JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 9. Handling Large Objects

9.1. Large Objects
9.1.1. Data Types
9.1.2. Why Use Large Object Support?
9.2. Handling Large Objects
9.3. Inserting or Updating Large Objects

This chapter examines how to use facilities provided by the Teiid Connector API to use large objects such as blobs, clobs, and xml in your connector.

The Connector API supports the handling of the large objects (Blob/Clob/SQLXML) through the creation of special purpose wrapper “type” objects. Each type of LOB object has a respective wrapper object.

In the example below, the physical source returns an object type of Clob, then the connector should return the corresponding ClobType object.

//Example BatchedExecution.execute method

List columnValues = new ArrayList();

// building the reference
Clob clob = results.getClob();
ClobType clobReference = new ClobType(clob);
// this is needed to keep the connection open.

// adding the reference to batch of results

Once the wrapped object is returned, the streaming of LOB is automatically supported. These LOB objects then can be used to serve to client results, used in server for query processing, or used in user defined functions.

A connector execution is usually closed and the underlying connection is either closed/released as soon as all rows for that execution have been retrieved.  However, LOB objects may need to be read after their initial retrieval of results.  It is very important that the default closing behavior should be prevented to correctly stream the contents of the LOB based data. This behavior is communicated to the server through setting a flag in “ExecutionContext” interface by invoking


with this call, the server will close the connector execution object only after all returned LOB objects can no longer be read. i.e. when user Statement object is closed. Note that single call to keepExecutionAlive is needed per execution – and it must be called before the first batch is returned from connector

The SQLXML interface allows large xml documents to be processed by the server without creating memory issues. XML Source Connectors also use this interface to supply documents to the Teiid XQuery engine.

A new, and important, limitation of using the LOB type objects introduced in the 5.5 version of the Teiid Server is that streaming is not supported from remote connectors. This is an issue in clustered environments if connectors intended to return LOBs are deployed on only a subset of the hosts or in failover situations. The most appropriate workaround to this limitation is to deploy connectors intended to return LOBs on each host in the cluster. There is currently no workaround to support streaming LOBs from connectors in remote failover situations.

The Teiid JDBC API also allows the insertion or update of large objects.  However, the JDBC API does not currently stream large objects on insert or update.  So, the Teiid JDBC API will read all of the data and pass it back to the connector in a single materialized value.  

In these cases LOBs will be passed to the Connector in the language objects as an ILiteral containing a java.sql.Blob,  java.sql.Clob, or java.sql.SQLXML.  You can use these interfaces to retrieve the data in the large object and use it for insert or update.