Tag toggleControl

The <rich:toggleControl> behavior can be attached to any interface component, whether inside or outside the controlled panel itself. It works with a <rich:togglePanel> component to switch between different <rich:togglePanelItem> components.

@author akolonitsky

Tag Information
Handler Id org.richfaces.component.behavior.ToggleControl
Handler Class org.richfaces.view.facelets.html.CustomBehaviorHandler

Name Required Type Description
disableDefault false java.lang.Boolean If "true", disable the default action of the parent component
event false java.lang.String The event on which to toggle the target panel
targetItem false java.lang.String The next <rich:togglePanelItem> to switch to
targetPanel false java.lang.String The <rich:togglePanel> to switch when this <rich:toggleControl> is not a child of a <rich:togglePanel>

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