Package org.jboss.seam.annotations.intercept

Annotations for defining Seam interceptors.


Enum Summary
InterceptorType The type of an Interceptor, "client-side" (around the EJB proxy object) or "server-side" (inside the EJB interceptor stack).

Annotation Types Summary
AroundInvoke Synonym for javax.interceptors.AroundInvoke, for use in a pre Java EE 5 environment.
BypassInterceptors Disables interception of calls to a Seam component or Seam component method.
Interceptor Annotates an interceptor class and specifies what kind of interceptor it is (client side or server side), and its ordering with respect to other interceptors in the stack.
Interceptors Synonym for javax.interceptors.Interceptors, for use in a pre Java EE 5 environment.
PostActivate Synonym for PostActivate, for use in a pre Java EE 5 environment.
PrePassivate Synonym for PrePassivate, for use in a pre Java EE 5 environment.

Package org.jboss.seam.annotations.intercept Description

Annotations for defining Seam interceptors.