Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node

Uses of Node in org.jboss.seam.remoting.annotationparser.syntaxtree

Subinterfaces of Node in org.jboss.seam.remoting.annotationparser.syntaxtree
 interface NodeListInterface
          The interface which NodeList, NodeListOptional, and NodeSequence implement.

Classes in org.jboss.seam.remoting.annotationparser.syntaxtree that implement Node
 class Annotation
          Grammar production: f0 -> NormalAnnotation() | SingleMemberAnnotation() | MarkerAnnotation()
 class AnnotationsUnit
          Grammar production: f0 -> [ Annotation() ( "," Annotation() )* ]
 class BooleanLiteral
          Grammar production: f0 -> "true" | "false"
 class ClassOrInterfaceType
          Grammar production: f0 -> f1 -> ( "." )* f2 -> [ "." "class" ]
 class Literal
          Grammar production: f0 -> | | | | BooleanLiteral() | NullLiteral()
 class MarkerAnnotation
          Grammar production: f0 -> "@" f1 -> Name()
 class MemberValue
          Grammar production: f0 -> Annotation() | MemberValueArrayInitializer() | Literal() | ClassOrInterfaceType()
 class MemberValueArrayInitializer
          Grammar production: f0 -> "{" f1 -> MemberValue() f2 -> ( "," MemberValue() )* f3 -> [ "," ] f4 -> "}"
 class MemberValuePair
          Grammar production: f0 -> f1 -> "=" f2 -> MemberValue()
 class MemberValuePairs
          Grammar production: f0 -> MemberValuePair() f1 -> ( "," MemberValuePair() )*
 class Name
          Grammar production: f0 -> f1 -> ( "." )*
 class NodeChoice
          Represents a grammar choice, e.g.
 class NodeList
          Represents a grammar list, e.g.
 class NodeListOptional
          Represents an optional grammar list, e.g.
 class NodeOptional
          Represents an grammar optional node, e.g.
 class NodeSequence
          Represents a sequence of nodes nested within a choice, list, optional list, or optional, e.g.
 class NodeToken
          Represents a single token in the grammar.
 class NormalAnnotation
          Grammar production: f0 -> "@" f1 -> Name() f2 -> "(" f3 -> [ MemberValuePairs() ] f4 -> ")"
 class NullLiteral
          Grammar production: f0 -> "null"
 class PrimitiveType
          Grammar production: f0 -> "boolean" | "char" | "byte" | "short" | "int" | "long" | "float" | "double"
 class SingleMemberAnnotation
          Grammar production: f0 -> "@" f1 -> Name() f2 -> "(" f3 -> MemberValue() f4 -> ")"

Fields in org.jboss.seam.remoting.annotationparser.syntaxtree declared as Node
 Node NodeChoice.choice
 Node NodeOptional.node

Fields in org.jboss.seam.remoting.annotationparser.syntaxtree with type parameters of type Node
 Vector<Node> NodeListOptional.nodes
 Vector<Node> NodeList.nodes
 Vector<Node> NodeSequence.nodes

Methods in org.jboss.seam.remoting.annotationparser.syntaxtree that return Node
 Node NodeListOptional.elementAt(int i)
 Node NodeListInterface.elementAt(int i)
 Node NodeList.elementAt(int i)
 Node NodeSequence.elementAt(int i)

Methods in org.jboss.seam.remoting.annotationparser.syntaxtree that return types with arguments of type Node
 Enumeration<Node> NodeListOptional.elements()
 Enumeration<Node> NodeListInterface.elements()
 Enumeration<Node> NodeList.elements()
 Enumeration<Node> NodeSequence.elements()

Methods in org.jboss.seam.remoting.annotationparser.syntaxtree with parameters of type Node
 void NodeListOptional.addNode(Node n)
 void NodeListInterface.addNode(Node n)
 void NodeOptional.addNode(Node n)
 void NodeList.addNode(Node n)
 void NodeSequence.addNode(Node n)

Constructors in org.jboss.seam.remoting.annotationparser.syntaxtree with parameters of type Node
NodeChoice(Node node)
NodeChoice(Node node, int whichChoice)
NodeList(Node firstNode)
NodeListOptional(Node firstNode)
NodeOptional(Node n)
NodeSequence(Node firstNode)

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