:push> component performs real-time updates on the client side from events triggered at the server side.
UIQueue The <a4j:queue> component manages the JSF queue of Ajax requests.
UIRegion The <a4j:region> component specifies a part of the JSF component tree to be processed on the server.
UIRepeat The non-visual <a4j:repeat> component is used to iterate through a data model.
UIRichMessage The <rich:message> component renders a single FacesMessage message instance added for the component.
UIRichMessages The <rich:messages> components works similarly to the <rich:message> component, but can display all the validation messages added for the current view instead of just a single message.
UISelect The <rich:select> component provides a drop-down list box for selecting a single value from multiple options.
UIStatus The <a4j:status> component displays the status of current Ajax requests.
UITab The <rich:tab> component represents an individual tab inside a <rich:tabPanel> component, including the tab's content.
UITabPanel The <rich:tabPanel> component provides a set of tabbed panels for displaying one panel of content at a time.
UITogglePanel The <rich:togglePanel> component is used as a base for the other switchable components, the <rich:accordion> component and the <rich:tabPanel> component.
UITogglePanelItem The <rich:togglePanelItem> component is a switchable panel for use with the <rich:togglePanel> component.
UIToolbar The <rich:toolbar> component is a horizontal toolbar.
UIToolbarGroup The <rich:toolbarGroup> component is a child component of the <rich:toolbar> component.
UITooltip The <rich:tooltip> component provides an informational tool-tip.
UITree The <rich:tree> component provides a hierarchical tree control.
UITreeModelRecursiveAdaptor The component iterates through recursive collections in order to populate a tree with hierarchical nodes, such as for a file system with multiple levels of directories and files.
UITreeNode The component is a child component of the component.

Enum Summary

RichFaces UI Components UI 4.2.2.Final

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