Uses of Interface

Packages that use Asset

Uses of Asset in org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api

Methods in org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api that return Asset
 Asset Archive.get(ArchivePath path)
          Obtains the asset located at the specified path
 Asset Archive.get(String path)
          Obtains the asset located at the specified path

Methods in org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api that return types with arguments of type Asset
 Map<ArchivePath,Asset> Archive.getContent()
          Obtains all assets in this archive, along with its respective Path.
 Map<ArchivePath,Asset> Archive.getContent(Filter<ArchivePath> filter)
          Obtains all assets matching given filter in this archive, along with its respective Path.

Methods in org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api with parameters of type Asset
 T Archive.add(Asset asset, ArchivePath target)
          Adds the specified asset under the specified path into the target context
 T Archive.add(Asset asset, ArchivePath target, String name)
          Adds the specified asset under the specified target (directory) using the specified name.
 T Archive.add(Asset asset, String target)
          Adds the specified resource under the context denoted by the specified target

Uses of Asset in org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.container

Methods in org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.container with parameters of type Asset
 T EnterpriseContainer.addApplicationResource(Asset resource, ArchivePath target)
          Adds a Asset to this Archives application context.
 T EnterpriseContainer.addApplicationResource(Asset resource, String target)
          Adds a Asset to this Archives application context.
 T LibraryContainer.addLibrary(Asset resource, ArchivePath target)
          Adds the Asset as a library to the container, returning the container itself.
 T LibraryContainer.addLibrary(Asset resource, String target)
          Adds the Asset as a library to the container, returning the container itself.
 T ManifestContainer.addManifestResource(Asset resource, ArchivePath target)
          Adds the Asset as a Manifest resource to the container, returning the container itself.
 T ManifestContainer.addManifestResource(Asset resource, String target)
          Adds the Asset as a Manifest resource to the container, returning the container itself.
 T EnterpriseContainer.addModule(Asset resource, ArchivePath targetPath)
          Adds a Asset to this Archives module context.
 T EnterpriseContainer.addModule(Asset resource, String targetPath)
          Adds a Asset to this Archives module context.
 T ResourceContainer.addResource(Asset resource, ArchivePath target)
          Adds the Asset as a resource to the container, returning the container itself.
 T ResourceContainer.addResource(Asset resource, String target)
          Adds the Asset as a resource to the container, returning the container itself.
 T WebContainer.addWebResource(Asset resource, ArchivePath target)
          Adds the Asset as a Web resource to the container, returning the container itself.
 T WebContainer.addWebResource(Asset resource, String target)
          Adds the Asset as a Web resource to the container, returning the container itself.
 T EnterpriseContainer.setApplicationXML(Asset resource)
          Adds a Asset to this Archive as application.xml.
 T ManifestContainer.setManifest(Asset resource)
          Adds the Asset as MANIFEST.FM to the container, returning the container itself.
 T ResourceAdapterContainer.setResourceAdapterXML(Asset resource)
          Adds the Asset as ra.xml to the container, returning the container itself.
 T WebContainer.setWebXML(Asset resource)
          Adds the Asset as web.xml to the container, returning the container itself.

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