JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 2. Installation

2.1. Installation Instructions
2.2. Importing Samples into Eclipse

This section describes the installation procedure for the SAVARA tools.

The installation instructions for the SAVARA Eclipse tools are:

Download the latest version of Eclipse JEE, from http://www.eclipse.org , and install in your environment.

  • Savara Eclipse Tools

Start up your Eclipse environment, and go to the Help->Install New Software.. menu item. Select the appropriate update site URL from the SAVARA Downloads page. Once the contents of the update site is available, then select the Savara and Savara Dependencies categories and follow the instructions to install them within your Eclipse environment.

For the purpose of the Getting Started Guide, we will be using the Purchasing example located here: http://downloads.jboss.org/savara/examples/savara2-example-purchasing.zip

Once the SAVARA Eclipse Tool distribution has been correctly installed, and the example zip downloaded, then use the following steps to import the project:

  • Select the 'Import...' menu item, associated with the popup menu on the background of the left panel (Navigator or Package depending on perspective being viewed).

Once imported, the Eclipse navigator will list the sample project: