Package com.metamatrix.console.ui.views.users

Interface Summary
GroupAccumulatorController Interface to be implemented by a class controlling a GroupAccumulatorPanel.
NotifyOnSelectionChange Interface to be implemented by a class needing notification when the selection of a group, user, or role made at the left of the Users tab has changed.

Class Summary
AddDialog Extension to JDialog to show a list of check boxes, each for a principal that may be added.
GroupsTabMainPanel The main panel of the Users tab.
GroupTabSelectionHandler Auxilliary class to UserTabMainPanel.
NewGroupsWizardSelectionPanel Panel for selecting groups
RoleDetail Panel to the details for a role.
RoleDisplay Data class to store a role's name, description, and display name.
RoleMembershipPanel Panel consisting of an upper portion (ItemsListerPanel) containing a list of users and/or groups or roles, and a lower panel with two buttons, usually labeled 'Add' and 'Remove'.
RolesList Extension to ListWidget to display the list of roles that apply to the Console.

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