JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 2. Getting Started

2.1. Prerequisites
2.2. Download and Installation
2.3. User Management
2.4. Startup
2.5. Check your Installation

The Artificer application is written in Java. To get started make sure your system has the following:

The artificer-<version>.zip (or tar.gz) archive can be downloaded from the http://artificer.jboss.org/downloads.html website. Grab the latest, extract the archive, and run:


Alternatively, if you have Apache Ant 1.7 (or later) installed, simply run ant install.

The installer will ask you to choose a runtime platform. Currently the following platforms are supported:

  • Wildfly 8
  • JBoss EAP 6.2+

Simply follow the installer instructions to install onto the platform of your choice. We recommend installing into a clean version of whatever platform you choose, to minimize the risk of colliding with other projects. Note that you must have already downloaded and installed the platform on which you wish to run

Finally, please make sure the JBoss password you choose (the installer will prompt you for this) contains letters, numbers, and punctuation (and is at least 8 characters long).


Read the installer output carefully - extra instructions are given for certain platforms.

The Artificer WARs are protected using web application security mechanisms configured in the web.xml. By default, Artificer uses single-sign-on (SSO) as the actual authentication mechanism. The SSO is provided via integration with the Keycloak framework, a powerful out-of-the-box auth solution. The actual web.xml configuration uses a standard basic security-context, but SSO is provided under-the-hood.

The Artificer distribution ships with a artificer-realm.json file that’s completely pre-configured and can be directly imported into Keycloak. Startup Wildfly/EAP and visit localhost:8080/auth/admin/master/console/#/create/realm. The initial administrator account uses "admin" for both the username and password. There, you can upload the artificer-realm.json file and tweak the realm/accounts. Note that you can also import the realm the first time you start up Wildfly/EAP. Simply include the following argument:

bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml -Dkeycloak.import=[ARTIFICER HOME]/artificer-realm.json

By default, the realm import creates an "admin" user (password: "artificer1!"). This user is used to access the Artificer server, UI, shell, and other tools. Again, the user is configurable through the Keycloak admin console.

Feel free to manually create a realm for scratch. However, there are a few requirements (see artificer-realm.json for example values):

Once Artificer is installed on your preferred platform, you should be able to go ahead and start it up.

Wildfly & EAP (standalone-full is required)

bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml

To make sure your installation works you can fire up the artificer-ui. By default, the username is "admin" and the password "artificer1!". You should see the GUI dashboard and be able to navigate to either the Artifacts or Ontologies management pages:

You can click on Artifacts and see a list of files related to the Artificer default workflows.

Alternatively you can fire up the artificer shell in the bin directory of the distribution:


To connect the shell to the server type connect and hit the tab key. It should auto-complete to say connect http://localhost:8080/artificer-server and when hitting the return key you should be prompted for user credentials. Use admin and whatever password you entered during installation. If this succeeds, the shell cursor/prompt will go from red to green. To browse the artifacts in the repository (there will likely not be any) run the following query:

artificer> query /s-ramp
Querying the S-RAMP repository:
Atom Feed (0 entries)
  Idx                    Type Name
  ---                    ---- ----

In later chapters will go into more detail, but if this all worked you can be sure that your installation is in good working order.