JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation
This chapter discusses various features targeted at defining and managing metamodel-specific objects.
The ability to utilize functions within your transformations can be a powerful tool for manipulating and managing the structure and content of your virtual data. Teiid Designer exposes a wealth of system functions through the Expression Builder wizard to select and define function calls within your SQL.
Teiid Designer also provides features for defining source functions to represent functions for your target relational data base, as well as user-defined functions coded in java.
If you define a source function in a source model or user-defined function in a view model, that new function will be available to use in your transformations.
See Section 6.2.2, “Create Relational Procedure Wizard” for details.
This section contains descriptions of various features related to creating and managing relational view model objects.
For any relational view table you can enable it's materialized view option by setting the Materialized property to TRUE and setting the Materialized Table reference, as shown in the figure below.
You are required to have already created your relational tables.
Designer includes a feature to assist in quickly creating materialized relational tables based on your existing view tables.
To create materialized views:
Step 2 - In the Create Materialized View Model dialog specify or select a target relational model for your generated relational tables.
Step 2a - Selecting the browse '...' button displays the Relational Model Selector dialog where you select an existing relational model or specify a unique name for a new model.
Step 3 - Click OK to create relational tables corresponding to your selected view tables and automatically set the Materialized property to TRUE and the Materialized Table reference value to your newly generated table.
When finished your view tables will be configured with their new materialized properties and the corresponding relational tables will be shown in their package diagram.
You can create XML View Documents by selecting an element in the Model Explorer and selecting the Modeling > Create XML View Documents action.
The action will query you for a target XML Document model. You can either select an existing XML Document model from your workspace, or enter a unique model name and the wizard will create a new model for you.
After selecting or creating your new XML Document model, the XML Document builder page will be displayed. This page is explained in greater detail in Section 4.3.2, “Build XML Documents From XML Schema ” section.
This method is recommended for experienced users for consistent and rapid deployment of Web services designed to query relational sources. It provides detailed control of all Web service interfaces, operations and required transformations from XML Views
To create a Web service model from relational models or objects:
Step 1 - Select any combination of relational models, tables and/or procedures in the Section D.2.1, “Model Explorer View” tree.
It is recommended that the user selects single source models, which enables auto-naming of input/output schema and Web service models in \ Step 3.
Step 2 - Right-click
select Modeling > Create Web
Service action .
Step 3 - In the Create Web Service dialog, specify file names for the generated Input Schema file, Output Schema file and Web service model. Change options as desired. Click Finish when done.
Step 4 - When model generation is complete, a confirmation dialog should appear. Click OK.
Teiid Designer allows you to expose your VDBs via a SOAP or REST interface. JBossWS-CXF or RESTEasy wars can be generated based on models within your VDBs. This section describes these wizards in detail.
The Teiid Designer provides SOAP web service generation capabilities in the form of a JBossWS-CXF war. Once you have added your Web Service Models as described in Section 4.5, “Creating Web Service View Model” to your VDB, deployed the VDB to a running Teiid instance and created your VDB's data source, you are ready to expose the web service using the generated war.
To generate a new SOAP war using the VDB:
Step 1 - Right-click on the VDB containing your web service model(s) and select the Modeling > Generate JBossWS-CXF War action.
Step 2 - Fill in missing properties in Web Service War Generation Wizard shown below.
Table 7.1. Field Descriptions
Field Name | Description |
Name | The name of the generated war file. |
Host | The server host name (or IP). |
Port | The server port. |
VDB JNDI Name | The JNDI connection name to the deployed Teiid source VDB. |
Security options |
Target namespace | This is the target namespace that will be used in the generated WSDL and subsequent generated web service classes. |
MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) | If selected, MTOM will be enabled for the web service endpoint(s). You will also need to update your output schema accordingly by adding the xmlns:xmime="http://www.w3.org/2005/05/xmlmim" schema and adding type="xs:base64Binary" xmime:expectedContentTypes="application/octet-stream" to the output element you wish to optimize. |
War File Save Location | The folder where the generated WAR file should be saved. |
Step 3 - Click OK to generate the web service war. When war generation is complete, a confirmation dialog should appear. Click OK.
In Teiid Designer, it is also possible to expose your VDBs over REST using a generated RESTEasy war. Also, if your target virtual model has update, insert and delete SQL defined, you can easily provide CRUD capabilities via REST. Accepted inputs into the generated REST operations are URI path parameters and/or XML/JSON. JSON is exposed over a URI that includes "json". For example, "http://{host}:{port}/{war_context}/{model_name}/resource" will accept URI path parameters and/or XML while "http://{host}:{port}/{war_context}/{model_name}/json/resource" will accept URI path parameters and/or JSON.
Step 1 - In a virtual model, add a procedure(s) that returns an XMLLiteral object. The target of your procedure can be any models in your VDB. Here is an example procedure that selects from a virtual table (VirtualBooks) and returns the results as an XMLLiteral:
Notice the syntax used to convert the relation table result of the select from VirtualBooks, to an XMLLiteral. All XML functions are documented in the Scalar Functions chapter of the Teiid Reference Guide.
