Package org.jboss.seam.contexts

The Seam Context API and implementations.


Interface Summary
Context API for accessing named components and named values that are currently associated with a particular seam scope.

Class Summary
ApplicationContext Application context - state associated with a deployment to a particular node.
BasicContext A basic implementation of Context that keeps the state in a Map.
BusinessProcessContext Exposes a jbpm variable context instance for reading/writing.
Contexts Provides access to the current contexts associated with the thread.
EventContext Event context - spans a single request to the server.
FacesLifecycle Methods for setup and teardown of Seam contexts at the beginning and end of JSF requests.
Lifecycle Methods for setup and teardown of Seam contexts.
PageContext The page context allows you to store state during a request that renders a page, and access that state from any postback request that originates from that page.
RemotingLifecycle Lifecycle management for Seam Remoting requests
ServerConversationContext A conversation context is a logical context that lasts longer than a request but shorter than a login session.
ServletLifecycle Methods for setup and teardown of Seam contexts at the beginning and end of servlet requests.
SessionContext Session context - state associated with a user session.
TestLifecycle Methods for setup and teardown of Seam contexts at the beginning and end of a test.

Package org.jboss.seam.contexts Description

The Seam Context API and implementations.