JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 2. Getting Started with MMAdmin

2.1. Essential rules to follow in using MMAdmin
2.2. Basic commands to get started
2.3. "help" command

To learn the basics of BeanShell (http://beanshell.org) take a look at their documents and tutorials on their website A copy of the BeanShell document is also can be found in the MMAdmin installation directory. Learn how basic scripts can be written and get familiar with some commonly used commands.

Note: BeanShell documentation provided is of version 1.3, which is taken as is from their website, for latest changes refer to BeanShell website. The BeanShell version 2.0b4 is currently being used in MMAdmin.

Basic knowledge of the Java programming language is required in order to effectively design and develop scripts using the MMAdmin. To learn Java language  find learning resources at http://java.sun.com.

You can learn about the Teiid administrative API either using “help()” command or find JavaDoc for in the installation directory.

MMAdmin is a specialized version of BeanShell with lots of pre-built libraries and scripts designed to be  used with the Teiid system. MMAdmin works in two different modes: interactive or script run mode.

In interactive mode, user can invoke the tool and connect to a live Teiid system and issue any ad-hoc commands to control the system or issue a SQL query against connected virtual database and view the results. All the commands executed during interactive mode are automatically captured into a log file, more on this later in the document.

In the script run mode, user can execute/play back previously developed scripts. This mode especially useful to automate any testing or to perform any repeated configurations/migrations changes to a Teiid system

To use MMAdmin successfully, there are some syntactical rules you should keep in mind.

To execute the commands in interactive mode you enter them first and press enter to execute, then enter next command, so on.

To exit the tool in the interactive mode, first disconnect if you are connected to the Teiid system by executing “disconnect();” then execute "exit();". In the script mode, when execution of the script finishes the tool will exit automatically, however you still have to disconnect from Teiid system in the script.

Note: If SSL is turned on the Teiid server, you would need to supply the correct certificates for connection. Edit the command file used to execute the MMAdmin and make sure correct trust store is defined in the path.

The list below contains some common commands used in MMAdmin. The best way to learn scripting in the MMAdmin is to read the scripts in "samples" directory in the MMAdmin kit's installation directory, and experiment your own scripts using a developer instance of Teiid System.

print("xxx");   // print something to console

help();        // shows all the available admin commands; 

connect();      // connect using connection.properties file

connect(<URL>);   // connect to Teiid using the supplied URL

connectAsAdmin(<url>); // connect as admin; no need have the vdb name. SQL commands will not work under this connection

execute(<SQL>); // run any SQL command. Note in interactive mode you can directly specify SQL on command line

currentConnectionName();  // returns the current connection name

useConnection(<connection name>); // switches to using the given connection settings

disconnect();   // disconnects the current connection in the context

exit();   // exit the shell        

This below command lists all the available administrative API commands in the MMAdmin. Please note that none of the BeanShell commands or custom commands will be shown in this list. Documentation is only source for reviewing those commands presently.

      mmadmin $ help();

To get a specific definition about a command and it's required input parameters , use the below form of help. The example shown will show detailed JavaDoc description about "addVDB" method.

mmadmin $ help("addVDB");
 * Import a {@link VDB} file.
 * <br>A VDB file with internal definitions. This is the default VDB export configuration
 * begining with MetaMatrix version 4.3.</br>
 * @param name VDB Name
 * @param vdbFile byte array of the VDB Archive
 * @param option Code of the AdminOptions to use when executing this method. There are
 choices aboutwhat to do when a connector binding with the given identifier already exists in the system.
VDB addVDB ( String name , String vdbFile , int option

If not sure about exact command, and to narrow the list available commands, help can be used in the following form, note the “*” at the end

mmadmin $   help(“get*”);

This will list all the commands available that begin with “get”, for example “getconnectorBindings, getVDBs” etc.

For every administrative API call, there is corresponding command in MMAdmin. For a reference to full administrative API, please look at “documents” sections in the installation directory.