Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseID

Uses of BaseID in com.metamatrix.common.config.api

Subclasses of BaseID in com.metamatrix.common.config.api
 class AuthenticationProviderID
 class ComponentDefnID
 class ComponentObjectID
 class ComponentTypeDefnID
 class ComponentTypeID
 class ConfigurationID
 class ConnectorBindingID
 class DeployedComponentID
 class HostID
 class PropDefnAllowedValueID
 class ResourceDescriptorID
 class ServiceComponentDefnID
 class SharedResourceID
          Date Oct 21, 2002 The SharedResourceID instance represents a SharedResource.
 class VMComponentDefnID

Methods in com.metamatrix.common.config.api with parameters of type BaseID
 java.util.Properties Configuration.getAllPropertiesForComponent(BaseID componentObjectID)
          Returns the all properites for the specified component object.
 java.util.Collection Configuration.getComponentObjectDependencies(BaseID componentObjectID)
          Returns a Collection of component objects that are dependent on the specified component object.
 java.util.Properties Configuration.getDependentPropsForComponent(BaseID componentObjectID)
          Returns only the dependent properites for the specified component object.
 boolean ComponentObject.isDependentUpon(BaseID componentObjectId)
          Returns true if this object is dependent upon the specified ComponentObjectID

Uses of BaseID in com.metamatrix.common.config.model

Methods in com.metamatrix.common.config.model that return BaseID
 BaseID BasicConfiguration.getID()

Methods in com.metamatrix.common.config.model with parameters of type BaseID
 java.util.Properties BasicConfiguration.getAllPropertiesForComponent(BaseID componentObjectID)
static ClassDefinition ConfigurationModel.getClassDefinition(BaseID id)
 java.util.Collection BasicConfiguration.getComponentObjectDependencies(BaseID componentObjectID)
          Returns a Collection of ProductServiceConfig objects which have ServiceComponentDefns which are deployed to the indicated VM.
 java.util.Properties BasicConfiguration.getDependentPropsForComponent(BaseID componentObjectID)
 boolean BasicComponentDefn.isDependentUpon(BaseID componentObjectId)
 boolean BasicComponentObject.isDependentUpon(BaseID componentObjectId)
 boolean BasicDeployedComponent.isDependentUpon(BaseID componentObjectId)
 void ConfigurationModelContainerImpl.remove(BaseID objID)

Constructors in com.metamatrix.common.config.model with parameters of type BaseID
BasicComponentObject(BaseID componentID, ComponentTypeID typeID)

Uses of BaseID in com.metamatrix.common.namedobject

Methods in com.metamatrix.common.namedobject that return BaseID
 BaseID BasicObject.getID()
          Get the ID for this metadata object.
 BaseID BaseObject.getID()
          Return the identifier for this object.

Methods in com.metamatrix.common.namedobject with parameters of type BaseID
static boolean IDVerifier.isValid(BaseID id)
          Method to determine whether a BaseID has a valid full name.
static int IDVerifier.performCheck(BaseID id)
          Method to determine whether a MetadataID has a valid full name, and, if not valid, to identify why it is invalid.
protected  void BasicObject.setID(BaseID newID)
          Sets the id for this objects

Constructors in com.metamatrix.common.namedobject with parameters of type BaseID
BasicObject(BaseID id)
          Create a new instance with the specified ID.

Uses of BaseID in com.metamatrix.platform.config.event

Constructors in com.metamatrix.platform.config.event with parameters of type BaseID
ConfigurationChangeEvent(java.lang.Object source, BaseID baseID, int action)

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