Here is an example of an update procedure that will insert a row and return an XMLLiteral object:
The input format for the REST procedure could be URI parameters, an XML/JSON document, or some combination of both. When using an XML document your root node should be <input> and the XML nodes should correspond to order of the procedure's input parameters. For example, here is the input for the above insert procedure:
When using a JSON document, your values should match the order of your procedure input parameters as well. Here is the input for the above insert procedure:
Step 2 - Now we need to identify our procedure as REST eligible. To do this, select the procedure and note the REST properties in the property panel. The REST Method and URI are the only required properties to make the procedure REST eligible. All of the properties are defined in the table below:
Table 7.2. Properties for RESTful Procedures
Property Name | Description | Required |
Rest Method | The HTTP method that will determine the REST mapping of this procedure. Supported methods are: GET, PUT, POST and DELETE | Yes |
URI | The resource path to the procedure. For example, if you use “books/{isbn}” as your URI value for a procedure, http://{host}:{port}/{war_context}/{model_name}/books/123 would execute this procedure and pass 123 in as a parameter. | Yes |
CHARSET | Optional property for procedures that return a Blob with content type that is text-based. This character set to used to convert the data. | No |
HEADERS | Semi-colon delimited list of HTTP Header parameters to pass into the REST service operation. Ex. header1;header2;etc. These value will be passed into the procedure first. | No |
Here's what the above example would look like in the Property tab:
The generated URI will have the model name included as part of the path, so full URL would look like this: http://{host}:{port}/{war_context}/{model_name}/books/123. If you wanted a REST service to return all books, you would write your procedure just as it is above, but remove the input parameter. The URI property would then just be 'books' (or whatever you want) and the URL would be http://{host}:{port}/{war_context}/{model_name}/books.
Once you have added all of your procedures along with the required extended properties, be sure and add the model to your VDB or synchronize if it's already included in the VDB. You will then need to re-deploy the VDB.
If you redeploy your VDB during development, you may receive an "Invalid Session Exception"due to a stale connection obtained for the pool. This can be corrected by flushing the data source or, alternatively, you could add a test query to your VDB connection's -ds.xml file. This will insure you get a valid connection after redeploying your VDB. The syntax for the test query is as follows: <check-valid-connection-sql>some arbitrary sql</check-valid-connection-sql>"
Step 3 - 3. If you have not already done so, you will need to create a data source for your VDB. This can be done in the Teiid View of Designer. Right-click on your deployed VDB and select Create Data Source. The Generate REST WAR dialog will ask you for the JNDI name for your created source so that it can connect to your VDB.
Step 4 - Right-click on the VDB containing your virtual model(s) with REST eligible procedures and select the Modeling > Generate RESTEasy War action. If there are no procedures that are REST eligible, the "Generate RESTEasy War" option will not be enabled.
Step 5 - Fill in missing properties in the REST War Generation Wizard shown below.
Table 7.3. Field Descriptions
Field Name | Description |
Name | The name of the generated war file. |
Connection JNDI Name | The JNDI connection name to the deployed Teiid source VDB. |
War File Save Location | The folder where the generated WAR file should be saved. |
Include RESTEasy Jars in lib Folder of WAR | If selected, the RESTEasy jars and there dependent jars will be included in the lib foled of the generated WAR. If not selected, the jars will not be included. This should be de-selected in environments where RESTEasy is installed in the classpath of the server installation to avoid conflicts. |
Step 6 - Click OK to generate the REST war. When war generation is complete, a confirmation dialog should appear. Click OK.
Once you have generated your war file, you will need to deploy it to your JBoss AS instance. There are a few ways to accomplish this.
From JBDS or JBoss Tools
1. Insure target JBossAS is configured and running.
2. Select your WAR file in the Model Explorer view. If you didn't generate your war to that location, you can copy and paste it there.
3. Right-click on the WAR file and select 'Mark as Deployable'. This will cause you WAR file to be automatically deployed the JBoss AS instance you have defined.
Using the JBoss AS Administration Console
Using the administration console that comes with JBoss AS, you can deploy WAR files. The administration console is available at http://{host:port}/admin-console. Once logged on, simply use the "Add a New Resource" button of the "Web Application (WAR)" resource folder.
Manual Deployment to JBossAS
It is possible to deploy the generated WAR by manually copying the file to the "deploy" folder of the target JBoss AS. If the server is running, the WAR will deploy automatically via "hot" deploy. Otherwise, the WAR will deploy at the next start of the server.
Once you have deployed your war file, you are ready to test it out. There are a few ways to accomplish this.
SOAP WAR Testing
Determining Your WSDL URL
You can get your WSDL URL at http://{server:port}/jbossws/services. This is where all the deployed web services for the target JBossAS server will be listed. Find your service and click the Endpoint Address link. This will retrieve your web service's WSDL and the WSDL URL address will appear in the browser's address bar.
Now that you have your WSDL URL, you can use any SOAP testing tool such as the Web Service Tester that comes with JBDS and JBoss Tools or an external tool like soapUI.
Using the JBoss AS Administration Console
Using the administration console that comes with JBoss AS, you can deploy WAR files. The administration console is available at http://{host:port}/admin-console. Once logged on, s simply use the "Add a New Resource" button of the "Web Application (WAR)" resource folder.
REST WAR Testing
What is my URI?
When you modeled your REST procedures, you assigned a URI for each HTTP Operation you defined along with the corresponding operation (GET, PUT, POST or DELETE). The full path of each URI is defined as /{war_context}/{model_name}/{resource} for XML input/output and /{war_context}/{model_name}/json/{resource} for JSON input/output.
Using your REST URL, you can use any testing tool with REST support such as the Web Service Tester included with JBDS and JBoss Tools or an external tool like soapUI or cURL.
Instead of generating the REST WAR in Designer, you can also set a property on your VDB containing a REST eligible procedure to auto-generate a REST war at VDB deployment time. In the VDB Editor, the properties tab has a checkbox to tell the Teiid engine to generate a REST WAR upon deployment. In addition to checking the Generate REST WAR checkbox, a role of rest is required for the user accessing the REST URL. Please see the Teiid documentation for more information about the auto-generated REST WAR.