SeamFramework.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 30. Seam Transaction Reference

30.1. Introduction
30.2. Transaction Management
30.2.1. Configuration
30.2.2. Declarative Transaction Management
30.2.3. ServletRequestListener

Unlike EJB session beans CDI beans are not transactional by default. Seam Transaction brings declarative transaction management to CDI beans by enabling them to use @TransactionAttribute. Seam also provides the @Transactional annotation, for environments where java EE APIs are not present.

In order to enable declarative transaction management for managed beans you need to list the transaction interceptor in beans.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

If you are in a Java EE 6 environment then you are good to go, no additional configuration is required.

If you are not in an EE environment you may need to configure some things with Solder. You may need the following entries in your beans.xml file:

<beans xmlns=""


         <s:modifies />


Let's look at these individually.


Seam will attempt to use JTA synchronizations if possible. If not then you need to install the SeSynchronzations bean to allow seam to handle synchronizations manually. Synchronizations allow Seam to respond to transaction events such as beforeCompletion() and afterCompletion(), and are needed for the proper operation of the Seam Managed Persistence Context.

   <s:modifies />

By default Seam will attempt to look up java:comp/UserTransaction from JNDI (or alternatively retrieve it from the EJBContext if a container managed transaction is active). Installing EntityTransaction tells Seam to use the JPA EntityTransaction instead. To use this you must have a Seam Managed Persistence Context (see the Seam Persistence documentation for details) installed with qualifier@Default.

If your entity manager is installed with a different qualifier, then you need to use the following configuration (this assumes that my has been bound to the namespace that contains the appropriate qualifier, see the Solder documentation for more details):

   <s:modifies />

Seam adds declarative transaction support to managed beans. Seam re-uses the EJB @TransactionAttribute for this purpose, however it also provides an alternative @Transactional annotation for environments where the EJB API's are not available. An alternative to@ApplicationException, @SeamApplicationException is also provided. Unlike EJBs, managed beans are not transactional by default, you can change this by adding the @TransactionAttribute to the bean class.

Unlike in Seam 2, transactions will not roll back whenever a non-application exception propagates out of a bean, unless the bean has the transaction interceptor enabled.

If you are using seam managed transactions as part of the seam-faces module you do not need to worry about declarative transaction management. Seam will automatically start a transaction for you at the start of the faces request, and commit it before the render response phase.

Let's have a look at some code. Annotations applied at a method level override annotations applied at the class level.

@TransactionAttribute /*Defaults to TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED */

                class TransactionalBean
                /* This is a transactional method, when this method is called a transaction
                * will be started if one does not already exist.
                * This behavior is inherited from the @TransactionAttribute annotation on
                * the class.
                void doWork()
                /* A transaction will not be started for this method, however it */
                /* will not complain if there is an existing transaction active. */
                void doMoreWork()
                /* This method will throw an exception if there is no transaction active when */
                /* it is invoked. */
                void doEvenMoreWork()
                /* This method will throw an exception if there is a transaction active when */
                /* it is invoked. */
                void doOtherWork()